Castle Hill Elementary
School Advisory Council (SAC)

2640 NW 46th Avenue

Lauderhill Florida, 33313

Phone (754) 322-5600 / (754) 322-5640 Fax

Minutes for October 4, 2017

  • Called to order at 5:30 pm
  • Welcome: Mrs. Letitia Ingram-Phillips, Principal
  • Introductions: Ms. Fields, K-5 ESE Support/SAC Chair; Mrs. McIntosh, Community Liaison, All Grade Level Teachers

New Business:

Attendance: Attendance was discussed and how important it is for students to be to school on time and every day.

School Grade: Castle Hill is now a “C” school, 1% away from a B.

Title I: Castle Hill Elementary is still a Title 1 school and parental involvement such as returning surveys and important documents helps the school receive funding

Back to School Packets/Documents: Please return all requested documents sent home. The information helps us identify student needs and utilize the correct people for emergency purposes.

Parent Compact: It is important for all parents to read over the parent compact, sign and date it, and return to school so we could help our school receive funding

Free/Reduced Lunch: Please apply for free or reduced lunch for your child or children online. This will eliminate students forgetting funds or not having money to eat school lunch at a reduced price or for free. Breakfast is free for all students and breakfast is over at 7:45 am.

Safety: It is important for all students, parents, and those assisting with the drop off/pick-up of students to follow the school ground procedures and rules. For safety purposes, pre-kindergarten parents will drop their children off at the cafeteria door where staff members will be waiting. Parents will not be allowed in the school building to wait in the hallway areas, to sit with their children, or to wait for a teacher unless they have a set conference or need to see the cafeteria staff for lunch purposes. The front office will no longer accept money for field trips or pictures. Walkers will wait on the south side of the school by the bike ramp, bus riders will go to their available spots when called, those students who are car riders will go to their designated spots, and YMCA students will wait to be picked up by their counselors. Please adhere to the rules as we try to receive and dismiss your children as safely as possible. Students are allowed on the school campus at 7:15 am in order to eat breakfast. Supervision is not provided before 7:15 am. Students are dismissed at 2:00 pm promptly. Please encourage your children to follow the school and classroom rules so we can provide them with a good education in a safe and comfortable learning environment.

Lowest 300 List: Castle Hill is officially off the lowest 300 list. Our school grade has improved from a D to a high C. Because we are off the Lowest 300 list, our extended day hour has been dropped and our school hours are now from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm.

School Improvement Plan: Discussed school improvement plan and took questions.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm

Title I News:

School Improvement Plan (SIP): School staff and parents collaboratively develop the SIP. The SIP includes yearly goals and objectives as well as activities that must be implemented at the school.

District Parent Involvement Plan: District staff and parents collaboratively develop this plan. The plan includes the parent activities to be implemented throughout the school year and an evaluation of last year’s district parent program. You can access this plan at If you would like to review a hard copy of this plan or translation is needed, please contact Linda Howard, Title 1 Program Specialist at 754-321-1410.

You can access the School Improvement Plan and the District Parent Involvement Plan at If you would like a hard copy of either plan or translation is needed, please contact Sarah McIntosh, Community/Title I Liaison at 754-322-5600.