Carers Breaks /Activities Request Form OCT-DEC 2014
Most are free – if a contribution is required we will let you know.
Please complete and return your form to Heather Goldsmith, Groups and Breaks Co-ordinator,
Swindon Carers Centre,1,Wood St.Old Town, Swindon,SN1 4AN
ABOUT YOUTitle: ______First Name(s):______Last Name: ______
Email address: ______
Daytime Telephone No: ______Mobile:______
If you have anything you would like to inform us about, e.g. if you need respite care to attend or if you would like to attend with a friend (who must be registered with the Carers Centre),please do so here:
- Please note: this form is a request only and does not guarantee you will be selected as unfortunately we often have more requests than spaces.
- We do try to ensure that carers’who have not previously accessed a break before, or for a long time, are given priority when we offer places.
- If you are offered a place you will receive an invitation from us confirming details of the date and time of the activity approximately 2-3 weeks before the event.
- The times and dates of these trips and courses are subject to change but all changes will be notified where possible.
Date / Event / Venue / Tick if interestedSaturday 8th November,
2-4pm / Tea Dance. A social event for older carers and the person they care for, if they too are older and /or have dementia.
Music, dancing(if you would like to!) and afternoon tea.
(50 places) / Citifaith Church,Regent Street , Swindon
Monday 1st Dec.
9.15am-2.45pm / Christmas shopping coach trip to Bath
( 48 places) / Bath town centre
Wednesday 3rd Dec
6.30-8.30pm / Flower arranging- watch a floral demonstration and then create your own festive table centre/arrangement.
( 8 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
Tuesday 9th Dec.
11.45am-2.45pm / Christmas buffet lunch -3 course festive buffet lunch
( 60 places) / Christopher’s Restaurant, Blunsdon House Hotel
Monday 15th December 7.30pm-approx 9.30pm / Christmas evening buffet meal
( 40 places) / JB Global buffet, Swindon town centre
Fortnightly sessions, 11am-12.30pm on Wednesdays / Card making workshop ( 8 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
Date and time to be confirmed / Gardening Workshop followed by tea cake and a chat! / To be confirmed
Health and well-being
30 min appoints Dates/ times TBC / Therapeutic Massage- neck, shoulder, hand and arm massage.Clothing does not need to be removed.( 24 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
( British Red Cross)
Carer to arrange appoint. with salon -voucher issued by the Carers Centre. / Pamper session voucher
Carers will receive a treatment eg massage/manicure/ pedicure/facial delivered by students training for a career in the beauty industry. Students will be supervised /assessed by their Lecturers (50 places) / Equilibrium Beauty Salon.5th Floor, Pegasus Bldg, Swindon College, Nth Star ,SN2 1DY
Carer to arrange appoint. with salon- voucher issued by the Carers Centre. / Hairdressing voucher
Carers can enjoy a hair appointment with students training for a career in the hairdressing industry. Students will be supervised and assessed by their Lecturers. (15 places) / Inspirations Salon,
Ground floor, Pegasus Bldg, Swindon College, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1DY
Individual 30 minute appointments will be arranged / Health Checks –are you 40-74 years of age and interested in receiving a health check from a Nurse and Health Ambassador ?( Blood pressure, weight, BMI, cholesterol levels etc ).You ned to be registered with a Swindon GP and NOT already receiving checks for arthritis, cholesterol or diabetes to be eligible. / Venue and time to be confirmed when appointment booked
Wed 15th October, 6.30-8.30pm / Coping with caring –with Marilyn( trained Counsellor).Explore in a safe group setting:-
- Different feelings and emotions/coping with your caring role
- Managing your own wellbeing/stress management
- Relaxation tips
- Where to access more support( 10 places)
