Castlereagh & District Dog Training Club

26th Annual Show

Schedule Open Agility Show

(Held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations H&H (1))

Lisburn Rugby Football Club

Eglantine Road, Lisburn

8 June 2008


Chairman Allan Wilkinson, 1 Meadowvale Road, Carryduff, BT8 8PY

Secretary Anne Hamill, 66 Upper Malvern Park, Belfast, BT8 6

Treasurer Irene Jess, 14 Ashdene Road, Moneyrea, Co Down, BT8 6NE


Cheques should be made payable to C&DDTC.

Show Manager: Charles Beaumont

Entries to:-Miriam McDowell, 10 Castledillon Road, Belfast, BT8 7BH

Telephone: 028 9059 1596Email:

Veterinary Support: Sloan Street Veterinary Clinic 028 9266 2661

Show Opens 07:30 Briefing 08:15 Judging 08:30

This show is part of the Northern Ireland obedience and agility weekend. Lisburn & District DTC will be running a championship obedience show and an open agility show on 7 June 2008. Castlereagh & District DTC will be running open agility and open obedience on 8 June 2008. All of these shows will be held at the Lisburn Rugby Football Club. For details of Lisburn & District DTC’s shows contact Lisburn & District DTC, C/O Michael McCartney, 28 Moneybroom Road, Lisburn, BT28 2QP. Telephone No: 028 9262 2992.


  1. Dogs entered at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations B (Classification and Registration). The registration number will be required for each entry.
  2. The entry fee is £2.50 per dog per class, including YKC classes up to a maximum of £15.00 per ownerirrespective of the number of dogs and classes entered. There is no charge for NFC entries.
  3. There is no prize money.
  4. The Committee reserves the right to refuse entries.
  5. All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show can be made. All non-UK entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the competitor.
  6. Puppies under 18 calendar months of age on the day of the Show are not eligible to compete in Kennel Club licensed Agility tests.
  7. Not for competition entries will be accepted for dogs aged 4 calendar months and over. Dogs must be Kennel Club registered with their details recorded on the entry form. There is no entry fee.
  8. The mating of bitches within the precincts of the Show is prohibited.
  9. No bitch in season is allowed to compete.
  10. No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time within the boundaries of the Show, which includes the car park and exercise areas.
  11. Dogs must not wear slip chains, collars or leads when under test. A flat, close fitting, leather or webbing collar is permitted providing the only attachment is a plain identification panel which is an integral part of the collar, ie not attached by a ring.
  12. Should a judge be unable to fulfil the appointment to judge the Committee reserves the right to appoint another judge.
  13. No competitor shall impugn the decision of the judge or judges.
  14. Kennel Club Standard Marking Regulations apply – a copy of which is available on request.
  15. The maximum height of the jumps will be:-

Large Dogs – 650mm (2ft.1.6ins). Medium Dogs – 450mm (1ft.5.7ins). Small Dogs – 350mm (1ft.1.75ins).

  1. The height limit for dogs is:-

Large Dogs – over 430mm (1ft.5ins) at the withers;

Medium Dogs – over 350mm (1ft. 1.75ins) and up to 430mm (1ft. 5ins) at the withers;

Small Dogs – 350mm (1ft.1.75ins) or under at the withers.

  1. Judges may not enter a dog which is recorded in their ownership, or part ownership, or handle a dog at the Test at which they are judging.
  2. A dog shall be withdrawn and removed from the Test if it is:

a bitch in season;

suffering from any infectious or contagious diseases;

interfering with the safety or chance of winning of an opponent:

of such a temperament or is so much out of hand to be a danger to the safety of any person or animal; or

likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues competing.

  1. In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including 7 days before the closing date

for entries shall be counted when entering for any class (10 May 2008).

