Request for funding from the Extended Services in and around Schools (ESS) Capital Grant

Please return to Room 120, Strategic Planning,

Children & Young People’s Services,County Hall,

DCFS Number: ______School/College: ______TopshamRoad,Exeter,EX2 4QG

Fax: 01392 382964

Please complete the following: Email:

Description of Development:
Anticipated Start Date:
Anticipated Completion Date:
Overall Estimated Cost:
How was this need for capital investment identified?
How identified / Detail
School Improvement Planning Priority
Learning Community Action Plan

£ Funding Source

ESS Capital Grant

Devolved Formula Capital

Commitment from school budget

Commitment from external contributions______

Please specify source

Commitment from external contributions______

Please specify source

Total cost of development

Please complete:

School contact:______



Please describe in detail how this development will enable families to access one or more elements of the ESS core offer:

Element of ESS Core Offer / Current level of delivery / Delivery level after capital investment / for County Hall use only
Criteria met
Varied Menu of Activities
Swift & Easy Access to Specialist Services
Parenting Support
Community Access
* Has the relevant District Co-ordinator from Early Years & Childcare Team been consulted? YES/NO
Criteria for funding / for County Hall use only
Criteria met
How will this development benefit the school community?
How will this development benefit the wider community?
Please describe your consultation process with students/parents/wider community.
Please give any additional information that you feel will support your application for funding.


Eligibility of Project / Please refer to the school’s Finance Manual, Section 8: Capital Projects - The Funding of Vehicles and Equipment Purchases.
Asset Management Plan
−Condition / Does the proposed Capital Scheme feature as a priority within your school’s condition element of the AMP, as agreed with the LEA or within your own School Development/Improvement Plan?
−Suitability / Does the proposed Capital Scheme feature as a priority within your school’s suitability element of the AMP, as agreed with the LEA or within your own School Development/Improvement Plan?
−Net Capacity / Will the capacity of the school be altered by the addition, removal or conversion of teaching space? If yes, please discuss with your Divisional Project Officer before work commences.
On completion of the project you will need to inform us of the details/required amendments that will affect your Net Capacity data. Please note: in most cases any works undertaken will affect your overall capacity figure and, in turn, PAN (Planned Admission Number).
On completion of the project/works please ensure your data are amended (see AMP section on p.2 of Capital Projects Approval form).
Landlord’s Consent
(a) / Has the ownership of the land and/or buildings been established?
(b) / Is Landlord’s consent required? If yes this must be obtained in writing before work commences
Note: in the case of C of E VC schools, if the proposed work involves the demolition, extension or adaptation of the school buildings, please also advise the Diocesan Board of Education office.
Planning Approval / Is Planning Approval required? (If ‘yes’ this must be obtained via the County Environment Directorate,before work commences. For further information or advice on planning matters please contact Malcolm West on 01392 382867 or email .)
Building Regulations Approval / Is Building Control Approval required (usually via District Council)? (If ‘yes’ this must be obtained before work commences).
Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 1994 (CDM)
(a) /
Do the CDM Regulations apply to this project? (For works lasting 30 man days or involving more than 4 workers the CDM Regulations 1994 apply and you must, by law, appoint a planning supervisor and principal contractor). However, the CDM Regulations apply to all design work regardless of the value or duration of work.
(b) / If ‘yes’ above, have you appointed a suitably qualified property professional/person to fulfil the client’s duties in accordance with the Regulations?
Asbestos Materials
(a) /
Has an appropriate level asbestos survey to HSE: MDHS100 standards been conducted to all areas which will be affected by the works?
(b) /
If ‘yes’ to (a) above, have any asbestos materials been identified which will be at greater risk of damage or that might be either disturbed or removed as part of your project?
(c) /
If ‘yes’ to (b) above, all works involving asbestos materials must be carried out in accordance with DCC’s current policy and procedures for asbestos and current legislation.
Electrical Installation / Alteration / Will the existing electrical installation need alteration? If yes, all work must comply with the current IEE Regulations BS 7617 and must be carried out by a NICEIC registered contractor.
Gas Installation / Alteration / Will the existing gas installation need alteration? If yes, all work must comply with the Gas Safety Regulations and IF/25 Guidance Notes on Gas Safety in Education Establishments, published by British Gas. All work must be carried out by CORGI registered contractors.
Fire Precautions / Will any fire precaution measures be affected? If yes, you must discuss your proposal with the Fire Prevention Officer.
Glazing Materials / Will the installation of glazing material be included? If yes, all work must comply with current safety regulations.
Disabled Access / Have the access needs of disabled people been considered?
School Transport / Is the work going to affect, temporarily or permanently, any school transport contracts by, for example:
  • altered drop off or pick-up points?
  • restricted parking?
  • relocation to temporary accommodation for some or all pupils?
If yes, you must discuss the issues with David Kitchingham, tel: 01392 382052 before developing the project further.
School Travel Plan / All schools are encouraged to have a School Travel Plan, ref: When planning approval is required for a project, a Travel Plan should be adopted or revised accordingly. Does your school have a School Travel Plan in place?
School Meals/Catering Service / Is the work going to affect, temporarily or permanently, the provision of the food service, disrupt the water/gas/electrical services or the delivery of food or vehicular access to the kitchen/servery?
If yes - you must discuss the issues with Client Support, tel. 01392 382860 and the Catering Manager before developing the project further.

Project Title......

School Name ......

Signed ...... Headteacher/Principal/Premises Manager

Date ......
