Cascade Manager Training Sheet

Topics Covered: Create Group / Create User / Grant Access & Rights

Created by: Sue Anglim ~ 09/24/09

This training session will create a User: Philip Mitchell (GA)who needs write access to the training folder. The group education_training does not exist AND Mr. Mitchell is not in the system. This training consists of 3 major steps:

  1. Create Group
  2. Create UserAdd User to Group
  3. Grant User rights to files

Create Group------

  1. Locate the main BLUE menu bar and click the Administration link

  1. Click the Users, Groups, & Roles bar
  2. Click the New Group link
    NOTE: All groups within the education
    site must start with education followed by an
    underscore then the folder name. Group name:
  3. Enter the following information in the corresponding text fields:
  4. Group Name: type education_training
  5. Starting Page: click OR . Browse and click Confirm
  6. Base Folder: click OR . Browse to and click Confirm
  7. Asset Factory Container: click OR . Select the Education folder (not the Education_Root folder)from the list pop-up listingand click Confirm
  8. WYSIWYG Options: Select: Content Formatting, Text Formatting, Image Insertion, and Table Insertion.
  9. Users: You MUST select yourself and the other admins (dsosbo, sjanglim, and tjward). Click green arrow pointing to the right.
  10. Roles: select Contributor.
  11. Click Submit button

Your display should resemble this screenshot:

Create User & Add User to Group------

  1. Locate the main BLUE menu bar and click the Administration link

  1. Click the Users, Groups, & Roles bar
  2. Click the New User link
    NOTE: All users must have a W&M network
    account to access cascade.
  1. Enter the following information or take action on the corresponding form fields:
  2. Username: W&M network ID  psmitc
  3. Full Name: enter persons full name  Philip Mitchell
  4. Email: enter persons W&M email account 
  5. Authentication: click the Normal radio button
  6. Password and Confirm password: enter any matching characters
  7. Enabled: click in checkbox to enable account
  8. Groups: select education__allusers, education__publishers, and the folder specific group. For this training doc we are using education_training
  9. Default Group: education_training
  10. Default Site: ignore
  11. Roles: select Contributor
  1. Click Submit button

Your display should resemble this screenshot:

Grant User Write Access------

The group has been created and the user has been added to that group. Now you need to set file rights for the user, through the group.

  1. Select the folder the user needs access to (training). This is usually the folder you defined in the New Group > Base Folder

  1. Click the Advanced tab and select Access

  1. Under the Group area (second large area below the User area) select eduction_training and click the green arrow pointing to the right. education_training should be in the Read column. Select eduction_training and click the green arrow pointing to the right. The result: education_training is now listed in the Write box. See below.

  1. In the Options area, click the checkbox to Apply to children
  2. Click Submit button