School Improvement Focus
Canyons School District Mission
Canyons Instructional Framework
Bobcat Logo
Mission Statement
Governing Bodies
Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular Activities
Special Duties
General Information
Guidelines and Information
Grading & Attendance Guidelines
Working with Failing Students
Skyward Grading Program
Disciplinary Guidelines
Classroom Management
School-wide Discipline
Behavior Guidelines
Library/Media Center
Library Media Center And Audio/Visual Equipment Use
Audio/Visual Media Guidelines
School Calendar
Financial Operations
Financial Matters
Student Programs & Procedures
Student Activities
Student Government
Advisors’ Responsibilities
Miscellaneous Items
Faculty Handbook
School Improvement Focus
Canyons School District Mission
Canyons School District Mission
The District Mission of ensuring each student Celebrate the Highest Standards of Achievement is accomplished by all District employees giving constant and careful attention to the guiding tenets of Student Achievement, Innovation, Customer Service, and Community Engagement.
Canyons Instructional Framework (click image for link)
Bobcat Logo
Mission Statement
The mission of Union Middle School is to provide students with skills, attitudes and experiences for success in achieving personal goals.
- Students learn best when exposed to a variety of teaching methods and strategies
- Positive relationships facilitate student learning and achievement
- Students learn best in a warm, friendly and positive learning environment
- Students have unique, varied and differing learning needs
- Students benefit from character education including concepts such as integrity, honesty, responsibility, caring and respect
Students benefit from a collaborative learning environment where frequent group interactions are instrumental in the learning processGoverning Bodies
School Governance
ABC is a statewide training initiative to support the implementation of aMulti Tiered System of Support for academic and social behavior. MTSS requires implementing evidence-based instruction and interventions in a tiered model, proactive screening and progress monitoring assessments, and problem-solving to support the academic and behavioral needs of all students.
ABCD Governing Committee (BLT Team)Lynn Dunn (6A), Beth Steele (6B), Christina VanDam (7A), Melissa Crandall (7B),
Eryn Hatch (8A), Jenn Muir (8A), Emily Bond-Kafer (8B), Polla Slade (Electives),
Karlee English (Sp Ed), Nate Edvalson (Counseling),
Mary Anderson, Chip Watts, Doug Hallenbeck
BLT Meetings: Aug 7, Oct 21, Dec 2, Feb 24, April 28, May 22
6A Jacqui Abbott
6B Beth Steele
7A Christina VanDam
7B Mindy Ashton
8A Eryn Hatch
8B Emily Bond-Kafer
Polla Slade, Cari Hauptman, Nate Edvalson, Kimberly Ranney, Dustin, Worm, Chip Watts, Mary Anderson / Behavioral
6A Lynn Dunn
6B Samantha Burton
7A Steffi Knighton
7B Melissa Crandall
8A Jenn Muir
8B Brynn Homer
Jody DeLand, Dave Christensen, Karlee English, Nate Edvalson, Ashley Jensen, Kimberly Ranney, Doug Hallenbeck, Mary Anderson / Coaching
Mary Anderson
Rachel Marshall
Laura Grzymkowski
Data Specialists:
Nate Edvalson, Ashley Jensen, Bryan Stephenson, Cari Hauptman, Kay Osborn
Academics Meeting Dates
Sept. 9 Feb. 10
Oct. 14 March 17
Nov. 11 April 21
Dec. 9 May 19
Jan. 13 / Behavioral Meeting Dates
Sept. 10 Feb. 11
Oct. 15 March 18
Nov. 12 April 22
Dec. 10 May 20
Jan. 14 / Coaching Meeting Dates
Sept. 11 Feb. 12
Oct. 23 March 19
Nov. 13 April 23
Dec. 11 May 21
Jan. 15
School-Wide Advisory
School Advisory Council (SAC)
PrincipalAssistant Principal
Academic Area Faculty Representative
Elective Area Faculty Representative
CEA Representative: Belann Earley
Classified Staff Representative /
School Community Council (SCC)
PrincipalAssistant Principal
Student Government
Faculty Advisor(s) – Christina VanDamStudent Body Officers (SBO’s)
Administrator(s) – Mary Anderson /
PTSA Co-presidentsPTSA Board Members
Principal...... Mary Anderson
Assistant Principals...... Doug Hallenbeck
...... Chip Watts
Counselor...... Nathan Edvalson, Ashley Jensen
Teachers...... BLTGoverning Committee
Classified Staff Member...... Marjoe Back, Kay Osborn
Parents ...... School Community Council
The School Improvement Committee serves to advise and assist the Principal with the planning, implementation and evaluation of programs and services to support the continuous improvement of students and school personnel by:
- Monitoring student achievement and other data to ensure a quality instructional program
- Serving as a forum to discuss school management issues relating to: students, parents, teachers, and staff
Principal...... Mary Anderson
Assistant Principals...... Doug Hallenbeck
...... Chip Watts
Counselor...... Nate Edvalson
Academic Area Faculty Member......
