Selwyn Primary School
Cavendish Road, Highams Park, London, E4 9NG
Executive Headteacher: Jason Cook
Head of School: Lisa Bogle
Telephone number: 0208 527 3814 – Fax: 0208 523 3230
19th June 2017
Year 6 trip to Stubbers Adventure Centre
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have organised for Year 6 classes to visit Stubbers Adventure Centre as part of their physical development. We will be participating in four activities from the following:
- Laser Tag
- Archery
- Climbing
- Raft Building
We will be travelling on Thursday 6th July
The children will be led by fully qualified instructors. Please indicate on the form below whether your child has any physical or medical conditions that the instructor needs to be aware of.
All children need to wear practical clothing such as trainers and sportswear. The children will be taking part in some water sports and must bring a change of clothes including underwear, shoes and a towel. For archery, long sleeves will need to be worn. Girls will need to have their hair tied back. A sun hat and sun cream will be required if the weather is warm as children will be outside for the majority of the day.
We will be leaving school promptly at 8.15am, so the children will need to be in school by 8am. We will return to school by 5.30pm. The children will require a packed lunch as we will be out all day. If your child requires a school packed lunch, please indicate on the form below.
There is an admissions fee for the activity centre, and due to the location of the centre we will be travelling by coach. For this reason, we request a voluntary contribution of £30. The total cost of the school trip has been greatly reduced due to the hard work of the FOSS team. We are grateful to FOSS who have agreed to help fund the cost for all three classes.
Yours sincerely,
Miss FryerMr NoonanMrs Vincent
Re: Year 6 Trip to Stubbers Adventure Centre 6th July 2017
I give permission for my child ______to attend Stubbers Adventure Centre. Yes/No
I give permission for my children to participate in water-based activities. Yes/No
I enclose the £30 voluntary contribution. Yes/No
My child will require a school packed lunch Yes/No
Signed ______Parent/carer
Name of child ______
Emergency Contact Name ______
Emergency Contact Telephone Number ______
For water activities, children do not need to be competent swimmers; however, it would be helpful to know whether your child can swim confidently.
Can your child swim 100m confidently? ______
Any relevant information instructors need to be aware of? ______