

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 6th July 2011 in Hermon Cottage

Cllr. John Overall (Chair) Cllr. David Scott Mrs Carol Hodgson (Clerk/RFO)
Cllr. Beryl Bodey (Vice-Chair) Cllr. Jan Auer 11 members of the public
Cllr. Chris Thomas Cllr. Kathryn Field
Cllr. Julian Goodliffe Cllr. Angharad Davies / Apologies:
Cllr. Peter Josling
Item / Agenda Item / Action
1. / Apologies and reasons for absence.
Cllr. Josling was away on business. Cllr. Bodey had sent her apologies and would be arriving late due to attending another meeting
2. / Members to agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 1st June 2011.
The minutes were agreed and signed.
3. / To receive declarations of interest on agenda items.
Cllr. Bodey had previously made the following personal declarations of interest pending her arrival in:-
·  Matters relating to the Village Hall as a trustee and Parish Council’s representative.
·  The History Centre as a member of the group and Council’s representative.
·  Matters relating to the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012 as a member of the proposed Committee.
Cllr. Scott declared a personal and prejudicial interest in:-
·  Item 6.1g - RR/2011/1100/P – Chequers Farm, Church Road, Catsfield. Retrospective application for farm storage barn and yard. Applicant: Mr. Michael Ridding as agent to the applicant.
Cllr. Goodliffe declared personal and prejudicial interests in:-
·  Item 6.1c - RR/2011/1037/P – Skinners Lane – Land adjoining, Catsfield. Planning permission to erect six detached bungalows. Applicant: Mr C Dorling as a neighbour to the property.
·  Item 6.1e - RR/2011/918/P – The Warren Yard, Catsfield. Outline: Proposed demolition of existing buildings (Incl. temporary structures) and erection of 20 units of accommodation (8 private and 12 social affordable). Applicant: FGS Landscapes Ltd as a personal & work associate of the applicant.
·  Items 6.1f - RR/2011/901/P – The Warren Yard, Catsfield. Proposed demolition of existing buildings (Incl. temporary structures) and erection of purposed built units for offices, storage and commercial starter units, including improved access and associated parking. Applicant: FGS Landscapes Ltd as a personal and work associate of the applicant.
Cllr. Auer declared a personal interests in:-
·  Item 6.1e - RR/2011/918/P – The Warren Yard, Catsfield. Outline: Proposed demolition of existing buildings (Incl. temporary structures) and erection of 20 units of accommodation (8 private and 12 social affordable). Applicant: FGS Landscapes Ltd as neighbour of the property.
·  Items 6.1f - RR/2011/901/P – The Warren Yard, Catsfield. Proposed demolition of existing buildings (Incl. temporary structures) and erection of purposed built units for offices, storage and commercial starter units, including improved access and associated parking. Applicant: FGS Landscapes Ltd as a neighbour to the property.
·  Item 6.1 i - RR/2011/ 1063/P – Model Farm, Catsfield. Extension of existing dwelling and conversion of outbuilding to provide additional living accommodation. Applicant: Mr. Jeremy Sivyer as a neighbour of the property.
Cllr. Overall declared personal interest in:-
·  Item 6.1c - RR/2011/1037/P – Skinners Lane – Land adjoining, Catsfield. Planning permission to erect six detached bungalows. Applicant: Mr C Dorling as a neighbour to the property.
·  Matters relating to the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012 as a member of the proposed Committee.
4. / To receive any external reports
·  Cllr. Scott advised that there were no Police reports.
·  Cllr. Field reported that the Highways department was being reorganised resulting in a loss of jobs. Staff at ESCC and the Highway Contact Centre i.e. Sidley deport would have to re-apply for these reduced posts.
There had been an oversubscription of 330 primary school places. Further accommodation was being sourced.
ESCC are busily planning the redesigned NHS.
Cllr. Davies reported that Cabinet met on 4th July. RDC had actively managed its 2010/11 Capital spending achieving an 86% spend of the Capital Programme. Government had failed to fully fund Councils in respect of disabled facility grants and this had affected their Capital outturn. The revenue spending for 2010/11 had resulted in a 2% deficit which had been met from general fund, preventing any further borrowing.
