CDC Workgroup Meeting

April 26, 2013

Call Attendees:

  • Organizers/Administrators
  • Marguerite Carroll
  • Kristin Riley
  • Workgroup Members
  • Jason Hymer
  • Bridget Caniff
  • Jon Peabody
  • Holly Billie

Items Discussed:

  1. Second Draft of Manual
  2. Holly: Vicky has reviewed the manual. She had some important general comments. Some of the more specific comments don’t apply.
  3. Marguerite: Vicky’s comments were:
  4. References/sources should be included in each section
  5. Put more notes in slides
  6. Ensure key objectives match content
  7. Marguerite: Will put Vicky’s document on website on Monday. Everyone can look at comments. If anything seems important, contact Marguerite by e-mail.
  8. Holly: Injury Pyramid – make sure it is labeled for US or for Indian Country. Also consider doing other pyramids with different injury topics, i.e. suicide. Need to think if details areneeded/wanted.
  9. Exercises
  10. E-coding exercises
  11. Marguerite: Injury section of e-coding book is over 200 pages. On CDC site, there is an e-coding PDF that is 60 pages. The document can be put on the site. Double check and make sure it is what is needed. Also, the answer key is for ICD-9 codes and the ICD-10 codes are different. I came up with the answers for the ICD-10 codes. Are they correct?
  12. Nancy: I will forward exercises worked on in the ICD-10 Transition class to Marguerite
  13. Marguerite: Replace L2 exercises with that?
  14. Nancy: Yes
  15. Nancy: Not everyone does coding. In this course, the participants with usually be gathering secondary info.
  16. Jon: In surveillance systems, you primarily use someone else’s coding. This exercise is an effort to understand the rationale behind coding and make the participants think about how codes work.
  17. Marguerite: Comments on the wording in the introduction to E-coding? (In Section 4, p. 4-4)
  18. Holly: Does L2 still include slides about “anatomy of an e-code”?
  19. Jason: Yes
  20. Holly: Explaining it in those terms might be better review than text
  21. Marguerite: I will look for them and add them to the presentation.
  22. Marguerite: There was a comment made during the last meeting that this was similar to L2. There are a lot of things from the appendix, protocols, forms, etc. Suggestion was doing an exercise with the instructor going into the appendix and then debrief about ‘what do you think about this protocol’, etc. (Section 4, p.4-2) If it is debriefed, what information should the instructor try to get from the participants?
  23. Jason: Good idea, but it depends on the instructor. Going into huge detail could be difficult for some instructors because they might not have experience in certain areas.
  24. Marguerite: Comparison of how the protocols are different?
  25. Jason: You could ask class about what they think, and they could go into details about their experiences.
  26. Jason: worth a try in the first course and then evaluate from instructor and student side.
  27. Marguerite: Another exercise, students are given a scenario and need to develop protocol and design a surveillance system. Could take 2-3 hours or just an hour, good for at the end of the class.
  28. Holly: Putting it all at the end could be overwhelming. Maybe a worksheet and when every time a section is covered, they can start brainstorming for their region.
  29. Nancy: I agree with Holly. Maybe before class, can be given something to prepare, so they can think about the situation during class. Develop a plan that they can review throughout class.
  30. Holly: At the end of the course, instructor can have people share what they have come up with.
  31. Marguerite: at the end of each section, the participants could have some time to fill out the handout/worksheet. Will add it and it will be on the next draft
  32. Jon: Needs to be introduced at the beginning of the class. Would the participants be working individually or in groups?
  33. Jason: Individually take notes, and then discuss in groups.
  34. Holly: I can see the value in having 3-4 topics and participants can choose one to focus on while filling out forms. At the end of the course, groups can form by topic area.
  35. Sounds good. Gives pre-knowledge of what is coming up. Limit topics based on size of group and instructor can decide on number of scenarios.
  36. Holly: Give the instructor options of intentional or unintentional injuries. 2 intentional and 2 unintentional.
  37. Evaluations.
  38. Marguerite: Two samples. One is the CDC evaluation and one is the Falmouth Evaluation. Thoughts on how to execute?
  39. Jon: After the initial course, each presentation should be evaluated by the instructors and participants.
  40. Jason: Evals for pilot course or for all courses?
  41. Marguerite: Evals for pilot course, but could then go on to be eval for entire course. Could be pared down for entire course.
  42. Bridget: Pilot course needs more detailed feedback. Also, rating scale that gives someone more room to choose instead of yes/no. Maybe the eval for the entire course could be in yes/no format.
  43. Holly: that is how evals are for other IHS courses.
  44. Nancy: Instructor, presentation, and materials should be evaluated
  45. Bridget: Should be an even number scale. 1-4. Will there be a debriefing with instructors about feedback?
  46. Marguerite: Would like a chance to debrief after course with instructors
  47. Holly: Would like to debrief at the end of every day of course.
  48. Bridget: Would be beneficial to have instructors and participants debrief together, but could be done separately.
  49. Jason: I agree, 1 week or so after course, get feedback.
  50. Jon: Ask participants about overlap in L2. Was it a reminder or a refresher?
  51. Recap: Each section, give a detailed list of questions, ask to evaluate in detail.
  52. Bridget: Do at the end of each day while it’s still fresh.
  53. Focus group afterwards. Conference call? Possible to have at the end of the 3rd day?
  54. Bridget: In person is best
  55. Holly: Sionna and I will be observers. If Nancy gets approval, she will be another observer. We would debrief with instructors and possibly participants at the end of each day. Conference call with instructors and a different conference call with participants after some time.
  56. Conference call can take place after class
  57. Agenda – Suggested 3 days and 6 hours each day.
  58. All: looks good
  59. Marguerite: Pilot course will tell us for sure and can be adjusted afterwards.
  60. Organization of Participant Manual
  61. Organization: TOC, Presentation (handout form), manual text, and appendix. The Presentation is a picture of a slide and space below to take notes.
  62. Bridget: Can ask participants after pilot.
  63. Jon: Agreed

Next Meeting: May 23rd, 2013 1 PM EST

To Do:


  • Put Vicky’s comments on the website
  • Add the “Anatomy of E-code” slides to presentation (From L2)
  • Add handout to next draft


  • Send Marguerite the ICD-10 coding exercises

CDC Workgroup Meeting
