Cathedral of St Mary & St Helen, Brentwood
Music List
First Sunday of Advent Year A27th November 2016
11.30 am Mass – Cathedral Choir Adults
Introit/Chant:Ad te levavi animam meam: Deus meus in te confide, non erubescam: neque irrideant me inimici mei: etenim universi qui te exspectant, non confundentur. Ps. Vivas tuas, Domine, demonstra mihi: et semitas tuas edoce me.
Unto you have I lifted up my soul, O my God, I trust in you, let me not be put to shame; do not allow my enemies to laugh at me; for none of those who are awaiting you will be disappointed. V/Make your ways known unto me, O Lord, and teach me your paths.
Entrance Hymn:O Jesus Christ, remember (Tune: Aurelia: NEH 167)
Penitential Rite:Messe de Clovis - Gounod
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
Resp. Psalm:Ps 121 – O’Carroll (RPS p1/1)
Response:I rejoiced when I heard them say:
‘Let us go to God’s house.’
Gospel Accl:Advent Gospel Acclamation – Andrew Wright
Verse:Let us see your mercy, O Lord, and give us your saving help
Creed:Credo III
Offertory:How lovely are the messengers – Mendelssohn
(Advent for Choirs p92)
How lovely are the messengers that preach us the gospel of peace.
To all the nations is gone forth the sound of their words.
Sanctus Accl:Mass VIII - Plainsong
Memorial Accl:Missal tone
We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
Great Amen:Missal tone
Agnus Dei:Messe de Clovis - Gounod
Communion Chant:Dominus dabit benignitatem: et terra nostra dabit fructum suum. The Lord will bestow his loving kindness, and our land will yield its fruit.
Communion Motet:Canite tuba – Guerrero (Advent for Choirs p49)
Final Hymn:Come, thou long-expected Jesus
(Tune: Cross of Jesus; NEH 3 – 2nd tune)
Fr Martin Boland, Cathedral DeanMr Andrew Wright, Master of Music
How Lovely are the messengers
How lovely are the messengers that preach us the gospel of peace.
To all the nations is gone forth the sound of their words.
Canite Tuba
Canite tuba in Sion, quia prope est dies Domini,
Ecce venit ad salvandum nos;
Erunt prava in directa, et a spera in vias planas.
Veni Domine et noli tardare.
Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, for the day of God now is near at hand.
See, he cometh, and will save us, he will make the crooked ways straight,
The rough places will he make plain.
Come then, O Lord, and do not tarry.