Cell Manual for the week ofJune 12, 2016

(Based on Sermon by Deacon Paul West)


Scripture Text: Mark 8:35-38


We are uniquely distinct from all God’s creation because He made us in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). Our soul is of infinite worth. Our spirit possesses a soul that helps us to think and make decisions. It lives in a physical body. Our soul, having been made in the image of God will never die. We need to recognize the value of our soul. It’s a gift given to us by God. It is a fabulous treasure and nothing can compare to its value.

Points of Discussion

Five things that determine the value of a soul

  • Creativity- the identity of the creator determines the worth of the creation. God created us- Genesis 2:7, Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 139:14
  • Potentiality- God has predestined us to conform to the image of His Son. The potential of who we are and who we can be is absolutely marvelous- Romans 8:29
  • Rarety- our soul is absolutely unique. There is nobody else like you and there will never be. Our God is not a duplicator, but an Originator
  • Durability- How long will our soul last? It will last forever (either in heaven or hell) - we are timeless, endless, and dateless. How long is eternity? Daniel 12:2
  • Desirability- What something is worth is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. God desires us so much that He made Jesus paid the price for our soul- 1Peter 1:18

Things you need to know

What constitutes a foolish transaction- scripture text?

  • Nobody gains the whole world. Judas tried when he sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver
  • The part of the world you gain, you cannot keep. Everything you have is on lease. You leave everything.
  • Even if you were to gain some of the world, it won’t satisfy you. God made you for Him and if you try to substitute God with anything, you won’t be satisfied
  • To lose your soul would be a tragic and irreversible loss- Hebrew 9:7


Man is appointed to die once, but after that is judgment. The decision to live for God can only be made this side of heaven. We were created to have a love relationship with God. In Ezekiel 18:4 we see that a soul that sins must die. If we choose to bargain our soul, it would be an irreplaceable loss because there is only one of you. It would also be an inexcusable loss because God has given us a way to avoid that and to live with Him in eternity. We must consider the value of a soul when we look around us and always seek to help others see that God loves and values them.