CCCR event checklist

Early on

  • Get approval from the CCCR Director and apply for funding
  • Decide on title, date and abstract for event
  • Send call for papers (if having one)
  • Confirm speakers and request bios and abstracts
  • Book rooms/venues through timetable or UC events– allow 30mins before and after


  • CCCR can create a webpage for your event
  • Arrange aOne-Stop payment portalto be setup
  • Arrange cost centre for registration funds, check with CCCR first
  • If a free event set up Eventbrite for RSVPs - the CCCR has an account you can use
  • Let attendees know if lunch, morning and afternoon tea is provided
  • Provide accommodation, transport and parking information


  • UC events / Retro cafe / Oscars/ Mizzuna’s / self-catered
  • RSVPs – confirm numbers
  • Confirm dietary requirements
  • Liquor license (only required if self-catering drinks)
  • Conference Dinner venue?

Invited visitors

  • Book flights and accommodation
  • Arrange Cabcharges for invited speakers (Organise with Vivianne)


  • Consider creating a graphic/poster/flyer
  • Add to the UC event website ( select the CCCR and FAD tags so they show up on our feed)
  • Contact UC Marketing to see if they will help promote the event
  • Send to relevant external people, Government Departments, universities
  • Send to Vivianne and Debra for FAD staff and HDR students

Conference pack for large conferences

  • UC merchandise, check with FAD marketing and UC marketing
  • Promotional material?
  • Maps?
  • About Canberra?

Venue setup

  • Chair arrangements – seminar style, cabaret or u-shape
  • Are there panel sessions that require a stage/extra mics?
  • Put up CCCR banner (can be pickup up from Level 3 Building 20)
  • Do you need name tags/registration desk
  • Venue signage and signage around campus on the day
  • Book sales or other research on display?


  • Laptopand data projector –can be borrowed from CCCR if needed
  • VGA cable
  • Mac adapter
  • 3mm stereo audio cable
  • Ethernet cable/wi-fi
  • Visitor Internet access?
  • Roaming or wireless microphones?
  • Do you have panel sessions or Q&A that need multiple mics?
  • Advise presenters to bring presentations on a USB, with a backup


  • Organise Echo recording
  • Borrow recorder from FAD Media Resource Centre
  • Borrow CCCR digital audio recorder
  • Borrow CCCR digital SLR, video camera and tripod

Last updated: 29/8/2017