Date and time to be finalised / Mindfulness-Introductory taster.So often, we are in "problem solving mode" thinking about how to get something done or we may play out old habits or dwell on old thoughts.Mindfulness is about stepping out of these mind states, - simply stopping and noticing what is happening, moment by moment. ( 10 places) / Lizzie Cambray from Ridgeway Mindfulness Psychology at
Swindon Carers Centre / Please circle the best time
am /pm /eve-we will go with the majority
Date and time to be finalised
** NEW / ‘Breathing Space’ –Meditation Workshop
Are you interested in attending a new meditation group? / To be confirmed
**NEW / Body Balance-an exercise class that combines yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi to give you strength and flexibility
NB .We need 10-15 carers for this class to be viable / To be confirmed- / Please circle the best time
am, pm or /eve-we will go with the majority
**NEW / Zumba- taster class
NB .We need 10-15 carers for this class / To be confirmed- / Prefer
Singing- said to improve spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing, helps relieve stress, meet new people. / For further information please see or email
Dates and times as indicated on the LIFT website/leaflet / Wellbeing
There are many free courses run by LIFT (AWP-local mental health services), which carers are welcome to attend. Topics include :-
- stress and mood management
- coping with low mood
- managing fibromyalgia
- beating low self-esteem
- overcoming your worries
- managing panic, anxiety and worry
- overcoming sleep difficulties and more
Lift Psychology,2nd Floor, Old Town Surgery, Curie Avenue, Swindon, SN1 4GBTel: 01793 836836
** NEW / Carers Together
This is a free online support service for carers where you can chat online, privately and securely to a trained volunteer mentor who has experience of caring.If you would like to be put in touch with an online mentor or volunteer your time to help other carers, please contact the project directly. / Tel 0121 236 2531 or email
Dates and times will be arranged between you and the Ambassador. / The Health Ambassador Service
This Service provides help and support to gain a healthier lifestyle. Anyone 16 or over can access or be referred to the Service. Confidential, free-of-charge and provided through a team of trained Health Ambassadors who can meet with you for 6 x 1:1 sessions in your local area. Advice, guidance and the support and motivation you need on matters eg
- Reducing stress.
- Healthy eating and working towards a healthy weight
- Becoming more physically active
- Stopping smoking
- Sensible drinking
- Improving your sexual health
Dates and times TBC / Please indicate if you would be interested in attending any of the listed talks. If we have more than 8 names we can arrange a speaker. Please circle the topic- The importance of making a will, ‘Living Wills’, Lasting Power Of Attorney, care home fees by Nigel Schofield of Foresight Wills
- End of life with Jo Hyde from The Prospect
- The Bobby Van Service with Rod Law
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Cancer
- M.E./Chronis Fatigue Syndrome
- M.S. (Multiple Sclerosis)
- Direct Payments-what are they? How to manage them.
- Homeline-A team of mobile wardens respond to calls for assistance from the cared for.
- Dressabilityoffers a specialist clothing alteration and adaptation service for people with disabilities and their carers and for people who are over 60
- PALS–find out about this service and what you can do if you are unhappy about NHS treatment received.PALS aim to to help if you need on the spot advice or provide information about NHS services. They aim to resolve issues as quickly as possible.
- Diabetes
- ASC( Autistic Spectrum Conditions)-an information/support session for parents of newly diagnosed children.
- Other-.Any other ideas welcome, please state below.
………………………………… / Swindon Carers Centre
Please indicate the best time of day for you to attend and we will go with the majority vote
Dates / Course / Venue / Tick if interestedStarts Wed 1st October,
6 workshops / Dementia Awareness –Carers Information Support Programme ( CrISP 1) delivered by The Alzheimer Society
Information and support for carers of people living with dementia.
