Nihonzashi LLC Mail Order Form
We do not sell weapons to anyone under the age of 18 without permission and consent of a parent or legal guardian. These are real weapons and not toys. They are very sharp and should always be treated with care. They are not prop weapons and are not designed for theatrical duels. They are not designed to cut down trees, cut through cinder blocks, stab through cars, or any other torture test. Be careful to never put yourself or anyone else in danger. Tameshigiri (test cutting) and swordsmanship training should only be done under the supervision of a qualified instructor. Nihonzashi LLC, its employees, and associated companies are not responsibility for an injury, damage or loss incurred by use or miss-use of any merchandise sold on this site. It is the purchasers responsibility to comply to local, state and federal laws and/or statutes. Purchase of merchandise implies agreement and compliance to the above.
Please print out this form, fill in requested information, and mail to:
Nihonzashi Sword Store & Dojo
5980 66th St N Suite M
St Petersburg FL 33709
BILL TO: (If ordering by credit card, this must be the Credit Card Billing Address)
City State/Province Postal/Zip
Phone (Day): Phone (Eve.):
SHIP TO: (Please use your physical address not a P.O. Box)
City State/Province Postal/Zip
Phone (Day): Phone (Eve.):
Is this a business address? Yes No
May we backorder out-of-stock items? Yes No
Item # / Description / Size/Color / Qty / Unit Price / Total PriceMETHOD OF PAYMENT:Sub Total $
Payment may be made with check or money order made Reward $
out to Nihonzashi LLC (No COD’s)Shipping $
(Please allow 2-3 weeks for personal check to clear prior to shipping)
Please charge my credit card: Visa M/C DISCOVER Sales Tax $
(Florida Residents add 7% sales tax)
Credit Card # Exp. Date C.V.V. TOTAL $
Name (as appears on card)
Are you are over 18, understand these are real weapons and not toys? Yes No
Shipping & Handling: (Continental United States Only)
Order Amount / UPS Ground Delivery(3-6 Business Days)
$15.00-$29.99 / $15.00
$30.00-$74.99 / $17.00
$75.00-$149.99 / $19.00
Over $100.00 / FREE
All orders are shipped via UPS Ground. Please allow 3-6 business days for Ground Delivery. Business days do not include weekends or holidays. Most orders are shipped within 48-72 hours of receipt of order. Items ordered might not be shipped together in the same package or be received at the same time.