Cedar Rapids Kiwanis Board Meeting

Guaranty Bank Building

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Attendees: Vice President Pam Landon, Joe Blanck, David Graeff, Katie Hiatt-Braasch, Steve Walrath, Don Grimm, Gerry Kneeland, Christina Djerf, Dan Breitbach.

The meeting was called to order at 12:03 P.M.

Secretary’s Report: Joe Blanck moved to accept the March report. Steve Walrath seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Dan Breitbach moved to accept the March report with one revision. Seconded by Don Grimm. March report approved. There are two more bills to pay in association with the Pancake Breakfast: a dairy bill and reimbursement to Steve Walrath for $14.83 for spoons & plates at Hy-Vee. . Steve Walrath moved to accept the April bills. Seconded by Dan Breitbach. April bills approved.

New Business:

·  Camp Tanager has made a request to upgrade a few projects, including $4,000 to upgrade the liner and mulch at the playground (Kiwanis dedicated playground), edging and sand for the volleyball court at $708, or camperships at $250 each. A team of Kiwanis Board Members, Dan Breitbach, Christina Djerf, and Pam Landon, will meet at Camp Tanager to view the various projects and make a recommendation.

·  Joe Blanck indicates the next BUG event is April 20th at 4:00 PM at the Boys & Girls Club at the Salvation Army site.

·  Dan Breitbach indicates we received $708 from the Xavier Key Club for ticket sales to the Pancake Breakfast. Dan motioned we contribute $300 to the Xavier cooks, who assist with meal preparation and clean-up. This is an increase of $50 over previous contributions. Seconded by David Graeff. Dan also motioned we donate $2.00 per ticket sold by Xavier Key Club back to the Key Club. Seconded by Joe Blanck. Both motions carried.

·  The Board discussed a proposal, brought by Katie Hiatt-Braasch, to participate in the Downtown Farmer’s Market one time this summer. Non-profit groups can set up in Green Square Park. We will ask the members for a volunteer to organize this event at the next weekly meeting.

·  Dan Breitbach shared a proposal for Children of Promise, an organization that supports the children of incarcerated parents, for a $1,000 donation to support the Youth Summer Leadership Enrichment Program, which includes a trip to Adventureland as a season-ending celebration. Katie Hiatt-Braasch moved to approve a $1,000 donation, Dan Breitbach seconded, motion carried.

Committee Reports

·  Membership & Growth Katie Hiatt-Braasch

·  Club Administration Pam Landon

·  Community & Youth Services Joe Blanck

·  Finance & Fundraising Joe Schmall (absent)

·  Internal & External Communication Barbara Hoffman (absent)

·  Human & Spiritual Values Bob Dye & Doug Dix (absent)

Old/Other Business:

·  Summer Fest for Tanager Place will be on June 4th at the Rockwell Sports Complex. Katie Hiatt-Braasch will seek volunteer opportunities.

·  Don Grimm made a motion for a $50 memorial gift for Byron Tabor’s father, seconded by Joe Blanck. Motion carried.

·  Sisters of Charity have invited members of the Kiwanis Club to a memorial dinner on May 22nd at 11:00 AM. Don Grimm will share it with members at the next meeting to see if anyone wishes to attend.

·  In Touch With Kiwanis webinar is tonight.

·  New member application for Logan Jenkins was presented. Sponsored by David Graeff. Joe Blanck motioned approval of membership application, seconded by Steve Walrath. New membership approved. Membership installation will be held on April 27th.

Adjourned: 1:05 PM

Podium Meeting: Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 1:00 PM. Mike Poggenklass, Don Grimm, Christina Djerf, Katie Hiatt-Braasch, Pam Landon, Joe Schmall, Joe Blanck, David Graeff, and Jeff Hollingsworth, were present. Pam Landon reported on the condition of the Camp Tanager (Kiwanis dedicated) playground and Joe Blanck provided photos. Joe Blanck motioned to donate $1,650 to Camp Tanager to replace the liner & mulch at the playground. General Mills employees to provide labor and project to be completed this week. Seconded by Joe Schmall. Motion approved.

Next Meeting: May 10, 2011 at 12:00 PM at Guaranty Bank

Respectfully submitted,

Katie Hiatt-Braasch