  1. It is the responsibility of the competitors to be available for their class and to compete in the correct running order in any class for which a running order has been made.
  2. Handlers working more than one dog in a class must ensure that the dogs compete in the sequence in which they are drawn. Failure to do so may result in elimination.
  3. Should circumstances dictate, the Club, in consultation with the judges, may alter the arrangements as necessary. Any changes and the circumstances surrounding them will be reported to the Kennel Club.
  4. A dog must, at the time of entry for the competition, be registered as required by Kennel Club Rules and Regulations in the competitor’s name (or registration or transfer applied for). In the case of dogs owned by a limited company, the directors and the secretary of the limited company will jointly be considered for the purposes of the Regulations. A dog acquired subsequent to entry having been made at the competition may compete provided that an application for the transfer has been forwarded to the Kennel Club before the competition, and the new owner has undertaken to abide by the regulations and conditions of the original entry form.
  5. No animal, other than those officially entered, shall be brought into the precincts of the event during its continuance, except dogs registered to assist the disabled, dogs required for educational or instructional purposes, and those admitted by permission of the General Committee. Precincts of the event are the rings and a distance of 2 metres bordering the ring.
  6. No dog/bitch will be allowed in the ring at any time other than when being judged.
  7. All dogs will be entered in the Show at their owners’ risk and whilst every care will be taken the Committee will not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury, however caused, to dogs, persons or property at the Show.
  8. If circumstances make it necessary to cancel the Show, Castlereagh and District Dog Training Club reserve the right to defray expenses incurred by deducting such expenses from the entry fees received.
  9. The owner, competitor, handler or other person in charge of a dog at Kennel Club licensed events must at all times ensure that the dog is kept under proper control at the licensed venue, including its environs, car parks and approaches.
  10. Incorrect entries will be returned.


In the following definitions of classes, first prize wins are those gained at any Kennel Club Open licensed event (i.e. invitation and special classes excepted). The classifications apply to large, medium and small dogs. Owners/handlers of small and medium dogs must bring to the show their agility record books containing the officially recorded height of their dogs, as should owners/handlers of large dogs which were first entered for competition on or after 1 January 2006. Agility classes to include contact points and jumping classes where there are no contact obstacles. With this proviso classes are defined as follows:-

Grade 1
(Elementary) / For owners, handlers or dogs which have not gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows. N.B. Owners, handlers or dogs previously qualified out of Grade 1 (Elementary) are not eligible for this class.
Grade 2
(Starters) / For owners, handlers or dogs which have qualified out of Grade 1 but have not gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 2 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows, or elected to progress on points from Grade 1. N.B. Owners, handlers or dogs previously qualified out of Grade 2 (Starters) are not eligible for this class.
Grade 3
(Graduate) / Open to dogs which are not eligible for Grade 1 or 2 or have elected to progress on points from Grade 2 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows & dogs which are not eligible for Grade 4, 5, 6 or 7.
Grade 4
(Novice) / Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 3 or elected to progress on points from Grade 3 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 5, 6 or 7.
Grade 5
(Intermediate) / Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 4 or elected to progress on points from Grade 4 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 4, 6 or 7.
Grade 6
(Senior) / Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 5 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grades 3, 4, 5 or 7.
Grade 7
(Advanced) / Open to dogs which have gained a minimum of four first places at Grade 6 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows, two first places must be gained in Agility (not Jumping) Classes.
Special ABC / Open to all large dogs, except border collies, working sheep digs and their crosses.


Classes / Large Dogs / Medium Dogs / Small Dogs
Class Number / Class Number / Class Number
Y / Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Combined / 1 / 2 / 3
Grade 1, 2. Combined. / 4 / 5 / 6
Grade 6,7. Graded. / 7 / 8 / 9
Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Combined. / 10 / 11 / 12
ABC Agility Special Grades 1-7 Combined / 13 / N/A / N/A
Classes / RING 2
YKC Agility Dog of the Year Grade 1-7 / 14 / 14 / 14
G / ABC Jumping Special Grade 1-7 Combined / 15 / N/A / N/A
Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Combined. / 16 / 17 / 18
Grade, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Combined. / 19 / 20 / 21
Grade 6, 7.Graded. / 22 / 23 / 24
Grade 1, 2. Combined / 25 / 26 / 27

N/A: not available.


Ring 1 / Ring 2
Judge: Paul Thomson / Judge: Tam Quinn

ROSETTES:To 6th place in all classes.

CATERING:food will be available all day.