September 21, 2009


The Board of School Trustees of the Center Grove Community School Corporation met in regular session at on Monday, September 21, 2009, in the Board Room at the Education Service Center, 4800 W. Stones Crossing Rd., Greenwood.

Board members present included President Jim Copp, Vice President Scott Gudeman, Secretary Carol Tumey and members Mark Dietel and John Steed. Also present at the meeting were Superintendent Steven Stephanoff, Assistant Superintendents Janet Boyle and Bill Long, Chief Financial Officer Paul Gabriel, and Personnel Director Sally Hacker.


Dr. Copp called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dr. Copp.


Mr. Steed moved to approve the agenda pending discussion of the following two items. Mr. Dietel seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Steed requested “Old Business” be changed to “Other Business” on future agendas and also that all board members be sent copies of the agenda for approval instead of the current practice of sending the agenda to the Board President for approval. Dr. Copp and Mr. Steed will discuss these changes prior to the next meeting.


Mrs. Tumey moved to approve minutes of the August 17 board meeting and executive session as well as the August 19, 20, 25 and 26 Strategic Planning Committee minutes. Dr. Gudeman seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.


Dr. Stephanoff introduced Carla Slauter and other members of the Fast Track Committee. The board thanked them for their commitment to the students of Center Grove.

CGHS Principal Matt Shockley introduced students Clare Standley, Blake Lemmons and Nicole Kreuzman. These students have been selected as the NASC (National Association of Student Councils) Tri-Chairs for the June 2010 Conference. The students presented information and plans for the upcoming conference which is being hosted by CGHS.


Pleasant Grove Elementary Principal Trael Kelly thanked Dr. Stephanoff for his vision and leadership; he also addressed the issue of administrative benefits. Dr. Dick Huber had questions regarding the Strategic Planning Committee presentation.


Dr. Gudeman moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items: Revised Personnel Report, Field Trips, Claims, Fund Raisers, Conflict of Interest and Acceptance of Grant Funding. Mr. Dietel seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.


Dr. Gabriel presented information on the proposed budgets for 2010, the 2010 Capital Projects Plan, and the 2010 Bus Replacement Plan. Dr. Copp opened the previously advertised hearing for the purpose of receiving public input. Jack Russell, Becky Edlin and Chris Pratt asked questions regarding the budget. There were no additional comments from the public, and the hearing was closed. Mrs. Tumey expressed concern regarding student-teacher ratio in the core classes at the secondary level. Mr. Steed asked questions regarding the actual time spent with students by the instructional coaches.

The budgets will need to be approved at the next regular board meeting. Following discussion, the decision was made to change the date of the next regular meeting to

October 12.

As a result of the board decision in March to withdraw the building projects from the referendum, a resolution needing board approval was presented by Dr. Gabriel. Mr. Steed moved to approve the resolution. Dr. Gudeman seconded, and the motion passed 5-0. Dr. Gabriel will file the resolution with the County Auditor.


Dr. Stephanoff shared information regarding Professional Development Day activities held earlier in the day and thanked Dr. Boyle and her staff for their efforts toward making the day a success.


Mrs. Tumey shared information regarding Central Nine, the CG Education Foundation and activities celebrating the 125th year anniversary of Center Grove High School.


Dr. Stephanoff provided an update on current enrollment.

A presentation was made to the Board summarizing work done by the Strategic Planning Committee. Larry Baysinger served as the facilitator, and a spokesperson from each group provided comments on the individual goals (listed below) which were recommended by the committee as priorities for the school district.

Goal # 1 – Educate and empower students to adapt to a changing global environment so they are able to think, communicate and compete using 21st Century skills. [Category: Student Achievement/Learning]

Committee members: Janet Boyle (spokesperson), Brady Clements, Chris Cross, Patti Duckworth, Brian Proctor, Ron Rose, Emily Strube, Amy Warner

Goal # 2 – Create and maintain a learning environment that identifies and addresses student needs and provides opportunities for all levels of students to learn through curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. [Category: Student Curriculum & Organizational Structures]

Committee members: Chris Pratt (spokesperson), Jeannine Browning, Heidi

Burgett, Bill Long, Cindy Price, Heidi Richmond, Lynn Ripberger

Goal # 3 – Provide focused, meaningful and relevant professional development supporting all district initiatives. [Category: Student Curriculum & Organizational Structures]

Committee members: Linda McCoy (spokesperson), Larry Baysinger, Michelle

Burris, Shelley Coover, Laura Hacker, Lucas Matney, Linda McCoy,

Susan Mullendore, Jeff Peterson

Goal #4 – Obtain necessary district funding to support and enhance educational programs.

[Category: Materials & Resources]

Committee members: Paul Gabriel (spokesperson), Becky Edlin, John Frank,

Kris Griffith, Trael Kelly, David Mandelbaum, Linda Mullis, Michelle Strauch

Goal # 5 – Achieve balanced enrollment and equitable, state-of-the-art facilities.

[Category: Materials & Resources]

Committee members: Victor Landfair (spokesperson), John Degenhardt, Pam Hering, Forrest Mellott, Jack Parker, Brian Quinlan, Dave Statler, John Steed, Alli Warner

Goal # 6 – Attract and retain the most qualified staff in all areas. [Category: Human


Committee members: Bruce Haddix (spokesperson), Claire Cross, Meresa Girdley, Robert Hill, Danielle Myers, Hanna Slauter, Steve Stephanoff, Peggy Young

Goal # 7 – Promote diverse opportunities for community and engagement in all

programs. [Category: Community Involvement]

Committee members: Terry Spradlin (spokesperson), Cheryl Christen/Linda

Bayne, Pam Davis, Elisa Horne, Shelly Jones, Jack Russell, Carol Tumey,

Casey Voelz

Goal # 8 – Our school board and administration will be strong advocates for students, share a common vision, and engage in open, honest, ongoing communication with all stakeholders, creating an environment of unity and trust. [Category: Leadership]

Committee members: Rob Daniels (spokesperson), Laurie Curtis, Laura Hilden,

Cathy Long, Amie Myers, Greg Noble, Matt Shockley, Gigi Shook, Terry West

Mr. Dietel made a motion to accept the recommendations of the committee and to allow the group to meet, as needed, to complete any unfinished business. Mr. Steed seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.


Mrs. Hacker presented a comparison of Center Grove’s administrative health benefits to those in other Johnson County schools and also in surrounding/conference school corporations. The Board asked Dr. Stephanoff to put a committee together to provide administrative input while “recognizing the goal of protecting the General Fund from future increases in health insurance.” Mrs. Tumey suggested the group look at what other school corporations are doing current this year and also check to see if they have any plans to change administrative benefits in the near future.

Dr. Copp read a prepared statement expressing his viewpoints on various subjects.

The Board discussed setting a Work Session or series of Work Sessions to assimilate the work of the Strategic Planning Committee. Dr. Copp will contact the board regarding possible meeting dates.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at

9:50 p.m.