Case Study Analysis: Guidelines

Case Study Analysis: Guidelines

APTE 5101 – Week 3

Case Study Analysis: Guidelines

Each student will submit one written assessment of high academic standard as evidence of their written communication and critical thinking skills.

The assignment will be a case study analysis of a health and safety accident in the New Zealand workplace. The workplace should be related to your chosen discipline.

The case you select has to be recent (i.e. no articles dated before 1 January 2011). The NZ Herald’s archive can be a good starting point for selecting cases. A hard copy of your selected case (printout) must be attached to your submission.

The written assignment should cover the structure/guidelines below within 1500 words.

  1. Introduce the case to be solved – define it and describe it briefly.
  2. Analyse all parts of the case
  3. Identify different views of the case and /or different attitudes towards the issue (case)
  4. Make connections by doing some research into
  • what expert critical thinking is on the issue and
  • what experts consider the best solution to the issue
  • for the above search the internet and / or library, and wherever possible consult related technical staff and other industry professionals
  1. Draw conclusions from your research and explain how the evidence researched influenced your judgment.
  2. Commit to action. Outline what could be done next as a result of your conclusion. This could be in the form of an action plan, and it could involve further investigation.


  • This assignment is worth 30%.
  • Due date: Wednesday 16 April 2014

Please submit your completed assignment to ‘Student Central’ dropbox. No submissions will be accepted by your tutors.

If you need an extension to complete your assignment then you must obtain prior approval from your lecturers. A submission extension request must be made by providing sufficient evidence and completing the ‘Special Assessment Circumstance’ form obtained from Student Central or from Moodle.


APTE 5101 – Week 3

Written Assignment: Guidelines


APTE 5101 – Week 3

Notes: The Healthy Burger

The top and bottom buns hold everything together.

Onions can have negative effects; e.g. crying, flatulence, bad breath…

The meat is the thickest part of the burger.

The tomatoes add flavour, zest and important antioxidants essential for good health.

The lettuce may look frilly but it’s essential for a healthy burger

Notes: The ‘Healthy’ Assignment

The Introduction and Conclusion frame your essay.

The Problem should be significant and described briefly.

The Analysis should be thorough and form the ‘meat’ of your essay with research evidence to support your analysis.

Correct referencing is crucial in your essay and adds credibility to the content.


Case Study Marking Schedule
Student ID:
Essay Topic:
Application / Demonstration / Understanding / Awareness / No comprehension / Marks out of 20
Defines Case / Articulates a clear, complete understanding of a specific case / Demonstrates understanding of a relevant case / Shows vague, unfocused understanding of a case / Is aware of case / Case is not defined / /5
Case analysis / Addresses many different views of the case through research, uses sound reasons and explains appropriate examples. Uses skills of evaluation as well as analysis and synthesis. / Deals with some different aspects of the case and makes correct inferences based on research, although minor errors may exist. Comprehension is on an inferential level and the key skills are synthesis and analysis. / Explains few different views of the case. Deals with material on a concrete, literal level that is accurate in most dimensions. / Focuses on a single issue. / Analysis of the case is not evident, unrelated or inappropriate. / /10
Evidence of research and accurate referencing / Extensive evidence of research is clear. The essay includes information that is factually relevant, accurately referenced, and consistent in the development of a solution to the problem. / Demonstrates some evidence of relevant research consistent in developing a solution to the problem. Referencing is largely accurate with few errors. / Essay is informed by research though the development of a solution is largely based on personal knowledge. Errors in referencing detract from the overall quality of work. / Extensive use of opinion in the development of a solution. Referencing was poorly constructed or absent. / No evidence of research. Essay demonstrates clear plagiarism of materials. / /5
Conclusion and Future Actions / Response draws logical, clear conclusions to the case. Proposed solutions are clearly outlined as future actions based on research findings. / Response draws some conclusions to the case but may be brief. Future actions align with the solutions to the problem based on research. / Response outlines a brief conclusion but it may be lacking in clarity or have minor errors in logic. Future actions are described briefly. / Response draws a general conclusion but it may be sparse or confusing. Future actions are brief and/or not directly linked to the conclusion. / Essay draws no conclusion or is inappropriate or unrelated to the problem. Future actions are not outlined. / /5
Organisation of ideas and writing / Consistently uses accurate data from research. Demonstrates a logical plan of organization and coherence in the development of ideas. Develops ideas fully using such things as research, theory, examples, reasons, details, explanations, and generalizations that are relevant and appropriate. Consistently expresses ideas clearly. / Generally uses accurate data. Develops the assigned topics using a general plan of organisation. Demonstrates satisfactory development of ideas through the use of adequate research informed support materials. Generally expresses ideas clearly. / Uses some accurate data obtained through research. Attempts to develop the assigned topic, but demonstrates weakness in organization and may include digressions. Demonstrates weakness in the development of ideas with little use of support materials. Has difficulty expressing ideas clearly. / Uses little accurate research data. Minimally addresses the assigned topic but lacks a plan of organization. Does not use support materials in the development of ideas or uses irrelevant material. Does not express ideas clearly. / No evidence of research. Essay does not follow a logical progression of ideas. / /5
TOTAL: / /30
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