Topics covered:-
1.Understanding Dementia, 2.Welfare Rights, 3.Support services available, 4.Planning for the future / Highworth Community Centre, The Dormers, Highworth, SN6 7PE / For more details and to book a place contact Rosemary Thompson on 01249 443469
Wed 1st October, 12.30-2.30pm / Basic First Aid Awareness course
How to manage an emergency situation, the recovery position, checking the airway/breathing, how to perform CPR, managing shock, unconsciousness, choking, bleeding etc (8 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
Session 1 starts on Wed 15th October, 6.30-8.30pm
Dates and times of further sessions TBC depending on interest / Confidence to care
A course that is mainly useful for new carers but may be beneficial to more experienced carers too. Starts with the ‘Coping with caring’ . See above.
Other session topics that can be arranged include- physical care, manual handling, medication etc.. Sources of information and services available to support you in your caring role. (10 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
Thursday 30th October, 1-3pm / Safeguarding Of Vulnerable Adults course-Who is a vulnerable adult? What is meant by the term abuse? What can be done about it? (8 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
Thursday 23rd October, 1-3pm / Basic Food Hygiene and Safety course- Budding chef or more at home with microwave meals and beans on toast? It’s important to know how to prepare food safely and hygienically especially if caring for a vulnerable person. (8 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
Tuesday 11th November,10am-12 noon / Basic First Aid Awareness course How to manage an emergency situation, the recovery position, checking the airway/breathing, how to perform CPR, managing shock, unconsciousness, choking, bleeding etc (8 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
Tuesday 18th November, 10-11.30am / The Good Guide to Nutrition-do you worry about nutrition? Is eating or swallowing difficult for the person you care for? This interactive presentation covers-
- Healthy eating and keeping the body strong
- How to spot signs of malnutrition, managing swallowing difficulties
( 10 places) / Swindon Carers Centre
One course starts in October, thenext one will be in November / Computer course for the terrified!
A basic computer course (6 sessions) which can be studied at your own pace by patient tutors.
The loan, set up and maintenance of a computer for you to have at home may be available. (6 places) / Tech4D
3 York House. Edison Park, Dorcan, Swindon, SN3 3RB
Dates and times to be confirmed, depending on interest / ‘Caring and Coping for Mental Health Carers’ a course delivered by Donna Huff of Rethink Mental Health. / Dates and times to be confirmed
Clubs/Groups/Peer Support
Dates to be finalised / Sewing Group. Facilitated by Maddy Smithson. We will trial this new sewing/social group for 4 months and then review its popularity.
7 sewing machines will be available for sharing or carers can do hand –sewing while chatting over a cuppa. / Large Training Room, ASDA West Swindon
** NEW
Monthly meetings / A new group facilitated by a trained Counsellor to explore how you are feeling now that the person you cared for has gone in to a nursing/care home. Are you experiencing feelings of loss, guilt, loneliness etc. Is there a big void now that your caring role has changed?
Meet other carers in a similar situation, explore feelings and emotions but also make new friends and perhaps meet with them socially. / To be confirmed-will be in Swindon centre.
16th Oct
20th Nov
18th Dec
2-4pm / OPEN MINDS-Activity /social group for older carersand carers of people with dementia
NB Your cared for person is welcome to attend this event with you, particularly if they have dementia.Asafe and welcoming setting with disabled access and staff trained in older people/ dementia care. Activities will be group lead but can include craft, singing, bingoetc / St Andrew’s Church Hall, Raleigh Avenue. / Please tick if cared for wishes to attend.
2nd Thursday of the month / Highworth Carers Group-drop in session. Join us for a cuppa and a chat.
This is a friendly social group that also meets outside of the monthly session on additional dates. / The Computer Room, Highworth Community Centre, the Dormers, Highworth
** NEW
Dates and times to be confirmed / 16 – 24’s
Are you a carer 16-24 years old? Would you like to meet other young adult carers for mutual support, make new friends and socialise? / Venues will vary for each meeting depending on the activity
Thursday 27th November, 8pm-11pm / Male Carers Group. Meet other male carers and share experiences in a social setting. Event hosted by 2 male staff from the Centre. / The Comedy Club, Swindon
NB *Adult humour*
1st Thursof each month (please ask for times/venue) / Mental Health Carer Peer Support Group for those who care for someone with mental health issues. Mutual support for people in a similar situation. / Swindon Carers Centre or a community venue
Every Thurs
10.30am-12 / Knitting /Crochet Circle
Learners and experienced knitters welcome. Drop in any time during the session for a cuppa and a chat.