5. / Matters arising
a.  To receive an update on the Community Pay Back team.
There were no further updates to report.
b.  To receive the outcome of contacting Catsfield Hort. Soc. regarding Community Planting.
Cllr. Scott advised that Highways could not foresee any problems with the scheme.
c.  To discuss the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – first weekend in June 2012.
The local groups and societies had met in the Village Hall on 30th June and discussed thoughts for the celebrations. A Committee was proposed to co-ordinate the event and would meet to properly form and propose a programme of events. The Clerk had obtained a quote of £1,000 to hire a marquee 100’ x 30’. Cllr. Scott proposed that Parish Council would contribute £2,000 towards the celebrations costs. Cllr. Thomas seconded. All members voted unanimously in favour.
d.  To review the Summer Newsletter.
Members reviewed the Newsletter. Cllr. Bodey had previously asked if the Queens Diamond Jubilee could be mentioned.
e.  To receive an update on the new Bus Signs in Skinners Lane and Stevens Crouch.
Cllr. Field reported that ESCC Passenger Transport Section had undertaken a major scheme to replace bus stops throughout the county. New stops have been erected where buses are reported to stop. Cllr. Field had responded that the confusion could have been avoided with better consultation with Town and Parish Clerks. Cllr. Davies advised Parish Council to write to ESCC complaining about the waste of money.
6.4 / Planning
To consider responses to planning applications:
a.  RR/2011/1027/P – Wyland International Angling Centre, Powdermill Lane, Catsfield
Excavation works to an surrounding house lake (Retrospective)
Applicant : Mr D P Bull
The meeting was adjourned at 7.55pm to allow members of the public to discuss the planning proposal. The meeting reconvened at 8.20pm. Members objected to this retrospective planning proposal. There was insufficient information to support the application and it was not clear what the final outcome should be. There appeared to be very little change from the previous application RR/2010/731/P which was refused. Cllr. Scott proposed to object and Cllr. Goodliffe seconded. 3 members voted in favour of the objection. 1 member was against the objection. 1 member abstained.
Cllr Bodey joined the meeting at this point.
b.  RR/2011/1183/P – Wyland International Angling Centre, Powdermill Lane, Catsfield
Change of use from store room to fishing tackle shop
Applicant : Mr D P Bull
The meeting was adjourned at 8.30pm to allow members of the public to discuss the planning proposal. The meeting reconvened at 8.35pm. Members had no objections to this planning proposal but asked that it was for the sole use of visiting anglers.
c.  RR/2011/1037/P – Skinners Lane – Land adjoining, Catsfield,
Planning permission to erect six detached bungalows
Applicant : Mr C Dorling
The meeting was adjourned at 8.40pm to allow members of the public to discuss the planning proposal. The meeting reconvened at 8.45pm. Cllrs. Overall and Goodliffe left the meeting while Members discussed their response. Members objected to this planning proposal. It was outside any identified development boundary in the Rother District Local Plan and had not addressed any of the concerns raised on the previous application RR/2010/1597/P - "No consideration had been given to the additional demand on the current infrastructure i.e. drainage, sewerage, traffic and general services. The removal of an historic hedge line would also be detrimental to the character of the area. Parish Council had been advised by residents that this area is prone to flooding".
Cllr. Auer proposed the objection and Cllr. Scott seconded. All voted unanimously in favour.
d.  RR/2011/1136/P – Forward Wells, Peppering Eye Lane, Catsfield
Proposed conversion of redundant pumping station to holiday accommodation
Applicant : Mr A McNeillis
Members could not see any changes to the previous application - RR/2010/2542/P – to which they objected. Their objections still remained as – “The access is via a private single track which is steep and not suited to a high volume of traffic. There could also be an issue regarding access for the emergency services. The area is on a known flood plain and is prone to flooding. There were no apparent services or provision for adequate drainage, sewerage, water or electricity. The area is in an AONB and is very close to a RSPB nature reserve and the route of the 1066 walk. The mature trees along the site's boundary have been felled. PC was also concerned that granting permission would set a precedent for future developments".
