10 Point Guide for Self-found Placements
Last year during Work Experience week at Cardinal Newman High School, 200 out of 217 pupils successfully obtained a placement. Of these 200, the vast majority were self-found.
There are obvious benefits to self-found placements.
These placements tend to be the choice of the pupil as they have a real interest in that career, therefore leading to greater enjoyment and a worthwhile experience.
They also get the opportunity to experience application forms etc.
So a self-found placement is the preferred method of securing a valuable Work Experience.
Even if employers are not able to offer a place they will be delighted to hear from you.
Before approaching any employer, discuss what you want to do with parents/guardians or the Work Experience Co-ordinator, Mr Conaghan
Most employers’ details will be found online. Alternatively, many pupils in previous years have found placements with firms or with employers who are known to their parents or who have family members, friends, neighbours etc.
Below is the 10 point guide, which you should read before beginning your search
1. You cannot organise a placement which would involve you travelling on your own with another adult unless the adult is a parent/guardian or sibling.
2. No self-found placement will be approved until it has been cleared by the Health and Safety Officer from North Lanarkshire Council. Any potential employer MUST have a current Employee Liability Insurance.
3. All high risk placements (ie garages, workshops, factories. Laboratories etc.) must be visited by the Health and Safety Officer.
4. Unfortunately, some placements will automatically be rejected as they are considered to be too unsafe for pupils at this time. This would include for example, working at a height above 2 metres. All placements will be considered individually and pupils informed as soon as possible of the suitability.
5. Please do not approach Strathclyde Police. They already offer places to each school and pupils will be informed when they become available.
6. Please make sure that your prospective employer has completed all parts of the Self-Assessment Form. It must be signed by the employer. Completed forms MUST be returned to Mr Conaghan as soon as possible. The earlier that forms are returned will give you a greater chance of being successful in your application.
7. Late forms will not be processed. This is the important part……The final date for submission of self-placement forms will be Monday 15rd May.
8. Once applications have been submitted Mr Mc Conaghan will register the details on the Workit website
9. Pupils looking for placements in North Lanarkshire Schools will be requested to attend a meeting with Mr Conaghan at a date to be announced.
10. If you require any help or advice regarding self-placements, please see Mr Conaghan as soon as possible.
Cardinal Newman High School
Making the Most of your Placement
· Contact your placement one week before you start.
· Make sure you know where you are going on your first day.
· Make sure you know the name of the person you should report to on arrival.
· Know how you are going to travel to your placement.
· Find out about the cheapest train or bus ticket – this may be a weekly ticket.
You must stay at your placement until the end of the week – i.e. Friday 17th June.
You have to complete your diary each day. This must be handed in to school on your return.
Your employer has been given an assessment form to complete for you. They may give it to you on the last day of the placement or they may send it directly back to school. If you are given the assessment form you should hand it in to the office with your diary.
If parents have any concerns about their child’s duties they should contact the school immediately.
Finally, enjoy your placement. Work hard and create a good impression for you and the school.
School Contact Details:
Mr. C Conaghan
Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce Co-ordinator
Cardinal Newman High School
Main Street
Tel No: 01698 274944