Other / Swindon Carers Centre
Contact organisation directly for details / Life after having a stroke-there are 2 groups, in the community supported by volunteers, that aim to improve the quality of life of the person who has had a stroke and their carers.
- Swindon Stroke Support Group –based in Stratton St. Margaret
- Wroughton Social Stroke Club. Ellendune Community Centre.
Tel 01793 529693 or email
2.Please contact either Mollie Newman on Swindon 532402 or Joyce Bowles on 525818
Contact ABC for details / ABC- a Swindon based community self-help support group for patients with cancer, their carers, relatives and friends
NB-ABC is run by part-time volunteers / Please contact Beryl Bowles via
their website is
Times and days to be confirmed by the organiser
/ Swindon Health Walks-Short group walks lasting 40 - 60 minutes followed by socialising and light refreshments.
The walks are available each day, start from various points in Swindon and are guided by trained volunteers as part of a nationally accredited scheme. The aim is to improve health and encourage enjoyment of local parks /green spaces with a chance to meet others. / Please contact
Amanda Rothwell or Gladys Barr
Swindon Health Walks Co-ordinators
01793 465413
email or
for further information.
Contact Learning Life for further details / Learning for life
Education, training and personal development opportunities for disabled people and their carers. £2 a week registration fee and then access courses. / Tel 01793 422964 or email
Contact SWADS for details / Time4Us - (a group for carers who support someone misusing drugs or alcohol). Meetings are usually held at SWADS, 13 Milton Road / For more information please contact SWADS on 01793 695405 or .
Contact RVS for full details / RVS (Royal Voluntary Service) Community Transport-a door to door scheme that gives older people freedom to get out and about. The journey cost is mileage based and competitively priced. / Tel- 01793 465552 or email
For further details of this service.
Alzheimer Society
The office in Raleigh Avenue has closed so in the first instance their Chippenham office should be contacted for information about their support services still available in Swindon, Meet and eat and Singing for the brain sessions etc / Alzheimer Society Chippenham Office - 01249 443469
3rd Wed of the month, 7-9pm / Swindon M.E. Support Group- a social gathering for people with M.E. and their carers, held at a local pub. / Contact for venue details
Julie 07425161041
Swindon Trauma Group
A support group that aims to help you cope with the impact of trauma, PTSD / Contact the Support Group on 07505 476 139, email
** NEW / OWLS-Outpatient Welcome and Liaison Service.
A volunteer escort can meet you at the entrance of GWH and escort you to and from your appointment. They can sit in the waiting area with your loved one while you go in to the consulting room. / If you would like further information and to book this service please ring them on 01793 60 42 89
Contact Silverline for details / Silverline-information, friendship and advice for older people.A confidential, free helpline open every day and night of the year. / Tel-
0800 470 80 90
3rd Thurs of month / Swindon SOBBS
For those who have been bereaved by a suicide. - A new self-help group supporting one another through the trauma, grief and aftermath of suicide. / West Swindon location.
Please ring the SOBBS mobile on 07543 242 332 or email
National website -
Contact Age UK for details / Call in time from Age UK/Swindon Borough Council
A new telephone support service for :-
- Over 60s who feel lonely or isolated
- People who may live alone or live in a care home.
A weekly call lasting up to 30 minutes to establish a mutual on-going friendship OR a shorter call (Good Day) made by Call in Time staff to check if the older person is OK or to remind them of prompts for daily living. Available for up to 8 weeks eg after returning from hospital. / For more information, please contact Wendy Meilton on 01380 727767
or email
Please call Heather Goldsmith, Groups and Breaks Co-ordinator on 01793 401095or email , if you need more information.