Elective Area Faculty Member......
At-Large Faculty Member......
CEA Representative...... Belann Earley
Classified Representative......
The school advisory committee serves as a vital communication link between the faculty/staff and the principal. According to Canyons School District Policy GBKD—SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCILteacher representatives must be elected by the teaching staff to serve as members of the School Advisory Council. The committee meets each month to discuss faculty/staff concerns.
Principal...... Mary Anderson
Assistant Principals...... Doug Hallenbeck
...... Chip Watts
Faculty Member...... Bryan Stephenson
Faculty Member...... Becca Bass
Faculty Member......
Faculty Member......
Faculty Member......
Counselors...... Nate Edvalson
Gretchen / BorrellJacque / Todd
Jody / Koch
Lorraine / Rogers
Karen / Trujillo
Tonya / Rhodes
Christian / Davies
Amy / Fetter Johnson
Andrea / Mismash
Holly / Wheat
Michelle / Zoetmulder
The community council provides a link between the community and the school. The principal invites a cross section of parents from the school community to serve as members who meet each month to discuss school related issues and provide input from the parent/community perspective. One of the most important tasks of this committee is to annually evaluate the school's U-PASS test results and use the evaluations in developing a school improvement plan. In addition, the committee is responsible for preparing plans for the appropriate use of revenue from school trust lands dividends.
State law designates the composition of this committee to include four parents or guardians and three employee members (including the principal). The committee may have a larger membership provided that the number of parent and guardian members exceeds the number of employee members. Members are asked to serve two years to provide continuity. (See Canyons School District Policy KCE—SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCILS)
President...... Jody Koch
President Elect...... Candace Koester
Secretary...... Leanna Havell
Treasurer...... Raelee Elmer
Reflections/Honor Roll...... Stacy Timmerman
Memory Book...... Jane Healy
PTSA Board Members
Administration...... Mary Anderson
Faculty Representatives...... Jody DeLand
The Parent Teacher Student Association serves to bring the home and the school into closer relation so that parents and teachers may cooperate more fully in the education of children and youth. A major goal of the organization is to develop between educators and the general public united efforts to secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, social, and spiritual education.
Principal...... Mary Anderson
Counselors...... Nathan Edvalson, Ashley Jensen
School Psychologist...... Kimberly Ranney
Teachers...... Jody DeLand, Melissa Crandall
Parent & Community Representatives...... School Community Council
The Comprehensive Guidance Steering Committee provides on-site management and assists with implementation of the Comprehensive Guidance Program whose purpose is to provide direct service to all students in the areas of guidance curriculum, individual planning (CCR’s), and responsive services. Members consist of educational staff who work closely with the counseling and guidance program, and includes administrators, school counselors, school psychologist, special education team leader, parents, and teachers representing their departments. The committee meets once a month. The committee solicits input from the faculty and designs methods to implement and achieve program goals. The Comprehensive Guidance budget is also developed and approved by this group. The Comprehensive Guidance Committee has the responsibility for developing direction and goals for the school’s Comprehensive Guidance Counseling and Guidance Program. This committee identifies guidance goals based on an assessment of need and then designs the methods to implement and achieve those goals.
Administration...... Mary Anderson/Doug Hallenbeck/Chip Watts
Counselor...... Nate Edvalson/Ashley Jensen
School Psychologist (Chair)...... Kimberly Ranney
Coach...... R Marshall, C Hauptman, M Crandall
Team Representative in conjunction to the student...... 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B
Special Education Representative...... TBD
The purpose of MTSS is that of a prevention model to limit or prevent academic failure for students who are having difficulty learning by providing "scientific research-based interventions" to bring students up to grade level achievement. Although there is no single MTSS model, the many variations that are emerging use a two-to-five tiered model. Each tier provides increasingly individualized instruction, continuous monitoring of progress to calculate gains, and criteria for changing interventions and/or tiers through a team decision-making process. In general, the tiers would include:
Tier I - high quality instruction and behavioral supports provided in general education classrooms. (80%)
Tier II - small group instruction - intensive specialized interventions provided with consistency by highly trained teachers. (15%)
In Tier III - more individualized intervention and/or referral for special education. (3-5%)INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE:
Principal...... Mary Anderson
TECH...... Ryan Pohlman
TIC...... Dustin Worm
Department Representatives......
Art/Performing Arts: Jaime Workman, CTE: Mary Tanner, Language Arts: Christina VanDam, For. Lang: Polla Slade,Healthy Lifestyles/Dance: Jeff Landeen, Math: Steffi Knighton, Media: Belann Earley, Science: Mindy Ashton,Social Studies: Rebecca Bass, Special Education: Liza Johnson, Counseling: Nathan Edvalson
The purpose of the Instructional Technology Committee is to assess current levels of instructional technology, develop instructional technology programs, and recommended activities and strategies to address technology goals.
