Reference:Articulation Agreement
Career Cluster:Arts/AV Technology & Communication
Career Pathway:Visual Arts
Sponsors:NH Department of Education
Western NH Tech Prep Consortium
Secondary School:Concord High School & Regional Technology Center
Postsecondary:NH Community-Technical College at Manchester
High School Course of Study:Graphic Arts
Postsecondary Degree:Associate of Applied Science
Commercial Design and Illustration
Approved by NHCTC-Manchester:
President: Tom Wisbey
VPAA: Mary Scerra
AVPAA: Ray Godin
Dept. Chair: Joanne Jagodowski
Approved by: Concord School District:
Superintendent: Christine Rath
Principal: Gene Connolly
CTE Director Donna Nelson
CTE Teacher: Nancy Gaudet
Approved by IT Pathway Director:
TP Consultant: Marsha Miller
The Associate in Applied Science Degree in Commercial Design and Illustration prepares students for a career in the graphic arts industry. Students will acquire skills, knowledge and work-based experience in creating and executing comprehensive designs that promote public consumption of materials, products or services along with the ability to influence the opinions of individuals or organizations through printed communications. During the internship course, students will practice the skills learned in the classroom/lab, acquire professional job attitudes and explore career opportunities in commercial design. In some instances, the internship may lead to job placement for graduating students.
Through this statewide agreement between Concord High School & Regional Technology Center and the Community-Technical College at Manchester, high school students will gain the skills, knowledge and experience they need to (a) gain college admission and (b) pursue a degree in commercial design and illustration.
- alignment of secondary and postsecondary courses to meet college entrance requirements
- dual credit for demonstrated knowledge, skill and experience
- ongoing cooperation and collaboration regarding the preparation of New Hampshire’s emerging workforce
Partner Responsibilities:
Seek opportunities to create 2+2+2 articulation agreements with four-year schools within and outside of New Hampshire to insure multiple options for postsecondary enrollment.
Provide an opportunity for high school students to visit the college campus, attend classes, and interview with an admissions counselor.
Sponsor an annual professional development workshop for secondary and postsecondary educators to review the standards and learner outcomes by which high school students will demonstrate core competencies and, if successful, earn college credit. The college will follow established procedures for those courses that are offered through Project Running Start.
Secondary School:
Provide an opportunity to high school students to visit the college campus, attend classes, and interview with an admissions counselor.
Attend the annual professional development workshop sponsored by NHCTC-Manchester to review the standards and learner outcomes by which the high school students will demonstrate core competencies and, if successful, earn college credit. Concord High School & Regional Technology Center will follow established procedures for those courses that are offered through Project Running Start.
Promote and publicize the dual credit opportunities contained within this agreement.
Graphic Arts Students:
Schedule an individual appointment and/or participate in a school-sponsored field trip to visit the college campus, attend classes and interview with the college admissions counselor.
Terms and Conditions
Through this agreement, high school students enrolled in the two-year sequence of graphic arts courses will have multiple opportunities to earn college credit. The intended outcome is to prepare students for college enrollment within the career pathway of visual arts. The following grid aligns the high school courses with the postsecondary option and indicates the number of college credits awarded for successful completion. These courses are available through Project Running Start and there is a $100.00 registration fee for each 3-credit and 4-credit course.
To apply for the (3) college credits through NHCTC-Manchester, the graphic arts high school student must do the following:
1. Complete Graphic Arts I
2. Be enrolled in Graphic Arts II
3. Pass the Graphic Arts II end test with a grade of C or higher
3. Pass the Graphic Arts II portfolio review with a grade of C or higher
Concord HS & Reg. Tech. Ctr.Core Academic / Concord HS & Reg. Tech. Ctr.
Core Pathway (VA) / NHCTC-Manchester
Running Start Option / # of college credits
English Composition / ENGL 110 College Composition I / 4
English 11
US History / HIST204 United States History – 1870 to the Present / 3
Algebra I & II / MATH 131
College Algebra I / 3
Graphic Arts I
Graphic Arts II / CDI 111
Electronic Publishing I* / 3
Public Speaking / ENGL113
Oral Communications / 3
Computer Literacy / CIS 110
Intro to Computers / 3
Marketing *
Bus. Math *
*Nancy: Does Concord High School offer these courses? If yes, are these the correct titles?
Template for Professional Development Day
Intended Outcome:
To insure, on an annual basis, course alignment between the secondary and postsecondary course of study so that students are prepared for (a) college admissions and (b) career success within the graphic arts industry.
Length of Program:Three-hours
Facilitator:Department Chair
Commercial Design and Illustration
Secondary:All teachers who teach one or more of the courses
identified on the course alignment grid contained within this agreement as well as the CTE Director.
Postsecondary:All faculty who teach one or more of the courses identified on the course alignment grid contained within this agreement.
Introduction of Attendees
Program Review:
- Enrollment
- Enrollment in high school graphic arts program
- Enrollment in postsecondary course of study
- Projections
- Barriers
- Course Alignment
- Review Grid contained within the five-year agreement
- Identify and discuss any changes at either secondary and/or postsecondary level
- Keeping in mind the two objectives of the agreement (college preparedness and career success, reach consensus on the desired sequence of courses.
- If necessary, modify the agreement
- Marketing
- Review & discuss partner responsibilities outlined in the agreement
- Discuss opportunities to expand the agreement to other two/year and four-year schools to insure multiple routes to career success