Question / Correct Answer / Answer 2 / Answer 3 / Answer 4
As popcorn heats, the _____ inside each kernel expands. Pressure builds, causing the corn to pop. / water / carbohydrates / protein / lipid
Mouthfeel, one of several sensory sensations that contribute to the perception of flavor, is influenced by a food's: / temperature / color / nutritional quality / none of these
The preventative food safety concept called _____ has seven principles. / HACCP / GMPs / GAPs / SSOPs
The enzyme _____ causes milk to coagulate by converting the milk protein casein into a compound called paracasein. / rennin / maltase / papain / bromelin
The _____ on a package of chocolate chip cookies tells the consumer what nutrients are in the product. / Nutrition Facts panel / Food Pyramid / Ingredient Statement / Nutrition Statement
When you eat breakfast in the morning, digestion of your cereal starts in your: / mouth / intestine / esophagus / stomach
Fat in products such as peanut butter and potato chips can _____ over time to become rancid, causing undesirable flavors and colors. / oxidize / denature / caramelize / dehydrate
For consumer safety, ground beef should always be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 160 degrees F before it is consumed. This would be equal to _____ degrees C. / 71.1 / 345.6 / 129.8 / 120.9
A _____ is a foodborne illness that occurs when microorganisms grow in food and produce a toxin in the food. The toxin causes illness when the food is consumed. / food intoxication / stomach flu / food infection / case of influenza
Sulfating is sometimes used for pretreatment of fruits and vegetables that are to be dehydrated in order to: / slow oxidation and enzymatic browning / shorten drying time / enhance the safety of the finished fruits and vegetables / enhance the crunchiness of the finished fruits and vegetables
In the process of canning green beans, the point in the beans that is the last to reach the temperature considered safe for killing microorganisms is known as the: / cold point / sterile point / safety point / hot point
The chemical state of the meat protein _____ determines the color of meat. / myoglobin / tropomyosin / nebulin / desmin
The addition of vitamin A to margarine is an example of food: / fortification / nutrification / enrichment / restoration
Food will keep colder longer in an ice chest with ice at 0 degrees C compared to an ice chest with water at 0 degrees C because of the: / latent heat of fusion / condensation / latent heat of vaporization / melting point of water
Meat is composed of fibrous proteins called: / actin and myosin / serum albumin and conglycinin / elastin and giladin / collagen and casein
BHT is an ingredient added to Cap'n Crunch cereal to: / prevent rancidity / act as a coloring agent / maintain the texture of the cereal when milk is added / give the cereal a corn and oat taste
The pH scale is a mathematical scale in which the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution is expressed as a number from 0 to ___ to indicate acidity. / 14 / 9 / 7 / 18
When a food processing plant is cleaned and sanitized, a bacteriostatic agent may be used that will: / inhibit the growth of bacteria but does not necessarily kill them / kill bacterial cells / enhance the growth of probiotic bacteria / have no effect on bacteria
The F-value is the: / number of minutes required to destroy a specific number of microbes at 250 degrees F / length of time required to destroy 90% of the microorganisms present at a specific temperature / number of degrees F required for a specific thermal death time curve to pass through one log cycle, or 90% destruction / increase in death rate due to a 10 degree C increase in temperature
Butter contains a high amount (about 4 percent) of _____ acid, which is a short chain fatty acids that gives butter a buttery aroma, especially as it warms up. / butyric / capyrlic / behenic / linolenic
Sugar, one of the most common sweeteners in the world, is derived primarily from: / sugar cane and sugar beets / honey / maple trees / corn
An egg foam is formed by beating egg white. Denatured by beating, the egg protein forms a: / colloidal dispersion / alimentary solution / precipitate / polymer
_____ is a packaging technology used for some vegetable, meat, and potato products that creates a specific gaseous environment so the food product has a longer shelf life. / Modified atmosphere packaging / Aerobic packaging / Aseptic packaging / Edible packaging
Since 1963, _____ has helped nations agree on food safety and trade regulation. / Codex Alimentarius / Department of Homeland Security / National Academy of Science / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Swiss cheese has holes because it is ripened with organisms that produce: / carbon dioxide gas / proteolytic enzymes / nitrogen gas / ethyl alcohol
Gelatin is made by taking _____, a protein that is not easily soluble in water, and altering its structure, and then reforming it with the addition of a sweetening agent, a flavorant for taste, and a colorant. / collagen / elastin / agar / cellulose
The government agency that created a special class of additives that are generally recognized as safe was the: / FDA / USDA / EPA / FSIS
The most important ingredient in bread is _____ because it determines the texture. / flour / shortening / yeast / sugar
