


Regular Session, April 28, 2008


The Board of School Trustees of the Center Grove Community School Corporation met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 28, 2008, in the Board Room at the Administration Building, 2929 S. Morgantown Rd., Greenwood.

Board members present included President Matt Shepherd, Vice President Scott Gudeman, Secretary Jim Copp and Board Members Mark Dietel and Jackie Ponder. Also present at the meeting were Superintendent Steven Stephanoff, Assistant Superintendents Janet Boyle and Bill Long, Chief Financial Officer Paul Gabriel and Human Resources Director, Sally Hacker.


President of the Board Matt Shepherd called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Shepherd.


Dr. Copp moved to approve the agenda with amendments to the Personnel and Field Trip Reports. Dr. Gudeman seconded the motion. Mrs. Ponder moved to amend changes to the agenda to include a discussion of the policies presented at the last regular meeting by citing Board Bylaw 0131.1 which states policies discussed should remain on the agenda until they are either approved or rejected. Mr. Dietel seconded this motion, and the agenda was approved as amended 5-0. Discussion of the policies will be added following Adoption of the 1028 Resolution.


The Board recognized National Merit winners and foreign exchange students from the high school. The Board also recognized Carleigh Hardin of Maple Grove Elementary for her winning entry in the Habitat for Humanity art contest.


Dr. Gudeman moved to approve minutes of the March 17, 21 and 24, 2008 board meetings. Mr. Dietel seconded, and the minutes were approved 5-0.


Dr. Copp congratulated the Center Grove Education Foundation on the success of the recent Gala event. Dr. Copp also commented on the recent NSBA Convention he attended with Drs. Gudeman and Stephanoff.

Mr. Shepherd informed the Board that a new director is now in place for Central Nine.

Mr. Shepherd commended Dr. Stephanoff for his successful first year with the school corporation.


Ms. Debbie Kissler asked to hold her comments regarding support of Center Grove Elementary principal Bruce Haddix until discussion of the designated agenda item.


Dr. Copp asked that the Field Trip Report be removed for further discussion. Mrs. Ponder moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items: Personnel Report and Addendum, Claims List and changes to the high school student handbook. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion was approved 5-0.

Dr. Copp asked the following questions regarding the proposed choir trip: (1) alternatives for students not able to afford the costs associated with choir trips and (2) alternatives for parents who do not wish their students to miss a day of school in order to attend choir events. Choir Director Chris Pratt stated that the Choir Parents’ Association had scholarship funds available to help students with costs, as well as fund raisers with all proceeds going to individual student fees. He stated that arrangements can be made for students to join the group later if missing school is an issue. Mr. Shepherd asked for a vote to approve the Field Trip Report and the report was unanimously approved.

Human Resources Director Sally Hacker introduced new Alternative School Coordinator Elizabeth Bryant.


Anita Knowles and Roy Carlsgaard addressed the board regarding a grant application to create a trail from Brentridge subdivision, past Center Grove Elementary, and ending near Middle School Central. Mr. Shepherd moved that the Board endorse the application for the trail proposal and delegate school administrators to work with the White River Trails Committee on the specific delineation of the trail parameters. Dr. Gudeman seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Ms. Debbie Kissler, a CGES parent, spoke to the Board to express her support of Principal Bruce Haddix. A statement of support for Center Grove Elementary School (CGES) principal Bruce Haddix, signed by 41 staff members, was read by CGES teacher Eric Long.

Mr. Shepherd called a short recess.

Dr. Gabriel provided a PowerPoint presentation on proposed 2009-10 building projects including the high school renovation, proposed new elementary and proposed renovation of Center Grove Elementary School. Following discussion, the Board agreed that a forum should be held in May for the purpose of sharing the presentation with the public. The presentation will also be available on the school corporation website.


Dr. Boyle recommended approval of choir trips to Chicago planned for the spring of 2009. Dr. Gudeman moved to approve the trips as presented. Mr. Dietel seconded, and the motion passed 5-0. Dr. Boyle stated she has met with the band, orchestra and choir directors regarding procedures for trip approvals and that she will be developing written guidelines to outline these procedures.

Curriculum Director Wendy Kruger presented information on the individual School Improvement Plans. Mr. Shepherd moved to accept the P.L. 221 plans as submitted by the schools. Mrs. Ponder seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Dr. Boyle presented a proposal to extend the weekly early release time. Mrs. Ponder moved to approve the proposed extension for professional development from 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Dr. Kruger presented the following books for adoption: (1) English/Language Arts and World Language textbooks; (2) additional textbooks for high school computer applications needed for the update to Microsoft Office 2007; and (3) new keyboarding materials for the elementary technology lab classes. Dr. Copp moved to approve the textbooks as presented. Dr. Gudeman seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Technology Director Julie Bohnenkamp presented a recommendation for (1) replacement of desktop computers per the four-year replacement plan; (2) the purchase of additional equipment for two high school computer labs; and (3) laptops and carts to use at the ESB for training purposes. Dr. Gudeman moved to purchase new Dell Optiplex 740 Small Form Factor Flat Panel units through Technology Integration Group as recommended by the administration. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Technology Director Julie Bohnenkamp recommended the purchase of 50 multimedia classrooms to be disseminated across the district. Mrs. Ponder moved to approve CIM Audiovisual to install 50 multimedia classrooms as recommended by the administration. Dr. Copp seconded and the motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Shepherd opened the previously advertised 1028 hearing for a performance contract.

Dr. Long provided information on the Energy Savings Project proposed for Middle School Central. As there was no public participation, the hearing was closed.

Mrs. Ponder moved to adopt the 1028 Resolution for Guaranteed Energy Saving Project to be funded from school corporation funds. Dr. Copp seconded and the motion was approved 5-0.

Opportunity was provided for discussion of proposed policies for (1) Naming of Grounds and Facilities through gifts, commercial and corporate sponsorships, partnerships, and advertisements; and (2) Acceptance of cash tuition students. Dr. Stephanoff recommended the Board delay making any decision regarding cash tuition students as changes are anticipated from the State which may affect this issue.


Dr. Stephanoff provided an update on the unfair practices filed against the school corporation as well as an update on interviews for the principal openings. When the interviews have been completed and decisions finalized, a special meeting of the Board will need to be held to approve the new principals.


Dr. Boyle shared that presentation of the new Legacy awards will be held at 6 p.m. on

May 19--immediately prior to the regularly scheduled board meeting. The Legacy awards are decided through nomination by senior students.

Other announcements included:

May 19 Regular Board Meeting

May 26 Memorial Day—No School

May 29 End of 4th Nine Weeks/Second Semester

May 30 Records Day—1/2 Day for Teachers

Graduation – 7 p.m.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.