Name: ______Period: ______

“Catch Me If You Can”: Movie Questions


  1. Do you think Catch Me If You Can portrays Frank as a villain or a hero? Why?
  2. Do you think what Frank did was wrong or just a bit of fun? Was there a time when it crossed the line in your opinion?
  3. How much does the story credit Frank's behavior to the break up of his parents' marriage? Consider the fact that both of Frank's parents kept secrets from each other and urged Frank not to tell the other one. How much do you think this breeds an attitude of deception?
  4. Frank cannot deal with 'choosing' between his parents and runs away. Do you ever run away from choices you cannot deal with? If not, how do you cope with them? Can you understand why Frank responds in the way he does?
  5. Frank quotes his father at one point, saying 'An honest man has nothing to fear.' How much do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
  6. Frank decides to 'become' a pilot after witnessing a pilot with his host of stewardesses enter a top hotel and be greeted like royalty. How much can we be 'dazzled' by status or celebrity today? Do you ever treat anyone differently because of what they do rather than who they are?
  7. How do you feel about Carl and the FBI in general in the film? Does the film have anything to say about 'pursuing the truth'?
  8. Consider the 'Two mice fell into a bucket of cream . . .' story. How do you feel about this story? How and why is it used in the film?
  9. Do you think there is an overall message or moral to be learned from Catch Me If You Can? What sticks out in your mind once you have seen the film?
  10. How do you feel about Frank's final 'punishment' i.e. going to work for the FBI? Do you think this is fair? Would this have been a believable ending if it were not based on a true story?
  11. .How much does Frank's father's fall from businessman to target of IRS investigation affect Frank's actions and the outcome of his life?
  12. What do you feel was Frank's best con job or hoax?
  13. What is Frank's motivation for doing what he does?
  14. Do you think Frank's father was a positive or negative influence in his life?
  15. Why is Carl Hanratty so determined and almost obsessed to catch Frank?
  16. Why does Frank's father not step in to help his son?
  17. Do you think that Frank feels any remorse for hurting people or deceiving them during his five years as an imposter? Explain your answer.
  18. Do you think Frank got too light of a punishment? Why or why not?
  19. Do you think he would have been as successful today with his cons as he was in the 1960s?

Please TYPE YOUR ANSWERS ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. You may cut and paste the questions but your answers should be on a separate paper!