Concert Choir

Course Syllabus: 2009-10

Carolyn Williams, Director

Phone: 610-847-5131, ext. 2435


Course Description

Concert Choir is an elective for any student in grades 10-12 who loves to sing and desires to improve their vocal skills while performing within a group. Building on the techniques and literature learned in Freshman Chorus, this course is designed to broaden the student’s knowledge and repertoire of choral music through the study of various time periods and cultures. 3, 4, and 5 part singin and music reading skills will be stressed and special attention given to composers of selected music and educational value of compositions performed.

Course Objectives

1.  Proper vocal production via posture and breath control

2.  Ability to sing with acceptable tone quality, pitch, and rhythmic accuracy with or without accompaniment.

3.  Music Theory – reading notes & rhythms; identify intervals, dynamics, key signatures, music terminology.

4.  Demonstrate through performance proper phrasing and interpretation as indicated by the score or the conductor.

5.  Be able to sing his/her individual part against other parts. (SATB, SSA, SSAA, TTB, SSATB)

6.  Demonstrate an acceptable level of sight-singing through solfeggio, interval recognition, and aural dictation.

7.  Be able to perform a variety of vocal literature from various time periods and cultures.

8.  Vocabulary: knowledge of music terms (Italian based)

9.  Analyze vocal performances as a method of self-improvement.

Course Requirements

Attendance at winter and spring concerts is required.

Attendance and participation in class and after-school rehearsals.

Written and oral tests

Concerts (one per semester)Winter Concert: Thursday, Dec. 10, 2009

Spring Concert: Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Each student is responsible for bringing his/her choral folder and pencil to rehearsal each day. Maintenance of music and materials is the also the responsibility of the student.

Melodia Sight-singing, Volume 1

Various choral octavos

Theory sheets

Grading Procedure

Students will be evaluated on a daily basis upon positive contributions to class activities: singing, reading, writing, piano skills, etc.

Class Participation (50%) This includes: enthusiastic attitude, excellent choir posture, propercare of music and folder, respect for others and their belongings, respect for school property, absence of food, gum candy or sugary drinks(water only, please), being ready to sing at the bell with folder and pencil in hand, and participatin 100% of the time.

Sightsinging (10%) Students will work on sight-singing skills and be tested both aurally and written on interval recognition and solfeggio.

Theory/History/Listening/Reading(10%) Music theory sheets with terms, note reading; Music history lessons pertaining to class content; Listening lessons.

Critical Reviews(10%) A portfolio quality critical review of an outside performance will be required each semester. We will learn about this in class.

Concert Performances(20%) Students must participate in one concert each semester. A written evaluation of the performance will complete the grade.

Concert Attendance Policy

If a student must miss a required performance due to illness or death in the family, arrangements must be made by the student with the teacher for an alternative assessment. A written excuse from the parent is necessary.

For an “A” Rehearsal Grade:

At the beginning of each marking period, each student will have a bank of 100 points, which averages 5 points per class. To maintain these points, the student must demonstrate the following “choir” habits.

1.  Be on time and in your designated seat, prepared to sing at the bell, with folder and pencil in hand. Maintain music in excellent condition and return at end of semester.

2.  Refrain from chewing gum, eating candy or food, or drinking sugary drinks. Water is the only drink permitted in Room 114.

3.  Choir posture for singing while sitting and standing.

4.  Follow directions. Be consistently focused.

5.  Keep a positive attitude….try it, you’ll like it!

6.  Keep talking to a minimum, and certainly not while we are singing, or while the director is speaking.

7.  Sing audibly!

8.  Apply daily corrections to the following rehearsals.

9.  Be a role model. Help and support others in the group.

First offense on any of these items will be a warning. Subsequent offenses will result in a point being removed from your “bank”! You may ask at any time how many points you have lost.


In order to gain back points lost, you may “beef” up your score by participating in the following activities: Coffee House, Spring Musical, County Chorus, Band/Orchestra auditions, Talent Show, accompanist, soloist, program design.

Extra help is available by appointment during lunches.

Coffee House – November 5, Musical Auditions – TBA,

County Chorus Auditions – Feb. 6, BCMEA Festival- March 18-20

Musical – March 4,5,6 Talent Show – April 30

Concert Choir

Course Syllabus 2009-10

Carolyn Williams, Director

Phone: 610-847-5131, ext. 2435


*Course Content may vary from this outline to meet the needs of this particular group.