Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) NumberCommercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code
Legal Business Name (DBA)
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Organization’s Homepage URL
Organization’s Physical Address (must have the US Zip Code + 4.
Organization’s Start Date
Fiscal Year End Date
Number of Employees
Annual Receipts for Location
Number of Employees for all Affiliates
Annual Receipts for all Affiliates
Company Security Level
Highest Employee Security Level
Information Opt-Out
Type of Relationship with Government (i.e., grants, contracts or both)
Type of Organization (governmental, business or organization) If you choose governmental you will have to list (i.e. Tribal Government or Foreign Government) If you choose business or organization you will have to list type and profit structure (i.e. non profit organization)
Socio-Economic Categories (woman owned)
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes.
Product Service Codes – Optional
Federal Supply Classification Codes – Optional
Name of bank you use for EFT/banking
ABA Routing Number (This is the nine digit routing transit number of your bank)
Account Number, Type and Lockbox Number
Automated Clearing House (ACH) coordinator at your bank
Remittance information. The address where you would like a paper check mailed if an EFT transfer does not work.
Accounts Receivable. Contact information for the accounts receivable person at your organization including the e-mail address
Credit Card Information (yes or no)
CCR Primary Point of Contact (POC) List the name of the person that acknowledges that the information provided in the registration is current, accurate and complete. Must have e-mail address.
CCR POC Alternative. List another person should the Primary POC not be available. Must have e-mail address.
Government Business POC. List the person responsible for marketing and sales with the federal government. Must have e-mail address.
Electronic Business POC. List the person responsible for authorizing individual personnel access into federal government electronic business systems. Must have e-mail address.
Marketing Partner ID Number (MPIN). This is a self-created access code that will be shared with authorized partner applications. The MPIN must contain nine characters, at least one alpha and one numeric character each. It should not contain spaces or special characters. Must have e-mail address.