Due Date July 31, 2011

I. INTRODUCTION: This is a bio on the training site and program. Information such as the number of beds or the number of patients treated in the past year, numbers of interns and residents, etc.




/ Last Inspection / Approval
(In years) / Approved Positions / Next
Inspection / Mid-Cycle Review

B. Any changes in key personnel (DME, PD, Coordinator) or other significant changes during the past year.

C. Do you support osteopathic student clerkships (rotations)? Yes □ No □

D. Do you adhere to policies and procedures in Part Two of the Basic document for Postdoctoral Training when selecting interns and/or residents? Yes □ No □

E. Do you follow specialty college(s) policies as approved by COPT when establishing transfer credit and/or waiver status? Yes □ No □

F. Please provide CEME with a comprehensive list (in a standard format used in Pub. Med.) of all scholarly activity (publications, presentations, etc.) and research completed by interns/residents during the past academic year.

G. Does your institution provide a library with a wide selection of modern textbooks and current periodicals in either printed or digital format applicable to the osteopathic graduate medical education training? Yes □ No □

If “Yes,” please provide CEME with a list.

How readily accessible are the resources to the patient care area, please describe? ______

If “No,” how does your institution meet this standard? Please describe.


H. If you answered, “Yes” to question G, is your library under the supervision of a professionally trained librarian? Yes □ No □ See standard H, 1.1 for reference.

Who oversees library resources at your institution? Please provide name, title and contact information so we may connect individual library staff, if necessary.



If you answered “No,” how does your institution meet this standard? Please describe.


I.  Do interns/residents have access to basic science and/or clinical research mentorship?

Yes □ No □

If “No,” how does your institution meet this standard? Please describe.



A. SUPERVISION: A statement explaining how the supervision guidelines have been structured.

B. RESPONSIBILITIES: A description of the responsibilities of each of the following.

1. Director of Medical Education-

2. Graduate Medical Education Committee –

3. Program Directors and Faculty –

4. What system do you have in place to evaluate faculty?

5. Do interns and residents have an opportunity to submit program evaluations?

Yes □ No □

6. Teaching Physician Responsibilities -

7. Resident Responsibilities -


Please attached the following-

(i)  Annual Faculty Evaluation of Residents

(ii)  Annual Resident Evaluation of Program

(iii)  Final Resident Assessment Form

·  How do you document progress towards completion of program, including assessment of the AOA competencies?

·  Of residents eligible for graduation, what percentage will meet graduation requirements?

·  Of residents taking AOA certifying boards, what percentage passed?

·  Passage rates for COMLEX 3 for the preceding year?

·  Institutional performance on in-service examinations?

Training Level: / Name
(Ex.~ Smith, J.) / Advancing to Next Level? / If no, please explain:
Intern / Yes □ No □
OGME-1 / Yes □ No □
OGME-2 / Yes □ No □
OGME-3 / Yes □ No □
OGME-4 / Yes □ No □
OGME-5 / Yes □ No □


This section should explain the policy on how work weeks are scheduled/conducted. It can also address any anomalies that occurred within the past year and how they were corrected.


Again, this is where you discuss the sites policies on how the attending physicians will evaluate the medical students, interns and residents as they interact with patients. This should coincide with existing institutional policies.


This is a where you state that you belong to CEME, if you serve on any CEME committees, and provide details of assistance received through CEME during the past year.

Ex) “CEME has provided support for the integration of the core competencies into the educational program and evaluation of the Annual DME Report and Institutional Core Competency Plan through the CEME OGME Committee. A copy of this report will be sent to the Osteopathic Graduate Medical Education Committee of CEME for review and approval. The expertise of the OMT Faculty from NSU- College of Osteopathic Medicine (sponsoring institution) is available upon request.”

VII.  ANNUAL WRITTEN PROGRESS REPORT of the Institutional Core Competency Plan:

______Medical Center supports the mission of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and CEME through the integration of the AOA established core competencies.

______Medical Center will provide the personnel and finances necessary to successfully implement the Institutional Core Competency Plan. Support staff will be utilized as necessary to meet the requirements of each core competency within the appointed timelines. Traditional Interns will receive an adequate exposure to core competencies.

It is not expected that trainees will meet all requirements of competency in the first year of their postdoctoral program. The following section will chart trainee activity and performance in meeting the AOA core competencies within the postdoctoral program.


Osteopathic Philosophy and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Selection of Method

The following method(s) have been selected to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the Director of Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education Committee, and CEME:

Review of compliance in regard to attendance at OMM Core Competency

Lecture/Skills Lab Series

Teaching Modality

Example-OMM Core Competency Lecture/Skills Lab Series?– Interns and Residents are required to attend 100% of the lectures and attend one of the labs. If unable to attend the lecture, a videotape may be reviewed.

Provide opportunities for active participation for residents in hospital and ambulatory sites for OMT training.

Evaluation Modality

Review of in-service exams, board exams, etc. by the Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Rotation evaluations as applicable.

Anticipated Outcomes

Increased integration of the osteopathic philosophy and manipulative medicine.

Remediation Plan

Review of the area of deficiency with the appropriate Faculty. Proctoring and tutoring will be set up as necessary with the appropriate Faculty.


