CarrCenter for Human Rights Policy

2004-2005 Carr Center for Human Rights Policy Fellowship Program


CarrCenter for Human Rights Policy

The CarrCenter for Human Rights Policy is located in the John F. Kennedy School of Government at HarvardUniversity. Founded in 1999, the CarrCenter is a research, teaching and training program that critically examines the policies and actions of governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other actors that affect the realization of human rights around the world. Our research, teaching and writing are guided by a commitment to make human rights principles central to the formulation of good public policy in the United States and throughout the world. Since its founding, the Center has developed a unique focus of expertise on the most dangerous and intractable human rights challenges of the new century, including genocide, mass atrocity, state failure and the ethics and politics of military intervention.

The CarrCenter is led by Director Michael Ignatieff, whose recent work focuses on the ethics of military interventions, challenges faced by democracies fighting terrorism, and American exceptionalism. The talented group of faculty and staff comprising the CarrCenteralso includes Center founder and current faculty affiliate Samantha Power, whose Pulitzer-prize winning book, A Problem From Hell: America in the Age of Genocide, marked the culmination of the CarrCenter’s extensive research project on U.S. policy responses to genocide in the 20th century.

As an independent research center, the Center seeks to offer a forum in which diverse views about human rights can be considered. The Center seeks to bring new voices to the table, thereby extending and deepening the human rights dialogue. The CarrCenter's location in a school of public policy allows it to draw upon a range of disciplines and the case-based analytic approach for which the KennedySchool is known. For more information on the CarrCenter, please visit <www.ksg.harvard.edu/cchrp>.

The Fellows Programs

The Carr Center for Human Rights Policy Fellows Programs bring together a diverse group of human rights practitioners, scholars and activists to conduct research on human rights policy, contribute to the Center's programs, and participate in broader dialogue with students, faculty and researchers in the Harvard community. In 2004-2005, the CarrCenter will offer two separate fellowship types: The Carr Center Fellowships for Academics and Scholars (non-stipendiary) and the Carr Center Fellowships for Activists and Practitioners (stipendiary). The eligibility requirements and application procedures differ. Please see attached or our website, http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/cchrp/fellows.shtml, for application information and details.



CarrCenter for Human Rights Policy





All human rights scholars and academics are eligible to apply. Because we seek to draw applicants with a diversity of professional and academic experience, the Center will use no single criteria to measure eligibility. We do expect that successful scholar/ academic applicants will have completed a Ph.D., J.D. or equivalent degree.

The CarrCenter encourages applications from women, minorities, and citizens of all countries. Fellows must be able to read, write and speak English fluently.


At the Center, fellows will have an opportunity to advance their own professional development by completing works in progress, bridging into new fields or disciplines, and interacting with a community of leading human rights scholars.

Scholars will be expected to be in residence at the Center throughout the fellowship period, and have no other significant professional commitments during this time. Over the course of the fellowship period, each fellow will be expected to complete a research project and produce a significant written work. Fellows are expected to be active participants in a fellows colloquium program, providing feedback to colleagues on their research-in-progress. Fellows may also be asked to serve as guest lecturers in classes, give presentations, and attend Center events. In addition, the Fellowship Program Director may arrange for participation in other collaborative activities.


The Center’s Academic/Scholar fellowship program is non-stipendiary. Non-stipendiary fellows are provided with office space, computers with LAN and Internet connections, and access to HarvardUniversity libraries and other facilities. Unfortunately, the Center cannot assist in efforts to secure outside funding, therefore we strongly encourage 2004-2005 applicants who will require funding to conduct a search for funding to support a fellowship at the Center simultaneously with the application process.

Application Procedure for Scholars/Academics

Each applicant should submit:

  1. A curriculum vitae.
  1. Confidential letters of recommendation from two people who can attest to the applicant's academic competence. The references must seal their letters in envelopes and sign across the closure. The letters must be included with the applicants’ materials, and it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they arrive on time.
  1. A writing sample pertinent to the application (please do not send books or lengthy manuscripts).
  1. A statement regarding funding for the fellowship. For academics on sabbatical, this may be simply a statement of that fact and an acknowledgement that no further funding will be necessary. For those applicants who will be seeking outside funding for the fellowship, please indicate such and provide a list of confirmed and potential funding sources, indicating amounts requested/to be requested from each source, whether applications have already been submitted and, if not, the due dates for application submission.
  1. A 3- to 5- page double-spaced statement that outlines a major research project to be completed during the fellowship and describes its relevance to the Carr research agenda. While the Center welcomes project proposals on any human rights-related topic, we have a particular interest in proposals on topics related to ongoing research at the Center including: the use of force and human rights, nationbuilding, terrorism and human rights, genocide prevention, the global HIV/AIDS crisis, American exceptionalism and human rights, rights based approaches to humanitarian aid, and capacity development among human rights non-governmental organizations. The statement should explain how the project will add to the body of knowledge about human rights policy, outline your qualifications to complete this research, and describe the methods you will use to carry out the project. Please put your name on each page of the statement, entitle it “Academic/Scholar Fellowship Application Statement”, and PLEASE PROVIDE 3 COPIES OF THIS STATEMENT.

