CBB Budget Category(s): Industry Information
Name of Contractor: National Livestock Producers Association
Name of Organizations Subcontracting:
National Institute for Animal Agriculture
A.AR Description: Consumers have an intense interest in the safety of the beef they eat. Beef producers have an intense interest in providing safe, high quality beef to the consumers. However, the use of antibiotics in the production of beef is an ongoing issue of concern to both beef producers and consumers. This AR describes a work plan to continue a national symposium with funding from the Cattlemen's Beef Board and other animal agriculture organizations, to provide a dialogue on the use of antibiotics in food animals, the science surrounding the antibiotic issue, and information to be utilized in communicating with producers and consumers.
B.Costs Requested from this AR:
Source of Funding / Total / Direct Costs / ImplementationBeef Board/BPOC / $ 25,000 / $21,000 / $4,000
Federation of SBCs (FSBCs) / $ 5,000 / $ 4,000 / $1,000
Other Sources (describe)(1) / $ / $ / $
Total Funds Requested / $ 30,000 / $ 25,000 / $ 5,000
(1) Funding is also being requested from the Pork Checkoff, Soybean Checkoff, Dairy Checkoff, and various animal health companies who have provided partial funding in previous years.
C.Start date: Oct. 1, 2013Completion date: Sept. 30, 2014
- Long Range Plan Core Strategies/Demand Drivers Addressed by This AR:
- Improve domestic consumer preference for beef
- Develop and execute creative communication initiatives to improve consumer understanding of the beef production system and increase consumer confidence in the safety of beef
- Educate, enable and engage key influencers and opinion leaders in communicating the positive health and nutritional benefits of beef
- Strengthen the image of beef and the beef industry
- Engage all industry segments to develop and consistently communicate our positive beef production story
- Implement and communicate continuous improvement efforts to enhance consumer trust in our product and production practices
- Promote our industry’s commitments, ongoing investment and progress in ensuring beef safety
- Committee(s) recommendations for work plan funded by this AR:
Beef's Image Committee and Beef Safety Committee recommended this AR for funding.
- Long Range Plan Core Strategy: Strengthening Beef's Image: Facilitate a national symposium to have a focused dialogue about antibiotic use in cattle and other food animals and propagate consumer understanding by communicating factual public messages.
Strategy 2 Proposed Cost: $30,000
Specific Tactic Information:
Tactic 2A: Symposium Development
The use of antibiotics in the production of food animals elicits polarizing opinions across the media today as consumers become more aware and interested in the way their food is produced. While livestock producers have realized that significant animal illness can be avoided by use of antibiotics, consumers are hearing other messages that suggest any use of antibiotics leads to a lower effectiveness of antibiotics in humans, among other myths. The scientific community, although supposedly non-biased, can be used by both sides of the debate to further its point of view.
This symposium will build upon information and consensus from two previous symposia funded in part by the Beef Checkoff held in 2011 and 2012. The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) will again serve as a subcontractor to this project. The Institute comprises livestock producers, producer organizations, animal health officials, veterinarians, and agribusiness leaders representing all of the major species and sectors in animal agriculture. It is recognized as a forum where divergent opinions are openly expressed and areas of consensus and solutions developed. It is further recognized as being successful in developing programs and educational materials for producers.
As envisioned, the symposium will include a scientific session, during which leading experts in animal health and human health will provide the most up-to-date information about:
- Why and how antibiotics are used in various species of food animals as a means to provide sustainable production.
- How, and to what extent, antimicrobial resistance develops within food animal species and humans.
- Potential risks and probabilities of antimicrobial resistance developing in humans as a result of use of antibiotics in animal feed.
Once the science is presented, the dialogue will be led by panels of experts in the following areas:
- Food animal production
- Food animal health
- Human health
- The future of antimicrobials
- Measurable objectives:
- Recruit at least ten key experts in the fields of animal health, animal production, human health, and consumer interests to be dialog leaders.
- Develop a social media campaign utilizing Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to encourage attendance by promoting the various topics and speakers at the Symposium with follow up after the Symposium with the results and consensus points reached.
- Participation in the Symposium of at least 200 industry stakeholders, thought leaders, consumer advocates, and media representatives.
- Conduct a pre-and-post Symposium survey to measure participants' attitudes regarding key points in the Symposium to determine the amount of shift in attitudes as a result of the dialogue.
- Develop a white paper summarizing the Symposium and identifying key messages and points of consensus developed from it.
