Regular Meeting
Cascadia Community College Board of Trustees
December 12, 2012
Cascadia Community College
18345 Campus Way N.E.
Bothell, WA 98011
Mr. Roy Wilkinson, Mr. Louis Mendoza, Ms. Kirstin Haugen, Ms. Janet McDaniel and
Dr. Julie Miller
Dr. Eric Murray, Ms. Dede Gonzales, Dr. Sunny Burns, Mr. Terence Hsiao, Ms. Gina Lorenz and Ms. Meagan Walker
Assistant Attorney General
Mr. Alan Smith
Student Representative
Ms. Mallory Muno
CCCFT Representative
Mr. David Shapiro
WPEA Representative
No representative attended.
Luda Putrya, Marji Price, Gail Miulli, Ron Wheadon, Shawn Miller, Walter Hudsick, John Bonner, Haley Green, Dave Schiel, Jason Holland, Eryn Brocx, Becky Riopel, Dee Sliney, Brian Culver, Laura Hedal, Rebecca Hastings
The board began the meeting with a scheduled 30 minute Executive Session
(2) to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee;
The Board extended the Executive Session by 15 additional minutes.
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December 12, 2012
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Board Chair Roy Wilkinson called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 4:45 PM.
Dr. Julie Miller moved and Ms. Kirstin Haugen seconded the motion to accept the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously (5-0).
Ms. Janet McDaniel moved and Dr. Julie Miller seconded the motion to approve the December 12, 2012 Meeting minutes as submitted. The motion passed unanimously (5-0).
Dave Schiel, WPEA Union President spoke to the Board regarding 3% mitigation, and the recent petition signing held on campus.
Ms. Becky Riopel, Events Coordinator and Ms. Laura Hedal, Technology Support Manager were introduced to the Board. The Board welcomed both Becky and Laura.
The Board participated in a study session on the possible addition of a Student Trustee to the Cascadia Community College Board of Trustees.
Several minutes of discussion took place regarding the idea of adding a student trustee to the Board. Mr. Alan Smith, Assistant Attorney General shared several thoughts regarding SB5217 – Community Colleges—Board of Trustees—Student Members.
Mr. Smith stated that although having a student trustee may be a great idea and is a practice that has worked well at the 4-year institutions, adding a student trustee could be more of a challenge for the community colleges because of the way the community college statute was drafted. SSB 5217 did not change the requirement that all proposed actions be approved by a majority of the members of the Board. With the addition of a student trustee, all actions would need to be approved by four votes, instead of three votes as at present. At the same time, SSB 5217 does not allow the student trustee to vote on “matters relating to the hiring, discipline, or tenure of faculty members and personnel or any other matters pertaining to collective bargaining agreements.” All such personnel matters would therefore need to be approved by four instead of three of the Board of Trustees Minutes
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remaining five trustees.
Dr. Murray asked Ms. Muno, CSG President, her perspective and that of the students she spoke to regarding this issue. She stated that she felt that the Board is now, and has always been, inclusive regarding student perspective and hearing their voice. She said that she appreciates sitting at the table, and stated that the students she spoke with felt that student issues were heard. She further stated that the Governor’s timeline for appointing students would make it difficult to get five names for consideration to the Governor’s office in a timely fashion. She recommended not pursuing the option of adding a student trustee.
Ms. Haugen stated that students would benefit from the experience, but also understands that it will be a lot of extra work for the student government officers to secure five names. She stated, and the Board agreed, that they could always revisit the idea at a later time if students desire an expanded role in college governance.
1. International Programs Operational Plan
Vice President Hsiao shared the International Programs Operation Plan with the Board. He highlighted the areas of importance – strengthening Cascadia’s brand internationally; developing and implementing an International recruiting strategy; increasing international student engagement; establishing a study aboard infrastructure, and preparing the college for more international students.
He will, per the request of the board, come back in 6 months with an update on the plan.
2. Facilities Update
Vice President Hsiao stated that the written document provided the update requested. He further stated that he would like to use this time to acknowledge the countless hours and work done by Ms. Dee Sliney, Director of Facilities Services and Sustainability, Auxiliary Services and Capital Programs in securing CC3, the Center for Global Learning and the Arts, receiving LEED Platinum, the highest available rating under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) building rating system.
We had anticipated receiving this award 3 years ago when construction was completed, but the Green Building Certification Institute reviewer decided we needed to install the photovoltaic array designed for that building (even though it’s for a design credit and not a construction credit). That array is being installed as part of our ESCO 2 project with McKinstry, so we were successfully able to finalize the appeal and receive the award.
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Ms. Sliney share the scorecard with the board so everyone understood the collaboration by all of the players involved. She stated she was fortunate to be working with a very
dedicated and knowledgeable project team (several of us were LEED Accredited Professionals) from Miller-Hull architects, their consultants, Hoffman Construction, their subs, and Bob Kacel, our long-standing PM from the State’s Engineering and Architectural Services. It was a real team effort.
Congratulations Dee and to your team!