_____ is a pigment that contributes to the red color of tomatoes and raspberries. / Anthocyanin / Annatto / Carmine / Enocianina
_____ is a nutritive sweetener because it produces calories when it is metabolized in the body. / Sucrose / Saccharin / Acesulfame K / Sucralose
Vegetables such as lettuce wilt, or become limp, when _____ is lost. / turgor / glycogen / immiscibility / homeostasis
_____ is an ingredient used in cured meat that inhibits the growth of Clostridium botulinum. / Sodium nitrite / Sodium erythorbate / Sodium phosphate / Sodium lactate
A _____ is a piece of equipment that is used to provide a steady supply of circulated, heated air to dry foods. / dehydrator / microwave / heat exchange pasteurizer / retort
Oil and water will not mix together in a salad dressing because they are: / immiscible / hydrophobic / hydrophilic / hydroscopic
Butterscotch pudding that has been thickened with starch can experience retrogradation if held in the refrigerator for a few days and have: / syneresis / meniscus / carmelization / coagulation
_____ is related to a food's hydrogen ion concentration, or with the acid's potential for ionization. / sourness / sweetness / bitterness / savoryness
Hot dogs, cold cuts, and soft cheeses are ready-to-eat foods that have been known to be responsible for foodborne outbreaks due to _____. This organism can survive at greater temperature extremes than most other organisms. / Listeria monocytogenes / Clostridium botulinum / Staphylococcus cureus / Salmonella enteritidis
_____ is a scale for relating specific gravity to sugar content in a beverage. / Brix / pH / Water activity / Iodine number
In milk, the enzyme lactase breaks down lactose, or milk sugar, into _____ and glucose. / galactose / maltose / fructose / amylose
Most of the world's supply of cocoa comes from: / West Africa / Brazil / Malaysia / Caribbean
Sourdough bread has a unique flavor that is due to the presence of: / Lactobacillus / Pseudomonas / Cornebacterium / Aspergillus
Table sugar is composed of: / carbon, hydrogen, oxygen / carbon, hydrogen, sodium / carbon, chloride, nitrogen / carbon, nitrogen, oxygen
Baking powder is a leavening compound that contains baking soda, _____, and starch or some other filler. / dry acids / sodium phosphate / dry bases / sodium chloride
Cream creates a better foam than milk because: / it is more viscous than milk / it is less viscous than milk / it has a high surface tension / it has a lower fat content
Nabisco markets Oreo Double Stuff sandwich cookies. One serving, equivalent to 1 ounce, contains 7 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 120 mg of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 13 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein. One serving would be equivalent to _____ calories. / 151 / 119 / 221 / 203
After World War II, studies were conducted to replace erucic acid in rapeseed oil with _____ to create canola oil. / oleic acid / palmitoleic acid / linoleic acid / linolenic acid
To obtain the most reliable sensory information from people about a food product, it is recommended that sensory scientists hold sensory evaluation panels in: / late morning or midafternoon / early morning / midafternoon or late day / lunchtime
A component in chili peppers called _____ makes them hot and may cause a burning sensation in your mouth when food containing chili peppers is consumed. / capsaicin / tartrazine / chalaza / papain
A food scientist is developing a new product and needs to use a sugar that is not only the sweetest, but also the most soluble from an available list of sweeteners that they have in their product development lab. To meet these criteria, which of the of the following sweeteners would you recommend that they use? / Fructose / Maltose / Glucose / Sucrose
HACCP, a dynamic, preventative food safety concept, has ___ principles. / 7 / 5 / 3 / 9
Less tender cuts of meat can be tenderized by using enzymes in _____ that are extracted from the papaya fruit. / papain / ficin / bromelin / maltase
The government agency that has oversight for regulating the safety and quality of seafood is the: / FDA / USDA / CDC / EPA
_____ is a taste component that is best describes as savory, pungent, deliciousness, or musty. / Umami / Sweet / Sour / Bitter
Water activity is used to determine the: / amount of free water available for microorganisms to grow in a food product / moisture content of food / relative humidity surrounding a food product / water concentration in a food product
Harry's BBQ company processes their BBQ sauce at ambient temperature, which is currently 68 degrees F. This would be equivalent to ___ degrees C. / 20 / 154.4 / 55.6 / 5.7
A solution containing more OH- ions than H+ ions is considered to be a(n) _____ solution. / basic / mixed / neutral / acidic
Isoflavones are phytochemicals that have been shown to possibly help reduce the risk of some cancers. Isoflavones are found in products such as Silk®, a non dairy beverage, and are derived from: / soy / grapes / carrots / tomatoes
Oxidases are enzymes in vegetables that are activated by: / blanching / freezing / dehydration / refrigeration
Castleberry's Food Company initiated a voluntary recall of canned chili sauce and meat products dues to the risk of a potent neurotoxin being present from under-processing the canned products. The organism, _____, is responsible for producing this toxin.