Medical Knowledge

Selection of Method

Example-The following method(s) have been selected to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the Director of Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education Committee, and CEME:

Through the Annual Residency reports provided by the Program Director to the Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Teaching Modality


Formal didactic program (7:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon lectures)

Journal Clubs/Board Review/Reading Clubs as applicable

Attendance at continuing medical education courses as applicable

Evaluation Modality


Rotation evaluations as applicable

Quarterly evaluations by Program Director

Interns – Performance on COMLEX Part III

Residents – Performance on in-service exams

Anticipated Outcomes


Successful rotation evaluations

Interns – Successful completion of COMLEX III

Residents – Successful performance on in-service exams

Residents – Successful performance on certification boards

Remediation Plan

Example- The Director of Medical Education and/or the Program Director will meet with the Intern or Resident on an individual basis and review the information provided. Remediation will be handled on an individual basis.


Patient Care

Selection of Method

The following method(s) have been selected to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the Director of Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education Committee, and CEME:

Through the rotation evaluations and quarterly evaluations provided by the Program Director to the Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Teaching Modality


Formal didactic program (7:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon lectures)

Journal Clubs/Board Review/Reading Clubs as applicable

Attendance at continuing medical education courses as applicable

Evaluation Modality


Rotation evaluations as applicable

Quarterly evaluations by Program Director

Anticipated Outcomes


Quality patient care

Successful rotation evaluations

Interns – Successful completion of COMLEX III

Residents – Successful performance on in-service exams

Residents – Successful performance on certification boards

Remediation Plan

The Director of Medical Education and/or the Program Director will meet with the Intern or Resident on an individual basis and review the information provided. Remediation will be handled on an individual basis.



Selection of Method

The following method(s) have been selected to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the Director of Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education Committee, and CEME:

Through the rotation evaluations and quarterly evaluations provided by the Program Director to the Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Teaching Modality


Formal didactic program (7:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon lectures)

Faculty Development seminars as applicable

Evaluation Modality


Rotation evaluations as applicable

Quarterly evaluations by Program Director

Interns – Performance on COMLEX Part III

Residents – Performance on in-service exams

Anticipated Outcomes


Successful rotation evaluations

Interns – Successful completion of COMLEX III

Residents – Successful performance on in-service exams

Residents – Successful performance on certification boards

Remediation Plan

The Director of Medical Education and/or the Program Director will meet with the Intern or Resident on an individual basis and review the information provided. Remediation will be handled on an individual basis.


Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Selection of Method

The following method(s) have been selected to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the Director of Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education Committee, and CEME:

Through the rotation evaluations and quarterly evaluations provided by the Program Director to the Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Teaching Modality


Formal didactic program (7:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon lectures)

Faculty Development seminars as applicable

Evaluation Modality


Rotation evaluations as applicable

Quarterly evaluations by Program Director

Anticipated Outcomes


Successful rotation evaluations

Successful interaction with patients, peers, nursing staff, ancillary staff, etc.

Remediation Plan

The Director of Medical Education and/or the Program Director will meet with the Intern or Resident on an individual basis and review the information provided. Remediation will be handled on an individual basis.


Practice – Based Learning and Improvement

Selection of Method

The following method(s) have been selected to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the Director of Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education Committee, and CEME:

Review of resident portfolios

Review of annual residency report

Review of AOA and ACOFP site inspection reports

Teaching Modality


Formal didactic program

Wednesday core conference 12:30-3:30

Friday noon lecture / Practice management curriculum

Daily noon conference (inpatient service only)

Journal club / Patient chart review

Evidence-based medicine research project and presentation

Practice management workshop (2nd year)

Clinical Assessment Program

Evaluation Modality


Review of resident portfolios

Review of rotation evaluations

Review of 360 degree evaluations

Review of patient charts

Review of mentor meeting / quarterly evaluation

Evidence-based medicine research project and presentation

Direct clinical supervision and observation

Anticipated Outcomes

Quality patient care

Improved patient satisfaction

Improved practice management

Remediation Plan

The Director of Medical Education and/or the Program Director will meet with the Intern or Resident on an individual basis and review the information provided. Remediation will be handled on an individual basis.


System - Based Practice

Selection of Method

The following method(s) have been selected to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the Director of Medical Education, Graduate Medical Education Committee, and CEME:

Review of resident portfolios

Review of annual residency report

Review of AOA and ACOFP site inspection reports

Teaching Modality


Formal didactic program

Wednesday core conference 12:30-3:30

Friday noon lecture / Practice management curriculum

Daily noon conference (inpatient service only)

Journal club / Patient chart review

Practice management workshop (2nd year)

Clinical Assessment Program

Evaluation Modality


Review of resident portfolios

Review of rotation evaluations

Review of 360 degree evaluations

Review of patient charts

Review of mentor meeting / quarterly evaluation

Utilization review

Clinical productivity report

Direct clinical supervision and observation

Anticipated Outcomes


Quality patient care

Improved patient satisfaction

Improved practice management

Remediation Plan

The Director of Medical Education and/or the Program Director will meet with the Intern or Resident on an individual basis and review the information provided. Remediation will be handled on an individual basis.

VIII Annual Summary of Hospital GME Committee Minutes

Please attach

IX COMLEX 3 Failures Documented and Shared with CEME


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