1. Joint Board Meeting – Question and Logistic Review
President Murray shared the approved questions one last time with the Board. He also shared the logistics with the Board. He stated that the trustees (groups of 2) will be assigned a question – (Mr. Mendoza and Ms. Haugen; Mr. Wilkinson and Dr. Murray; and Ms. McDaniel and Dr. Miller). The Board members from our local school districts will be seated at round tables and the trustees will move from each group every 25 minutes. He asked that one of the trustees be responsible for taking notes. Reminder – Tuesday, January 15, 2012 at 4:00 PM in the CC3 (GLA) building, room 103.
2. Transfer Program Update
Dr. Sunny Burns, Vice President for Student Learning/Student Success spoke to the Board regarding our transfer programs with an emphasis on STEM education. She began by giving the Board some background on the STEM initiative and several STEM facts for Washington – Ranks #1 fir concentration of STEM jobs; By 2018 there will be a 24% increase in STEM jobs; and in the past 10 years, STEM jobs increased 3 times; SBCTC have identified STEM courses and are tracking enrollments for 2012-2013 – Cascadia’s goal is increased by 5 FTE.
She further explained what Cascadia will do to contribute students toward the efforts of the preparedness gap. We are advertising for a Math and Engineering Faculty with a hire date of Fall 2013. The Deans and the VP all attended a conference/workshop/summit about STEM in order to increase their knowledge about programs and potential actions.
3. Accreditation Update
Dr. Murray updated the Board on the current work done to fulfill the accreditation requirements. He stated that the mission was approved; core themes have been identified and defined, objectives have been written and the core theme task forces are currently working on objectives and indicators. He asked the board to review the draft of the objectives. The one year report is due in February and will be written by Dr.
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Trustee Mendoza asked about Pluralism. Dr. Murray shared that Pluralism is a value, is
included in the Identity Statement and will show up in the indicators. Dr. Murray stated that the board will be asked to approve the Core Theme Objectives in January. Once the year one report is submitted, nothing further is required by the Northwest Commission for two years.
4. Continuing Education - Everett CC and Cascadia MOU
Dr. Murray introduced John Bonner, Executive Director, Corporate & Continuing Education, and Industry Liaison at Everett Community College to the Board. President Murray shared that he has taken John to many community meetings and introduced him to our community partners. Everyone has been extremely supportive in our new partnership and looks forward to the expanded selection of classes.
Mr. Bonner spoke to the Board regarding the great potential of new offerings and opportunities for our community with this partnership. He stated we are starting with 40 classes here but hope to expand that to customized courses for industry; small business acceleration program courses; professional classes, and of course personal interest classes.
Dr. Murray reported that we do have a 6 month opt-out clause written into the contract, but it is believed by those involved that this is a win-win situation for both campuses. He further stated that he and Dr. Beyer will have a signing/photo op in January along with a great story to share with the media.
5. Bachelor of Applied Science Degree for ETSP Program
Drs. Murray and Burns brought back the idea of the administration researching the validity of Cascadia Community College pursing a Bachelor of Applied Science (4-year) degree. Pursuing this degree alters the mission of the college and it is up to the Board to determine if they wish the administration to move forward.
This is our one opportunity to go for a B.A.S. degree due to the programs we offer; industry is asking for students with a B.A.S. degree and the classes can be “stackable”. Numbers are not a driving factor at this time, there is currently a negative slump with soft enrollment. It is however, our nitch, should you ask us to move forward with the research. The SBCTC will make the decision once we present our application. No actual costs for doing the research, but staff time. Approximately 80 hours.
Per the Board’s agreement to move forward and begin the research, Dr. Burns will proceed. This research will be brought back to the Board before a decision is made to move forward with the B.A.S. degree.
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November 14, 2012
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Student Report
Dr. Murray reported that Mallory was accepted with an early admission to the University
of Hawaii and will be leaving Cascadia at the end of this quarter. Luda Putrya, current CSG Vice President will move into the President position.
Mallory thanked the board for the opportunity to be a part of the board meetings and that Cascadia definitely transformed her life. She attended Bellevue and did not like it. Came to Cascadia and instantly knew this was the place for her. She stated she had nothing to add to her written report. The Board wished her the best in her educational endeavors.
Cascadia Community College Federation of Teachers (CCCFT) Report
Mr. Shapiro had to leave for class so added nothing new to his report.
The Board will inform Dede if they wish to watch a visit a faculty members’ class to observe teachers in action.
Washington Public Employees Association [WPEA] Report
No report was submitted this month.
Chair and Individual Board Member Reports
Chair Wilkinson wished everyone a Happy Holiday and thanked everyone for their great work this past year.
Trustee Haugen stated that she attended the TACTC Legislative Advisory Committee on November 16th and distributed the latest one-pager available. She further stated that it will be a challenging year for higher education funding due to the mandate to fund K-12. She also suggested that a legislative breakfast take place this fall on campus.
President’s Report
Dr. Murray spoke to the Trustees about their attendance at the TACTC Winter Conference in Olympia. Trustees McDaniel and Haugen will attend.
The Board was asked to review and sign off on the Transforming Lives letter of endorsement for Mandy Montano. The deadline is December 21, 2012.
President Murray spent a few minutes briefing the Board on the conversation regarding Board of Trustees Minutes
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Cascadia and UW Bothell as told to the legislators at a recent hearing.
There was no additional business.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.
Approved and Adopted on January 16, 2013
Mr. Roy Wilkinson, Board Chair
Dr. Eric Murray, President