/ Clostridium botulinum / Staphylococcus aureus / Clostridium perfringens / Listeria monocytogenes
Oil floats above water in salad dressing because oil has a lower _____ than water. / density / force / mass / weight
Producing food by natural methods that fit with local needs and conditions is considered: / sustainable farming / organic production / integrated pest management / biodiversity
Milk that has been first sterilized by heat, and then placed in sterilized containers for retail sale at ambient temperature has undergone: / aseptic processing / retort canning / pressure processing / pasteurization
The D-value is the: / length of time required at a specific temperature to destroy 90% of the microorganisms present / number of degrees F required for a specific thermal death time curve to pass through one log cycle, or 90% destruction / number of minutes required to destroy a specific number of microbes at 250 degrees F / increase in death rate due to a 10 degree C increase in temperature
Potato chips are commonly sealed in packages flushed with pure nitrogen to minimize oxidation that would lead to unpleasant flavors, otherwise known as: / rancidity / carmelization / stabilization / saturation
_____ is a vegetable gum added to evaporated milk before processing to stabilize the casein proteins. / Carrageenin / Chicle / Terpene resin / Complexed maltodextrine/whey protein isolate
A complete protein is a protein that contains all the essential: / amino acids / fatty acids / carbohydrates / triglycerides
Food components such as fat that do not dissolve in water are considered: / insoluble / volatile / indestructible / miscible
Butter is a _____ food emulsion. / water-in-oil / oil-in-water / liquid-in-gas / gas-in-liquid
The mass percent of 15 g of salt (sodium chloride) in 85 g of water is equal to: / 15 / 4.7 / 21.4 / 17.6
Fermentation is a production step in the process of making _____. / vanilla / hot dogs / tomato soup / strawberry milk
_____ wheat is the type of wheat most commonly used to manufacture pasta. / Durum / Club / Common / Hard Red
_____ is an acronym for a special list of additives that contains substances such as spices, natural seasonings, and flavorings that are considered safe for human consumption and not regulated as additives. / GRAS / FAO / LOG / CODEX
When you consumer a cracker, the texture that you perceive is the result of several sensations including consistency, mouthfeel, and: / sound / aroma / flavor / color
To keep fresh produce from deteriorating during distribution and retail display, produce are often: / treated with a light coat of approved oil-based wax to seal in moisture / artificially colored so that they look better during display / stored at ambient temperature / stored in anaerobic packaging
The lean part of meat is about _____ percent protein. / 15-20 / 25-35 / 40-50 / 55-60
A microorganism that causes a food borne illness is called a: / pathogen / spoilage organism / spore / vegetative cell
_____ is caused by moisture loss from a ham that is exposed to air during frozen storage, possibly as a result of loose packaging. / Freezer burn / Dehydrofreezing / Lyophilization / Retrogradation
_____ is a required component that must be included on Nutrition Facts panel found on most food products. / Saturated fat / Omega 3 fatty acids / Potassium / Vitamin E
In 1810, an Englishman named _____ patented the tin canister, or can, which became the most popular container for food preservation through canning. / Peter Durand / Nicholas Appert / John Mason / Catherine Miller
_____ is the form of carbohydrates found in meat. / Glycogen / Glucose / Cellulose / Starch
Irradiation can be used as a food preservation method called _____. Food is first blanched, and then subjected to high levels of radiation to kill all forms of microorganisms, resulting in a shelf life of several years. / radiation sterilization / radiation pasteurization / gamma ray pasteurization / the radura technique
The yeast used in making bread products is: / Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Lactobacillus plantarum / Pediococcus cerevisiae / Lactobacillus acidophilus
Most starches found in food contain _____ in differing proportions. / amylose and amylopectin / glucose and glycogen / cellulose and hemicellulose / maltose and maltodextrin
Sodium _____ is an ingredient used to impart a unique flavor and pink color to cured meat products. / nitrite / citrate / benzoate / nitrate
