In the interest of:

Anthony Morgan CAUSE # 04-61612-5


Name of child agethe age DOBbirth- Placement School

date (i.e., Foster Grade, if

Home, applicable

RTC, etc)

Hearing Date: June 24, 2003 (Initial Permanency Hearing)


  • Type in important “recap type”, and/or events since last report, in this space (always including the date of removal, the number of placements since removal, and the length of time in current placement)
  • State each bullet as briefly as possible
  • Remember that everything on this template that is in blue type consists of either “example-type” or instructions only, and will contain information in black type that pertains to your case and reflects the guidance provided herein (when you do your actual report).

CPS Permanency Plan:

  • State the Department’s Current Permanency Plan for each child, concurrent plans being considered, and the projected dismissal date. If you are not sure of the current permanency plan, you will need to contact the Caseworker for this information.

The Child:

  • Placement Needs & Wishes – State both the child’s needs and wishes in regard to his/her placement, and CASA’s “best interest type” observations in this regard. Included in this area of the report should be a discussion of the following “needs” areas: Care (the basics – food, shelter, clothing); Stimulation (physical and emotional interaction); Continuity (having [or needing to have] the same Caregiver, over time); and Reciprocity (the feeling of “connectedness” that is achieved through the giving and receiving of love)
  • Education – State the child’s current progress in school, and include a

statement (if applicable) as to whether or not this indicates improvement. If you have nothing significant to report, this bullet can be omitted.


  • Medical/Mental Health – In this section, try to rely on the reports of the

professionals (Doctors, Therapists, etc), with very little additional “interpretation” – except for your observations regarding interactions with others. Again, if you have nothing significant to report, this bullet can be omitted.

Parents and Family:

  • As briefly as possible, state the current status - both positive and negative - of the parents (including, ifapplicable, their whereabouts, employment status, lifestyle, etc). Note how the concerns that brought the children into care (the risk factors) are being addressed – what changes have been made that will mitigate the risk. Acknowledge family strengths and resources, as well as continued needs and risks.
  • Also include (if applicable, and as a separate bullet, under this same general heading) a statement about extended family and family friends. Include a statement, if applicable, concerning any family members who are able and willing to meet the identified needs of the child.
  • If the family is unable to meet all of the needs of the child, and yet CASA believes that the time has arrived for reunification to take place, identify available resources in the community that can/will assist the parents in meeting these needs.

Guardian Ad Litem’s Visits & Contact with Others:

  • State the number (and type) of visits that you have had with the children and parents, since the last Court Hearing, and all contacts that you have had with others related to the case.

Achievement of thePermanency Plan:

  • Identify previous orders of the Court with which the parents have complied.
  • Identify any previous orders of the Court with which the parents have not complied.
  • State the overall progress made by the parents, toward achieving the Permanency Plan, and any assistance that you have provided to the parents (in completing their Service Plans, so that they can achieve the Permanency Plan). Also state any concerns that CASA may have, regarding the parent’s progress.


  • Guardian Ad Litem respectfully recommends ……………………………………
  • Guardian Ad Litem respectfully recommends……………………………………
  • Guardian Ad Litem respectfully recommends……………………………………
  • Guardian Ad Litem respectfully recommends……………………………………

Your Signature______ ______

your name Seana Towler

CASA Guardian Ad Litem Executive Director


P.O. BOX 1658


(361) 595.7233 (361) 595.7241 (Fax)