Carl Perkins IV Career Tech Education (CTE) Public Reports

2013-2014Top of Form

Displaying Results for Northwest Arctic Borough School District

Report Details

Reflects Actual (Performance) vs. Targeted (Target) Results for School Year (2013-2014) and 2 previous years.

School Year↓ / 1S1
Lang / 1S2
Math / 4S1
Grad / 2S1
TSA / 3S1
HS Comp / 6S1
NTO Part / 6S2
NTO Comp / 5S1
2013-2014 Target / 80.6% / 69.4% / 85.0% / 68.5% / 91.0% / 38.0% / 29.3% / 85.5%
2013-2014 Performance / 41.2% / 23.5% / 75.0% / N/A / 68.2% / 44.0% / 0.0% / N/A
2012-2013 Target / 81.8% / 71.2% / 85.0% / 68.0% / 93.2% / 37.9% / 28.3% / 88.6%
2012-2013 Performance / 26.7% / 26.7% / 85.7% / N/A / 46.9% / 43.8% / 53.8% / 50.0%
2011-2012 Target / 82.9% / 74.6% / 85.0% / 67.5% / 92.7% / 37.7% / 29.3% / 88.3%
2011-2012 Performance / 38.5% / 48.7% / 83.3% / 100.0% / 70.2% / 50.0% / 23.8% / 64.7%

Career & Technical Education Performance Measures
Performance Levels: Districts using federal CTE funding are required to meet approved levels of performance. The first part of the table incorporates NCLB measures - Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Graduation Rates combined with CTE data. The rest of the table includes the other CTE measures.
CTE Participant: A high school student who has earned credit in one (1) or more approved course(s) in any Career & Technical Education (CTE) program area.
CTE Concentrator: A high school student who has earned at least two (2) credits in a single CTE program.

Code / Core Indicator / Measurement
1S1 / Attainment of Academic Skills
Reading/Language Arts / The percentage of CTE Concentrators who were proficient or advanced proficient in reading/language arts for the 10th grade exam.
1S2 / Attainment of Academic Skills
Mathematics / The percentage of CTE Concentrators who were proficient or advanced proficient in mathematics arts for the 10th grade exam.
4S1 / Student Graduation Rates / The percentage of CTE Concentrators who graduated high school (with a Diploma) in 4 years or less.
2S1 / Technical Skills Attainment / The percentage of CTE Concentrators who passed a technical skills assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards.
3S1 / High School Completion / The percentate of CTE Concentrators who earned a Diploma or a GED.
6S1 / Nontraditional Participation / The percentage of CTE students (males or females) who are taking CTE classes in a career area where one gender is 25% or less of the workforce.
6S2 / Nontraditional Completion / The percentage of CTE Concentrators (males or females) who have completed a CTE program in a career area where one gender is 25% or less of the workforce.
5S1 / Placement / The percentage of CTE Concentrators who left high school in the previous year and entered postsecondary education or advanced training, military service, or employment in the year after they left high school.

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Career & Technical Education Management System Revised: 4/16/2015 11:39:29 AM