AASHTO Research Advisory Committee (RAC)/TRB Conduct of Research (COR)
Coordination and Collaboration Task Force
12/11/13 Conference Call Meeting Notes
1. Attendees
Jason Bittner, Alasdair Cain, Patricia Cazenas, Anne Ellis, Georgene Geary, Diane Gurtner, Barbara Harder, Peggi Knight, Natassja Linzau, Richard Long, Wes Lum, Robert McCoy, Leni Oman, Ned Parrish, Skip Paul, Phil Roke, Sue Sillick, Michael Townley
A correction to the previous (07/22/13) minutes was noted – Under section 2. Unfunded Research – NCHRP 20-97 is titled “Improving Fundability and Relevance of Transportation Information”, not “Improving Readability relevance”.
2. RPPM Update and Review http://rppm.transportation.org/Pages/default.aspx -
Sue reported that the RPPM website has been migrated to the AASHTO website and work to-date has focused on the header, footer, and menus. A CCTF review of the site will start after a separate January 8th meeting to discuss findability (organization, naming, etc.). Feedback is needed on how others will use the site, and how to encourage others to post and how to make it easy to share information. Sue noted she planned to post documents/links gathered from a survey on implementation of research results. TRB paid for the site migration and three years of support. Sue provided an overview of the site and encouraged others to review and join the existing volunteers that will perform the formal review. A RPPM calendar will also be added to the site. Georgene mentioned she developed a guide to turning research into AASHTO standards (Appendix A) and would like to get it out to CUTC. Sue commented this would also be useful to RAC and should be posted on RPPM. Finally, in 2014 AASHTO will migrate from SharePoint 2010 to 2013. Volunteers: Jason Bittner, Anne Ellis, Alison Felix (TRB AM OnLine links), Barbara Harder, Valerie Lefler, Natassja Linzau, Mary Moulton, Leni Oman, Linda Preisen, Shari Schaftlein, Sue Sillick, and Wes Lum.
3. AASHTO Outreach (White paper to SCOR and AASHTO Subcommittee on Materials-TRB committees are attached as Appendices B and C, respectively.)
Anne reported on the SCOR meeting and described how three discussion items became 1 big agenda item on RAC and SCOR’s role. (Special Report 313, SCOR Strategic Plan, and, RAC Outreach to Subcommittee Members). Some of the items that were discussed included: the meaning of “All Research activities should channel through SCOR” and the resources that RAC will provide to other AASHTO Committees. It was noted that Operating Guidelines are posted on the website for the AASHTO Subcommittees, but not all are updated. SCOR sees NCHRP as their main task, but the governing documents actually provide 5 main tasks. John Halikowski established a Task Force to look at taking responsibility for SP 313 recommendations to take initiative for the research framework. Leni and Anne volunteered from CCTF. Chris Jenks sent out an email for volunteers and they expect to meet in February.
Georgene reported that the Subcommittee on Materials is currently balloting changes to their Operational Guidelines to formally recognize a Research Task Force for the SOM, and at the August 2013 meeting each of the 20 Technical Sections in SOM identified a Research Liaison. She noted that she would like to share with CUTC some information on how to turn the results of research into an AASHTO Materials Standard. Sue added that this information will be of benefit to RAC, as well. Sue will send this information to RAC.
4. Accomplishments and Activities Document
Sue shared the new format of the Action Plan document, where the current action items were moved to the top of each section. AASHTO CCTF and TRB COR are now maintaining this as one document. “National Research agendas” is now being called “Framework” based on the Special Report 313 policy study.
5. TRB COR Subcommittee Status
Sue has submitted names to Barbara Harder for the COR Research subcommittee and this will be discussed at the January meeting.
6. TRB Back to the Basics: Fostering and Nurturing a Research Agenda Update
Sue noted that the CRC Council has three webinars scheduled for next year – FHWA, TCRP, and IDEA funding programs. Webinars were held this year on NCHRP and ACRP. The TRB CRC website is growing; a resources page will be added, along with links to successful practices and tools. There will be a Sunday CRC Workshop at TRB also, including a presentation on how to write a good RNS. Leni suggested sharing with the CRCs the innovation document that was sent to RAC. It was discussed that CRC members may replace RAC members having to talk at TRB committee meetings, but there still may be some requests.
