CaPS Tips on…

…Using Your Campus Career Centre

What is a Campus Career Centre?

Most post secondary schools have a campus career centre where career services professionals assist in making that important link between employers and students. Through workshops, seminars and individual consultations students learn about career planning, resume and cover letter writing and interview skills. Employers can gain access to students through campus job postings, career fairs and information sessions. At the University of Alberta (U of A) this centre is Career and Placement Services (CaPS).

At the Campus Career Centre high tech meets high touch

While the consensus is that the Internet provides the greatest access to the largest pool of candidates be aware that any successful recruitment program also needs the personal touch. Students consistently tell us they appreciate organizations that take the time and make the effort to come on campus and meet personally with them. Your campus career centre can help you gain access to this talented pool of potential employees in both the high tech and high touch areas.

Campus Career Centres and high tech

Through the campus career centre of your choice you can post employment opportunities on their website. Most post secondary schools password protect their job postings as well as list the postings by faculty allowing for you to advertise directly to the candidate pool of your choice. Make your job posting specific and as detailed as possible and cut down on resume spam that you may experience on larger less specific job boards. To post a position at the U of A visit

Campus Career Centres and high touch

Campus Career Centres host various career fairs each academic year allowing employers the opportunity to meet with a wide range of students.

You can also work with the staff at the centre to host an Employer Information Session. The career centre staff is familiar with student demographics; faculties, departments and programs; and the time lines and culture of their campus. They will advise you on the best time of year, day of the week and time to hold your Information Session. They will use their extensive campus contacts within department staff and student groups to advertise your session. Allow them to help you make that link with students.

Linking you with Alberta’s best: CaPS Works!