e.  RR/2011/918/P – The Warren Yard, Catsfield
Outline : Proposed demolition of existing buildings (Incl. temporary structures) and erection of 20 units of accommodation (8 private and 12 social affordable)
Applicant : FGS Landscapes Ltd
The meeting was adjourned at 9.00pm to allow members of the public to discuss the planning proposal. The meeting reconvened at 9.30pm. Cllr. Goodliffe left the meeting while Members discussed their response. Members were sympathetic that the applicant had a further planning proposal - RR/2011/901/P that was financially reliant upon this application. The development falls outside any identified development boundary in the Rother District Local Plan and did not sit with the local needs identified in PC's current LAP. However Members had no objections to the applicant consulting with RDC Planners regarding their proposals.
f.  RR/2011/901/P – The Warren Yard, Catsfield
Proposed demolition of existing buildings (Incl. temporary structures) and erection of purposed built units for offices, storage and commercial starter units, including improved access and associated parking.
Applicant : FGS Landscapes Ltd
The meeting was adjourned at 9.00pm to allow members of the public to discuss the planning proposal. The meeting reconvened at 9.30pm. Cllr. Goodliffe left the meeting while Members discussed their response. Members had no objections to this planning proposal but were conscious that it fell outside the village envelope.
g.  RR/2011/1100/P – Chequers Farm, Church Road, Catsfield
Retrospective application for farm storage barn and yard
Applicant : Mr. Michael Ridding
Members had no objections to this planning proposal.
h.  RR/2011/1282/C – Catsfield CEP School, Church Road, Catsfield
Installation of a gazebo to provide an outdoor sheltered classroom
Applicant : ESCC Children’s Services
Members had no objections to this planning proposal.
i.  RR/2011/ 1063/P – Model Farm, Catsfield
Extension of existing dwelling and conversion of outbuilding to provide additional living accommodation.
Applicant : Mr. Jeremy Sivyer
Members had no objections to this planning proposal.
To receive advice of decisions on previous applications.
Permission was granted on the following application:
·  RR/2011/823/P Catsfield Recreation Ground, Powdermill Lane, Catsfield
Removal of existing storage units and provision of double garage style storage units. Cllr. Scott added as agent to the applicant that RDC’s Building Inspector required a Building Regulations application.
To receive an update on referring the selling of logs at Twisly Oak Farm to RDC Enforcement.
RDC Enforcement had visited the site and had advised that no further action would be taken. Members asked for further information on this decision.
7.2 / Finance
To approve and sign the following cheques:
a.  John O’Conner Grass Cutting – June Instalment £306.00
b.  Mr. J. Roberts Internal Audit 2011/12 £139.30
c.  Mr. S. Reid Pavilion o/s Toilet Repair £ 40.00
d.  Carol Hodgson Salary £305.94
3 additional hours – Newsletter £ 30.59
Refreshments £ 1.25 £337.78
e.  EDF Pavilion – Mar – Jun-11 £ 63.29
The payments were agreed and signed.
To receive the statement of accounts.
As attached.
To consider a grant request from the ‘Over 18’s Social Club’ to purchase a Wii.
The Over 18’s Social Club were obtaining prices. Cllr. Overall had reviewed how the Wii could be set-up in the Village Hall and had identified some problems which would need looking into.
10.6 / Playground Sub-Committee
a.  To receive any updates on applying to RDC’s Community Grant Scheme for funding towards the updating of the Children’s Play Area.
The next RDC funding review closed on 31st July 2011. Cllrs. Goodliffe and Auer would meet with the Clerk to draw-up a proposal for submission.
At 11.10pm Cllr. Overall adjourned the meeting as it could not be concluded in a reasonable timescale. The remaining Agenda would be reconvened at the following meeting in August 2011.

Chairman……………………………………………… Date………………………………………..

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