Carlisle County Public Schools

Unit of Study

Grade: __9____Content Area: __Science______Course: ___Biology______

Bundle/Unit Title: _Unit 2 Demystifying the Nature of Science______

Unit Synopsis

Knowledge of Content

Proposed Teaching Date / Standard / Gap / Learning Targets / STOP BUILD ASSESSMENT / Student-Friendly
“I Can…” Statements / Critical Vocabulary
A1: Scientific Inquiry
b. Manipulate variables in experiments using appropriate procedures (e.g., controls, multiple trials)
d. Interpret results and draw conclusions, revising hypotheses as necessary and/or formulating additional questions or explanations
f. Safely use laboratory equipment and techniques when conducting scientific investigations / Appropriate procedures in lab and manipulate variable
Interpret results of a lab experiment.
Safe use of lab equipment / I can use appropriate procedures in lab and manipulate variables
I can interpret results of a lab experiment and present the data.
I can use lab equipment safely
A3: Science in Practice
d. Explain why scientific explanations must meet certain criteria (e.g., be consistent with experimental/observational evidence about
nature, be open to critique and modification, be subject to peer review, use ethical reporting methods and procedures)
g. Compare the goals and procedures followed in basic science with the goals and procedures of applied science and technology;
discuss the important contributions of each and how citizens need to understand the ramifications of funding both endeavors
h. Explain how the contributions of basic science drive the potential of applied science (e.g., advantages found in nature can be
emulated for our own benefit/product development, such as observations of gecko feet suggesting new adhesives;
understanding of basic cell biology leading to cancer treatments) / Explain why scientific explanations must meet certain criteria
Be able to differentiate between basic science and applied science and discuss importance to technology.
Use of applied science to technology. / I can explain scientific explanation must meet criteria.
I can differentiate between basic science and applied science and discuss importance to technology.


Interim & End of Unit Common Assessments (Assessments & Rubrics Attached)

Proposed Assessment Date / Standards / Assessment Method / Interventions for Struggling Students / Extensions for Proficient Students
A1b, A1d, A1f, A3D, A3f, A3G, A3H / 20-25 multiple choice test and 1 constructed response


Biology Book, Lab Book, Internet
Essential Instructional Activities:

Individual Teacher Activities:

DAY # / “I CAN STATEMENTS….” / Instructional Activities / Formative Assessment / Intervention / Extension
Day 1 / I can use the microscope properly / Microscopes, Proper use of Microscopes / Go around to each student showing me the proper way to look at a specimen. / Correcting incorrect usage of microscope
Day 2 / Making their own slides / Same as above
Day 3-5 / I can design my own experiment and then be able to perform that experiment. / Designing our own experiment: Paper Towels / Each group will present their method of testing the paper towels / Verbal praise and correction of their method
Day 6-7 / Applied Science vs. Technology
Article from internet
Day 7-8 / Review and Unit 2 Test
Ideas and Thoughts for Refinement

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