7. Updates from other Task Forces/groups
TKN TF: Leni noted that the TF met last month. They submitted a 20-5 Problem Statement on “Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Sustainable information portal”, and the review comments were directed more to ‘sustainable information resources’. The TF is now talking about information and networks more than libraries. She noted that transportation knowledge management was specifically noted in the reauthorization language AASHTO developed. Finally, the library Connectivity TPF funded the development of a TKN calendar prototype.
COR/LIST: Working on a TRB circular on literature reviews. There are four components to this project. The first component involved identifying related terms and developing definitions. This is complete and two terms were accepted for inclusion in the TRT. The second component involves identifying resources to search for transportation information. The third component will provide guidance on how to search for transportation information. The second and third components are scheduled to be completed in March 2014. The final component involves guidance on putting all of this information together to create quality literature reviews. The final report for this last component is currently in review. The plan is to compile all of this information into a TRB E-Circular.
Domestic Scan 20-68a (12-04): Advances in Transportation Agency Knowledge Management, met in Baltimore in November. NASA, Kraft and InVenture were some of the nontraditional attendees. Incentivizing collaboration was discussed, along with Communities of Practice and developing a learning culture in an organization.
8. TRB Annual Meeting – Relevant sessions, meetings and workshops – Volunteers were requested to bring back information on the events relevant to the CCTF:
a. Workshop 157: Introduction to SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data Access Website – Sunday, 1/12/14, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
b. Workshop 159: Back to Basics: Fostering and Nurturing Research Agendas – Sunday, 1/12/13, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Sue
c. Workshop 175: Use of SHRP 2 Products in the Real World - Sunday, 1/12/14, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm - Georgene
d. TRB Committee Research Coordinator (CRC) Council Meeting – Sunday, 1/12/14, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm – Sue
e. AASHTO SCOR/RAC Meeting – Sunday, 1/12/14, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm – RAC Members
f. Session 233: SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data: Availability, Access, and Use – Monday, 1/13/14, 8 am – 9:45 am
g. Knowledge Management Task Force – Monday, 1/13/14, 8 am – 12 pm – Leni and Sue – Domestic Scan will be discussed at the TF meeting
h. Session 251: State Department of Transportation High-Value Research Projects – Monday, 1/13/14, 8:30 am – 10:15 am - Skip
i. Session 269: Innovations You Can Deploy Now: High-Value Research Results – Monday, 1/13/14, 10:15 am – 12 pm- Skip
j. Session 338: Naturalistic Driving Data and Driver Behavior – Monday, 1/13/14, 1:30 pm – 3:15 pm
k. Library and Information Science for Transportation Committee – Monday, 1/13/14, 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm – Sue and Leni?
l. Technology Transfer Committee - Monday, 1/13/14, 1:30 pm -5:30 pm- Barbara?
m. Session 412: Excelling at Research Program Performance Measurement – Monday, 1/13/14, 3:45 pm – 5:30 pm – Sue? and Ned
n. Session 433: SHRP 2 Capacity and Reliability: Moving Research into Practice Through Development Activities and Pilot Projects – Monday, 1/13/14, 4:15 pm – 6 pm
o. Conduct of Research Committee – Tuesday, 1/14/14, 8 am – 12 pm – Sue, Leni, et al
p. Session 499: Advancing Department of Transportation Practice in Knowledge Management – Tuesday, 1/14/14, 8 am – 9:45 am- Leni
q. Session 508: The Boss is Looking: Support from Transportation CEOs on the Role of Data and Information for Better Decisions – Tuesday, 1/14/14, 8 am – 9:45 am – Leni and Peggi
r. Session 551: New Horizons for International Research Collaboration: European Union’s Horizon 2020 Program – Tuesday, 1/14/14, 10:15 am – 12 pm- Alasdair
s. TRB Information Services Committee – Tuesday, 1/14/14, 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm – Sue and Leni
t. Session 605: Knowledge Management for Department of Transportation Resilience Planning and Operations Management – Tuesday, 1/14/14, 1:30 pm – 3:15 pm- Leni
u. Session 724: Managing Information and Knowledge: Tools of the Trade – Tuesday, 1/14/14, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – Leni and Sue
v. Workshop 872: SHRP 2 Asphalt- and Pavement-Related Products – Thursday, 1/16/14, 8 am – 12 pm- Georgene
w. Workshop 866: Ahead of the Curve: Advancing the Management of Research and Innovation in Transportation – Engaging the Research and Innovation Community in the Development of the Initiative – Thursday, 1/16/14, 8 am – 12 pm – Sue, Leni, Skip, and Ned
Skip encouraged both new and longstanding Research managers to attend to have a good discussion.