Materials submitted will not be returned to the applicant.

Completed applications must be received at the CarrCenter by 5:00pm on March 12, 2004. Applicants bear full responsibility for ensuring that all materials are received by the due date and will not be notified of incomplete applications. Decisions will be announced by April 15, 2004. Resident fellowships will begin September 1, 2004 and end on June 30, 2005.

Contact Information

Abena AsareMailing Address: CarrCenter for Human Rights Policy

Telephone: (617) 495-4646 JohnF.KennedySchool of Government

E-mail: 79 John F. Kennedy Street

Cambridge, MA02138


This information is also available at <http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/cchrp/fellows.shtml>.



CarrCenter for Human Rights Policy




Each year, the Center seeks a mix of fellows with different backgrounds and experiences. In particular, we seek to have a fellowship program engaging human rights activists and practitioners. Only human rights activists and practitioners working in developing nations are eligible for this fellowship.

Because we seek to draw applicants with a diversity of professional and human rights experiences, the Center will use no single criteria to measure eligibility. We do expect that successful activist/practitioner applicants will:

  • currently live in a developing nation and work on human rights issues
  • have at least 5 years of experience in human rights work or of professional experience in a relevant area (public policy, journalism, business, law, military, economic development, etc.)
  • have an interest in examining and reflecting upon this experience

The CarrCenter encourages applications from women, minorities, and citizens of any developing country. Fellows must be able to read, write and speak English fluently.


At the Center, fellows will have an opportunity to advance their own professional development by completing works in progress, bridging into new fields or disciplines, and interacting with a community of leading human rights scholars and activists. The networks and contacts developed at the Center often serve as a valuable resource when fellows return home.

Fellows are expected to spend the entire fellowship period in residence at the Center and should have no other significant professional commitments during this time. They are expected to attend all Center fellows colloquia and programs. Activist and practitioner fellows are expected to contribute to the CarrCenter and Kennedy School of Government communities throughout their fellowship. More specifically, they may give seminars and lectures on particular topics in human rights about which they have first hand knowledge and/or explore issues and questions raised in their work through discussion and study. They will be expected to present some completed project (policy paper, briefing, etc.) over the course of the fellowship period.


The Center’s Activist/Practitioner fellowship program provides a stipend of $35,000 for the fellow to use for living expenses in Cambridge. Health insurance and benefits will be provided for the fellow (coverage for dependents can be purchased for an additional cost). While the Center will provide guidance in the fellow’s housing search, housing costs must be paid out of the $35,000 stipend. Activist/Practitioner fellows are also provided with office space, computers with LAN and Internet connections, and access to Harvard University libraries and other facilities.

Application Procedure for Activists/Practitioners

Each applicant should submit:

  1. A curriculum vitae
  1. Confidential letters of recommendation from two people who can attest to the applicant's professional competence. The references must seal their letters in envelopes and sign across the closure. The letters must be included with the applicants’ materials, and it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they arrive on time.
  1. A writing sample in English.
  1. A 3- to 5- page double spaced statement entitled “Activist/Practitioner Fellowship Statement” that explains why the fellowship would be beneficial at this stage of your career, outlines what you hope to accomplish during the fellowship period, what you plan to do once your fellowship is completed, identifies questions and issues that have been raised in your work that you would seek to explore further during the fellowship, and describes ways in which you might enrich the community and/or topics on which you would be comfortable leading seminars or giving lectures.

Materials submitted will not be returned to the applicant.

Completed applications must be received at the CarrCenter by MARCH 12, 2004. If you anticipate difficulty in mailing your application to be received by this date, please e-mail Abena Asare () as soon as possible to arrange for electronic submission. Applicants bear full responsibility for ensuring that all materials are received by the due date and will not be notified of incomplete applications. Decisions will be announced by April 15, 2004. Resident fellowships will begin September 1, 2004 and end on June 30, 2005.

Contact Information

Abena AsareMailing Address: CarrCenter for Human Rights Policy

Telephone: (617) 495-4646 JohnF.KennedySchool of Government

E-mail: 79 John F. Kennedy Street

Cambridge, MA02138


This information is also available at http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/cchrp/fellows.shtml>.