IATA CASS Agent Details Form

Thank you for your interest in expanding your IATA CASS participation.

  1. Agent Information

CASS Country/Operation you wish to participate in:
(one form per CASS operation)
Legal Name of the Agent
Trading Name of the Agent
Agent 11 Digit CASS Code
Registered Address
Postal (Invoice) Address. The one that appears in your invoices.
VAT/Tax number or Equivalent of VAT number (in the CASS Operation of this application)
VAT/Tax Registered in your Home Country
Contact Person (CASS related) / Social Title (Mr. / Mrs.)
First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Contact E-mail Address
Telephone Number (with country code)
Fax Number (with country code)
Other Contacts / Email address for Remittance /Settlement (up to 2 allowed):
  1. CASS India specific requirements

Agent Permanent Account Number (Income Tax PAN)
Agent Service Tax Registration Number:
Is the Agent liable for TDS from Airline remuneration? (Tick One) /  Yes No
If Yes, Rate of TDS
Certificate from Income Tax Assessing Officer of appropriate authority required.
  1. Report Options – For further information please contact your IATA Customer Service Centre ( Chargeable at INR1500 plus service tax applicable per period for HOT &/or XLS)

Does your Agent wish to receive HOT files? /  Yes No
Does your Agent wish to receive XLS reports? /  Yes No
New Users: Please supply Name and E-mail address of each staff that will require access to CASSLink, including System function required per person:
Access 1 Name:
Access 1 E-mail address: / System functions required:
Agent Output View Corrections
Add Corrections Stock Agent
Access 2 Name:
Access 2 E-mail address / System functions required:
Agent Output View Corrections
Add Corrections Stock Agent
Access 3 Name:
Access 3 E-mail address / System functions required:
Agent Output View Corrections
Add Corrections Stock Agent

By signing the present form herein below I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that the above information is correct; that I am aware of the local laws and regulations governing the operations of air carriers in [country]______, and that the ISS Participant on whose behalf I am executing the present form, will hold IATA, its directors, officers, employees and agents free from any liability, costs and expenses in case of non-compliance with these laws, including without limitations, any reasonable legal expenses.

I hereby confirm to IATA and duly represent that I am duly authorized to submit this Participation Details Form on behalf of the ISS Participant, and that I am fully authorized to bind the ISS Participant, as provided herein, including the indemnity mentioned at the preceding paragraph. I also confirm that said participation in the ISS system is not to be construed as an admission of any liability and acceptance of assumption of any responsibility whatsoever by IATA regarding any default or non-compliance by the ISS Participant with respect to the applicable laws and governmental regulations.

By signing I, the undersigned, confirm that the above information is correct and that I am duly authorised to submit this CASS Participation Details Form on behalf of my Airline.

Page 1 (2)March 2013