When glucose and oxygen react with each other, the resulting products are: / carbon dioxide and water / water, hydrogen gas, and carbon dioxide / hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide / water and hydrogen gas
Trans fat is made when _____ is added to vegetable oil in a process called hydrogenation. / hydrogen / oxygen / nitrogen gas / sodium
When pancakes are cooked on a griddle, the griddle transfers heat to the pancake batter by: / conduction / convection / radiation / electromagnetic waves
When a summer sausage is thermally processed in a smokehouse that has excessive air speed and/or too little humidity, the sausage may form a hard outer layer, trapping moisture inside, which could lead to subsequent microbial problems. This is called: / case hardening / dehydration / blanching / rehydration
In an experiment for a whipped cream company, a scientist tested whipping the cream in a metal or plastic vat to determine which was best for whipping cream. For this experiment, the bowl material would be considered a(n): / independent variable / dependent variable / inductive variable / deductive variable
The first ingredient in the ingredient statement on the can of Mountain Dew soda is listed as "carbonated water." This is actually a solution of the gas _____ dissolved in water. / carbon dioxide / oxygen / nitrogen / hydrogen
The viscosity of ketchup is a measure of its: / resistance to flow / mass per unit of volume / specific gravity / ability to dissolve in another substance
_____ is formed when the myoglobin in meat becomes oxidized and turns brownish in color. / Metmyoglobin / Oxymyoglobin / Deoxymyoglobin / Nitrosometmyoglobin
Cream is classified by the amount of fat it contains. Light whipping cream must contain _____ percent fat. / 30-36% / 10.5-18% / 18-30% / 36% or more
Oscar Mayer markets a product called "Fast Franks" that is a microwavable hot dog in a bun. One serving, equivalent to 1 hot dog with bun, contains 19 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 45 mg of cholesterol, 790 mg of sodium, 21 g of carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 5 grams of sugar, and 10 grams of protein. One serving would be equivalent to ___ calories. / 295 / 364 / 305 / 250
Quaker® Oats is an example of a company that was permitted by the FDA to place a food-specific health claim on Quaker® Oatmeal because research studies suggested that _____ may lower blood cholesterol slightly. / fiber / protein / trans fatty acids / soluble sucrose
Oil and water are two immiscible liquids found in salad dressings that can be blended together with the addition of a(n): / emulsifier / thickener / stabilizer / catalyst
The water content in fruits, vegetables, and meats ranges between _____ percent. / 70-90% / 10-30% / 50-70% / 30-50%
A company that makes fresh bratwurst has received complaints from consumers that the sausage looks uncooked in the center of the product even though the consumer has thoroughly cooked it. A scientist has been called in by the company to look at the product and identify why this is occurring. The ability to view and understand the entire production process well enough to identify potential problem areas is called: / trouble shooting / HACCP / technical service / quality assurance
_____ are substances added to baked goods, such as cakes, to help them lighten or rise during baking. / Leavening agents / Antioxidants / Emulsifiers / Surfactants
The creamy texture of Dannon™ yogurt is an example of a food: / attribute / nutrient / flavor / aroma
To deactivate enzymes in fruits and vegetables, the produce is immerse in boiling water in a process called: / blanching / neutralization / condensation / pasteurization
The nutrition label found on many food packages is called: / Nutrition Facts / Nutrition Education / Percent Daily Value / Health Claims
_____ is the protein found in meat that is responsible for color. / myoglobin / hemoglobin / collagen / elastin
Microwaves do not affect all molecules equally. They have the greatest effect on _____ molecules. / water / fatty acids / starch / protein
_____ is an effective antioxidant that is used in many food products to prevent fat from oxidizing and developing off flavors. / BHT / Sorbic acids / Sodium chloride / Calcium propionate
All foods have a pH, which is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. The pH of most foods is in the _____ range of the pH scale. / acid / base / neutral / acid and base
The carbon dioxide dissolved in a can of soda is a: / solute / globule / colloidal dispersion / aggregate
CDE Study Guide
