Program Agreement – Employees

Terms and Conditions

The Cazenovia College One Card identifies the cardholder as a Cazenovia College student or employee. Upon receiving the card the individual agrees to the following terms and conditions:

1.  Authorization for Personal Use Only

The Cazenovia College One Card is the property of Cazenovia College. Once an individual signs this agreement, s/he agrees to the Terms and Conditions identified herein. The authorized holder of the Cazenovia College One Card has the responsibility to follow those procedures described in this Agreement.

2.  Penalties for Unauthorized Use

The Cazenovia College One Card shall not be loaned or otherwise transferred to another person. Any attempt to obtain, use, or assist in obtaining or using a Cazenovia College One Card for the purpose of fraud may be subject to campus disciplinary action.

3.  Obligation to Report Lost or Stolen Card

The cardholder is obligated to report a lost or stolen Cazenovia College One Card as soon as possible. This report must be made to the Campus Services Office during normal business hours, or Cazenovia College Security after hours. You will be held responsible for any use of your card until it is reported lost or stolen, at which time the card is declared inactive and a new card is issued. It may be necessary at certain times to communicate in writing with the Business Office.

Correspondence should be addressed to: Cazenovia College

95 Albany St.

Cazenovia, NY 13035

4.  Replacement Policy

Every employee is required to have a valid Cazenovia College One Card (college identification). If your card should become lost or stolen, it should be reported to the Cazenovia College Campus Services Office. There is a charge of $15.00 to replace a Cazenovia College One Card.

5.  Right to Alter Terms and Conditions

Cazenovia College reserves the right to alter any term or condition contained herein. A current version of this agreement is available upon request from the Cazenovia College Business Office.

6.  Limit of Responsibilities

The cardholder may have responsibility for unauthorized purchases.

7.  Availability of Periodic Statements

Upon the request of the cardholder, and with presentation of proper identification, information about the cardholder’s account balance or transaction record is available at the Cazenovia College Business Office.

8.  Account Balances and Receipts

The cardholder’s account balance will display on cash registers and most other machines accepting the Cazenovia College One Card for financial transactions. The cardholder’s account balance will also appear on any receipt that may be generated at a point-of-sale register. The account balance in the future will also be accessed on the Cazenovia College One Card website.

9.  Inactive Account Charges

If an account with a positive balance has sustained no activity for a period of 150 days or more, the account will be determined to be inactive and a monthly inactive account maintenance fee of $10 may be assessed against the account until the account is returned to active status or the account balance reaches $0.

10.  No Interest Earned on Account

No interest or other earnings will be paid to the cardholder or credited

by Cazenovia College to his or her Cazenovia College One Card account.

11.  Refund Account Balance

Refunds are available by written request to the Cazenovia College Business Office when

your relationship with Cazenovia College is terminated. A refund request must be processed

and received by the Cazenovia College Business Office at the above address.

Refunds may take between 2-4 weeks to process.

12.  Library Card

The Cazenovia College One Card operates as the Cazenovia College Library Card for

the Witherill Library. The number on your One Card is also your Library ID number.

Privileges to take material out on loan from the Library are granted to all Cazenovia College

employees. Borrowing privileges may be suspended due to excess fines or overdue

materials. Other rules and limitations regarding the use of materials at the Cazenovia

College Library may be found at the following URL:

13.  Third Party Vendors and Campus Vending

When implemented, the Cazenovia College One Card will be available for use at these venues. If there is a problem encountered when using your One Card, it is the responsibility of the cardholder to report the problem to the Cazenovia College Campus Services Office. Vandalism to any vending machine or card reader will result in the immediate denial of the cardholder’s privileges.

14.  Meals

The Cazenovia College One Card allows cardholders to receive and pay (if so desired) employee prices for meals at the Dining Hall. Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to use CazCash dollars at the Dining Hall without presenting the Cazenovia College One Card.

Signed this day by ______Date ______