Plants Study Guide Name:




Tips and Advice for Test

The quiz is made up of multiple choice and short answer questions. You will have the whole period to complete the test; however, it should not take the entire period. You should study pages in your notebook. You should also use the articles from lessons 5, 9, and 10 in the text Organisms: From Macro to Micro (Nutritional Needs of Plants, Wisconsin Fast Plants: Sprouting Up All Over, From Seed to Adult Plant and Back, Methods of Reproduction, The Wonder of Flowering Plants, and Looking at Leaves). You can also use Fusion – Diversity of Living Things Unit 2, Lesson 4 – Plant Processes (pages 120-133) to help you study. The test is about the structure and function of flowering plants.

Directions: Complete all definitions and short answer questions.


1. germination
2. endosperm
3. cotyledons
4. monocot
5. dicot
6. pollination
7. fertilization
8. seed dispersal
9. pistil
10. stigma
13. ovules
14. stamen
15. pollen
16. anther
17. filament
18. petal
19. sepal
20. seed
21. fruit
22. stomata
23. transpiration


1.  What does 20-20-20 refer to on the fertilizer we use to water our fast plants?

2.  How do water and minerals get into a plant?

3.  What are at least three ways Wisconsin Fast Plants are unique and useful in classrooms?

4.  What is the difference between cotyledons and true leaves in flowering plants?

5.  What do the ovules and ovary grow into in a flowering plant?

6.  What are at least 3 differences between monocots and dicots?

7.  Give three examples of flowering plants that are monocots.

8.  Give three examples of flowering plants that are dicots.

9.  What is the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination?

10.  How do flowering plants reproduce asexually?

11.  What are the advantages of asexual reproduction (especially for plant breeders)?

12.  How do flowering plants reproduce sexually?

13.  What is the advantage of sexual reproduction?

14.  What are some of the ways that flowering plants encourage pollination?

15.  What are 3 ways plants respond to their environment?