- Proposed cost: $20,000
Tactic 2B: Producer Information
The product of the symposium will be the development of valuable information and science that may be used to further communicate valid and essential facts to all producers about use of antibiotics in food animal production. This information will be made available to producers via a White Paper about the key messages discussed at the Symposium as well as in the form of online proceedings of the Symposium. Distribution will occur through various communications channels to reach as many producers and consumers as possible.
- Measurable objectives:
- Create and disseminate three pre-event news releases about the Symposium to at least 250 agricultural media outlets that will reach consumers and producers at the regional and national levels.
- Develop two audio news releases, one pre-Symposium and one post-Symposium, and distribute to a minimum of 200 consumer media outlets.
- Develop audio/visual proceedings of the Symposium and make them available online with a goal of 25,000 unique visitors including both beef producers and consumers.
- Develop a post-event news release about the Symposium, including key messages for producers, and distribute it to 250 agricultural media outlets that will reach producers at the regional and national levels.
- Proposed cost: $5,000
Tactic 2C: Consumer Information
Valuable information will be generated through the Symposium not only for producers, but for consumers as well. This tactic will focus on disseminating key, fact-based messages and information to consumers on the use of antibiotics in food animals.
- Measurable objectives:
- Develop two audio news releases, one pre-Symposium and one post-Symposium, and distribute to a minimum of 200 consumer media outlets.
- Develop audio/visual proceedings of the Symposium and make them available online with a goal of 25,000 unique visitors including both beef producers and consumers.
- Develop a post-event news release about the Symposium, including key messages for consumers, and distribute it to 250 media outlets that will reach consumers at the regional and national levels.
- Proposed cost: $5,000
Strategy & Tactic / ProgramManager / Completion
Date / Total FY
2014 Budget (Direct + Estimated Implementation) / Total
Direct Cost / Direct Cost by Funding Source / Est.
CBB/BPOC / FSBCs / Other
Strategy 2: Antibiotic Symposium
Tactic 2A: Symposium Development / K. Ambrose / 9/30/2014 / $20,000 / $17,000 / $15,000 / $2,000 / $3,000
Tactic 2B: Producer Information / K. Ambrose / 9/30/2014 / $5,000 / $4,000 / $3,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
Tactic 2C: Consumer Information / K. Ambrose / 9/30/2014 / $5,000 / $4,000 / $3,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
Totals - Strategy 2 / $30,000 / $25,000 / $21,000 / $4,000 / $5,000
AR Totals / $30,000 / $25,000 / $21,000 / $4,000 / $5,000
V.Supplemental Information
- Will all of the work detailed in this AR be completed by the end of the fiscal year? If not, please provide an explanation. Yes
B. Changes from FY 2013 Approved Program:
- This symposium will further expand the involvement of human health experts in the symposium.
C. Subcontractor information (agencies, etc.):
- Name of proposed subcontractor:
National Institute for Animal Agriculture
- Identify any relationships between this WP and projects previously funded by the Operating Committee:
This is a continuation of symposia first developed in 2011 to provide a forum for experts in animal health and human health to have a dialogue on the use and resistance of antimicrobials. Information from previous symposia has been used by within other checkoff-funded projects by other contractors including the Beef Quality Assurance program and the Beef Speakers Bureau.
E. Summary of Prior Year AR Budgets and Expenses:
StrategyTactic / FY 2013 Approved Budgets / FY 2013 Actual Expenses
(through most recent monthend)
CBB/BPOC / FSBCs / Direct Cost / Total / CBB/BPOC / FSBCs / Total / Impl.
Strategy 1: Antibiotic Symposium
Tactic 1A: Symposium Development / $17,000 / $0.00 / $16,000 / $17,000 / $16,000 / $0.00 / $16,000 / $1,000
Tactic 1B: Producer Information / $5,000 / $0.00 / $4,000 / $5,000 / $4,000 / $0.00 / $4,000 / $1,000
Tactic 1C: Consumer Information / $3,000 / $0.00 / $2,500 / $3,000 / $2,500 / $0.00 / $2,500 / $500
Totals - Strategy 1 / $25,000 / $0.00 / $22,500 / $25,000 / $22,500 / $0.00 / $22,500 / $2,500
AR Totals / $25,000 / $0.00 / $22,500 / $25,000 / $22,500 / $0.00 / $22,500 / $2,500
F. Historical Summary of Budgets and Expenses:
StrategyTactic / Total Approved Budgets / Total Actual Expenses
FY 2012 / FY 2011 / FY 2010 / FY 2012 / FY 2011 / FY 2010
Strategy 1: Antibiotic Symposium / $35,000 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $35,000 / $0.00 / $0.00
AR Totals / $35,000 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $35,000 / $0.00 / $0.00