Carriage Gate Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

September 22, 2011

Mark called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

He then introduced the Board members and those in attendance

It was moved and seconded to approve minutes from the June 2011 meeting

President’s Report

Update on Car Wash, test wells: Mark Soutor summarized the underground water issues that have been apparent since the asphalt was replaced. It was assumed the water was coming from the gas station’s car wash. Since then we have learned there is a perched water table that may be contributing to the issue. The cost to install wells and monitor them is approximately $50,000, although the engineers said there is no health hazard if this is not done. During the recent gas station remodeling, there was a gas leak; consequently the station is required to put in two wells on our property in order for the state to monitor hydro carbons. They will send us a copy of their reports and results. This information may be helpful to assess the water issue at no cost to the HOA.

Soil Stabilization: During a recent walk-around the property, no major problems were noticed after 1-2 years of construction.

Vice-President’s Report: North Boundary. Mark McDonald explained that the office building’s driveway closest to our property is actually ours and it has an emergency access easement that is no longer necessary. In order to claim this land, the HOA would need to hire a lawyer who would ask the court to void the easement. It was felt the cost should not be incurred since there would be no benefit to the association.

Treasurer’s Report by Gary Autrey for January through August 2011:

The Operation Budget. Our income is $57,732, expenses are $75,090, Net Ordinary Income <$17,358>. Income is pretty much on target. Expenses are over $992. The deficit is primarily due to the Boards decision to keep the monthly fees at $180 for 2011.

The HOA Reserve and Capital Improvement accounts are down 3.7% this year due to the market fluctuations. Our investments have not changed that much. In comparing our investments with the Dow Jones (up .31%), S&P (down 3.08%), NASDAQ (down 2.77%) to Carriage Gate (down 3.7%) we rank pretty close to these major indicators. Our income from these investments thus far is $58,742.

Judy Buchholz and I are working on the 2012 budget for presentation to the owners in November.

Manager’s report: Nothing of note at this time.

Old Business: None

New Business: There were complaints about the height and angle of the curbs leading to the driveway causing undercarriage damage to vehicles. Mark M. promised he would have information and a solution to this issue by the December meeting. Two landscaping issues will be referred to Horizon.

Keith Gardner, the city council representative, reported on improvements in the neighborhood. Please check the website: for information.

Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.