
The CAP Agency assists and empowers people to achieve social and economic well-being by providing services in partnership with our communities.

Board of Directors Meeting

August 8, 2017

6:30 – 8:00 pm

CAP Agency, 712 Canterbury Road South, Shakopee, MN 55379

Meeting Minutes

1.  Preamble

A. Call to Order –
B. Welcome and Introductions
C. Determination of a Quorum
Board Members Present –Bill Rudnicki, Gayle Degler, Nate Bostrom, Sean Milligan (PC), Mike Beard, Gino Businaro, Liz Carlson, Chris Hansen, Bev Higdem, Rhonda Nau
Board Members Absent – Tanya Velishek, Mike Mayer, Gary Notermann, Mary Korthour, Ron Ceminsky
Staff Present – Joseph Vaughan, Laura Gilkey, Eric Gentry, Steve Quist, Michelle Franke, Christie Rossow, Jeremy Casper, Jackie Lara, Susan Hilla, Jennifer Baker (minutes)
D. Amendments to Agenda
E. Public Comment

2. Consent Agenda

Board Action Requested: To review and approve Consent Agenda Items
Moved by Mike B. Seconded by Gayle. Motion carried. / Item #
A.  Board Meeting Agenda – August 8, 2017 / 2A
B. Board Meeting Minutes – July 11, 2017 / 2B
C. Financial Reports
1. Financial Summary by Fund – June 2017
2. VISA Card Summaries – June 2017 Head Start, Agency, CEO
3. Head Start Financials – May 2017 /
D. Head Start
1.  July Monthly Report
2.  Head Start Annual Report 2016-2017
3.  Head Start Program Plan 2017-2018 / 2D1

3. Action items

A. Discuss and Approve FY18 Agency Budget
Joe informed the Board that the Budget has been approved by the Finance and Executive committees. The budget for FY18 has no drastic changes or startling items. Private grants revenue will now be its own line item in order to better track, sustain, and grow this area. The FY18 budget is a conservative one, with the expectation that CAP will outperform its budget again in the coming year. An Agency wide staff salary increase has been budgeted, as well as an increase in health benefits cost. The budget also assumes all CAP staff enrolled in the 401k plan. All employees will be automatically enrolled in January with the option to opt out. Professional development for staff has been identified as a budget priority for the Agency as a whole. For further details, see July Finance Committee minutes. Gino asked about the status of the Agency’s cash flow. The cash flow has been positively turned around in the last few years and we are not working on building our cash reserves.
Motion to approve the FY18 Agency Budget. Moved by Gino, seconded by Bill. Motion carried. / 3A

4. Updates and Discussion

A. Head Start – Laura Gilkey
Laura updated the Board regarding Head Start policies and procedures for immunizations. Laura will email this information out to the Board. Laura then presented a video to the Board highlighting the past year in Head Start.
B.  Rosemount Remodel Update
Michelle Franke shared pictures and updates on the remodel taking place at our Rosemount office. The project should be completed in the next few weeks.
C. Burnsville Senior Nutrition site closing effective July 31, 2017
The Senior Nutrition site at Burnsville has been closed due to lack of participation and duplication of services.
D. Board Committee Updates
1. Executive Committee – Nate Bostrom – 7/11/17 minutes attached
2. Finance Committee – Bill Rudnicki
The committee reviewed and approved the FY18 budget. CAP Agency’s credit card usage and policies were also discussed. The Agency’s credit card usage is overseen by the finance director, finance committee, and full Board. Minutes will be attached to the September Board packet.
3. Governance Committee –Gayle Degler
4. Strategic Plan Implementation Committee – Bev Higdem
E. CAP Connections Updates
Chris volunteered at two of the Fresh Produce Distributions and met a volunteer who was interested in possible Board participation. Jennifer was connected with a PR firm through connections with other nonprofit organizations. / 4D1
F. Executive Director Report - Joe Vaughan
1. Calendar Review
Joe informed the Board that United Way will be stuffing backpacks with school supplies at a Saints game this month, and CAP will be one of the recipients. This is a new connection for CAP. This year’s school supply distribution is 100% sponsored by donations. Donors include United Way, Shutterfly, Sanmar, Saint Joseph’s, and many individual donors. The fiscal year has gone well and Joe expects a strong finish. He then thanked the staff for their hard work to make this possible. / 4F1
G. Board Chair Report – Nate Bostrom
1. “My Connections” Update
Nate asked Chris for her reaction to the Produce Distributions. Chris loved the experience, loved getting to assist clients directly. She felt very needed and the time went very quickly. The next event is August 19th. Nate gave a huge thank you to Ashley and Kim for their incredible work on these events. Jackie shared that 299 households were served during just the first two events.
Jennifer shared that yesterday, CAP Agency was awarded Gold Level status on Guidestar.org, a nonprofit database used by Amazon Smile and Facebook for charitable contributions. This status indicates an excellent level of organizational transparency for donors.
Thanks to the new internship connections established, one of this summer’s interns has been hired on as a permanent staff member!
H. Other Business
Wednesday, September 13th is the 8th annual Project Community Connect. There is a personal care drive going on before the event, items can be dropped off at CAP anytime before the event. Monetary donations are also accepted and needed for the event! Donations can be made online at dropped off/mailed to the office. If Board members have not volunteered at this event in the past, it is a really incredible experience and highly encouraged.
Also, Jennifer’s birthday is Friday. J
I. Adjournment 8:05pm

Note: Next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, September 12 from 6:30-8:00pm at the Shakopee office