9. Meetings – Next Meetings – Mark your calendars!
a. 2014 meeting dates: 2/26/14, 4/23/14, 6/25/14, 7/21/14 (at AASHTO RAC meeting), 9/24/14, and 12/17/13
b. Meeting time: 11-1 pacific, 12-2 mountain, 1-3 central, and 2-4 eastern – Note: the meeting time has changed.
Appendix A
Communication to UTCs
How to Turn Materials Related Research Results into a formal AASHTO Materials Standard Specification
1) Work with your State DOT Materials and State DOT Research representatives to identify if the research is appropriate for AASHTO Materials Standards
2) Document the development of Test Methods, Recommended Practices, and Materials Specifications in the proper AASHTO format - see
(http://materials.transportation.org/Pages/Ballots%20and%20References.aspx )
3) Identify the correct Subcommittee on Materials Technical Section (TS) to present the Standard. Note: there are 20 different TSs
a. Contact your State’s Materials Engineer for information or see the AASHTO SOM website for the related materials TS Chair:
b. Provide the properly formatted Standard to the TS Chair with a separate short commentary detailing the benefits and potential uses of the standard, references for the research that developed the standard, and, any other pertinent information related to the need for the standard
c. Volunteer to present the results to State DOT Materials representatives at a TS meeting, at the annual SOM meeting (held July/August) or through a webinar
AASHTO Materials Standards
New Standards can be designated as ‘Provisional’ or ‘Full’ Standards
(Provisional Standards are expected to have changes; additional research is still in progress to improve the standard, but it is ready to be used and shared)
-Both types of Standards must be approved by a ballot of the full SOM to become official AASHTO Standards in the AASHTO Book
-It is required that new standards come through a Technical Section (TS), and, it is highly preferred they be approved by a TS ballot before going to full ballot
- TS ballots can be held at any time of the year, TS Chairs prerogative
-The full SOM ballot is held every year in the fall (October- November timeframe)
-The SOM meets every August to finalize ballot items for the fall ballot
Starting in 2014, each TS will have a Research Liaison. The Chair may forward your Standard to the Research Liaison for evaluation before submitting to the TS.
Appendix B
Role of SCOR and RAC with Respect to Other AASHTO Committees/Subcommittees
The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) to the AASHTO Standing Committee on Research (SCOR) supports the activities of SCOR and is committed to being a proactive committee promoting quality and excellence in research and in the application of research findings to improve state transportation systems. The RAC task forces function as the principal working groups of RAC addressing the full range of issues that RAC faces.
The Standing Committee on Research (SCOR) acts as AASHTO's driving force for high-quality transportation research and innovation to improve the nation’s mobility of people and goods. Its mission is to support AASHTO and the transportation community by delivering strategic, high-quality research results while addressing development, technology transfer, and implementation.
The AASHTO Governing Documents describe purpose and charter of the SCOR as follows:
Ø The committee shall: Encourage and assist the other Association committees and subcommittees in identifying research needs, defining research emphasis areas, utilizing research findings, and employing the NCHRP effectively;
Ø Review, observe, and encourage the effective use of research funding, and recommend appropriate funding levels;
Ø Serve as a forum, coordinating committee and advocate for highway and other transportation research on behalf of the Association and its Member Departments;
Ø Review, monitor and foster coordination on behalf of the Association for the various national programs of highway and other transportation research; and
Ø Study and foster the role of industry in highway and other transportation research.
It is intended that all research activities of the Association shall be channeled through the Standing Committee on Research, which shall report its recommendations to the Board of Directors.
There’s value in recognizing that SCOR is the home of research program and process knowledge in AASHTO and can serve in an advisory capacity with support from the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and its task forces.
The RAC Coordination and Collaboration Task Force, with support from the RAC Leadership Council, requests clarification from SCOR about the purpose and feedback on possible activities and process steps.
1. What is SCOR’s expectation for “channeling all research through SCOR”?
2. What are SCOR’s expectations for coordination among AASHTO committees, especially on cross-cutting research topics?
3. Would it be helpful to form a council of AASHTO research committees such that cross-cutting issues can be discussed to facilitate coordination?