Assistant Principal...... Chip Watts
Counselor...... Nate Edvalson
Faculty Members ...... Linda Wren, David Christensen, Meg O’Neil
Building Secretary...... Kay Osborn
Head Custodian...... Tyler Allred
The purpose of the School Safety/Risk Management Committee is to develop plans of action to ensure the safety of students and staff and, to the extent possible, the protection of property in the event of an emergency. Specifically, plans are put in place to deal with such emergency situations as earthquakes, fires, bomb threats and dangerous intruder presence. The committee, which meets each semester, is also responsible for providing staff training to ensure
effective response to emergency situations.
Assistant Principal...... Doug Hallenbeck
Faculty Members...... Jody DeLand (Bobcat)
Secretary ...... Kay Osborn
Each faculty member receives a stack of CATS cards and is asked to give out as many cards as possible each day to students who meet behavioral and academic expectations. Students turn their cards in to the main office and are entered in a weekly drawing for candy prizes. PBIS assemblies are held once a term where additional drawings are conducted for larger prizes. These prizes are awarded by grade level.
Each day at Union Middle School students perform numerous acts of kindness, gratitude, perseverance and courage. These important deeds are recognized and celebrated through the Bobcat of the Day program. Each day, one staff member chooses a student to be recognized and rewarded for his or her contribution to the Union Middle School community.
Each term, faculty members nominate one female student and one male student per month from each grade level for Student of the Month recognition. Selected students, along with their parents, are invited to attend a special breakfast where recognition is given for their hard work and achievement.
Assistant Principal...... Chip Watts
Chairperson...... Belann Earley
Staff Members...... Marjoe Back, Emily Bond-Kafer, Natalie Hollabaugh, Andrew Schafer
...... Kay Osborn, Christina VanDam, Samantha Burton, Ashley Jensen, Becca Bass, Olivia Fudge
The goal of the Sunshine Committee is to promote a strong sense of community among the school staff by recognizing important events in the lives of the faculty/staff members.
Chairpersons...... Mary Tanner, Christina VanDam
Members...... Chip Watts, Nathan Edvalson, Dustin Worm
Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular Activities
Teacher...... Jaime Workman, Andrew Schaffer
The Arts and Achievement Festival is an opportunity for students to display products of excellence in areas such as music, visual arts, theatre arts, woodworking, technology, homemaking, math, language arts, social studies, and science. The community is invited and ribbons are awarded to recognize the outstanding efforts of our students.
Teacher Advisor...... Mary Tanner
The advisor supervises students who meet each week to learn and play chess. The advisor also provides chess instruction, and organizes chess tournaments each term or semester.
Teachers...... Science Dept.
The goals of the Earth Week are to build awareness among the students at Union of their responsibility of stewardship over the Earth and to encourage practices that protect and conserve natural resources, and decrease pollution. The advisor(s) designate one week each year as Earth Week and plans daily activities for student involvement that promote accomplishment of the outlined goals.
Teacher...... Dave Turner
MATHCOUNTS® is a national math enrichment, coaching and competition program that promotes middle school mathematics achievement through grassroots involvement in every U.S. state and territory. After several months of coaching, students are selected to compete in the Canyons School District MATHCOUNTS competition. Winners at the local level proceed to state competitions, where the top 4 Mathletes® and top coach earn the right to represent Utah at the national level. At all levels, MATHCOUNTS challenges students' math skills, develops their self-confidence and rewards them for their achievements.
Teacher/Advisor………………………………………………Christina VanDam, Samantha Burton
The purpose of the student government program is to help students develop leadership skills and to prepare them to participate in the American democratic process by using that process in student elections and decision-making.
Student government officers meet each day with an advisor during a shared homeroom period for training and to plan activities that encourage student involvement and promote positive attitudes toward education and the school. Working with their advisor, they plan out student activities such as dances and Spirit Week activities each semester. Plans are submitted to the administration for approval during the early part of each semester. The officers serve as role models for other Union students and participate as ambassadors for the school in a number of school related activities such as parent assemblies, parent teacher conferences and concerts.
PTSA Sponsor...... Stacy Timmerman
Our local PTSA believes all children deserve a quality arts education and encourages students to pursue artistic expression through participation in its annual Reflections Program. The program offers students the opportunity to create works of art for fun and recognition. Students are encouraged to submit works of art in four areas: literature, musical composition, photography, and the visual arts (which includes art forms such as drawing, painting, print making, and collage).
Each year, the Reflections Program challenges students to create art that supports a specific theme. This year’s theme may be found on the National PTA Website A student may submit an entry in any of the four arts areas listed below. Only original works of art are accepted.
- Literature
- Musical Composition
- Photography
- Visual Arts
Special Duties
Teachers...... Jeff Landeen, Jenn Muir, JodyDeLand
The Home and Hospital teacher receives monetary compensation to visit the home/hospital of convalescing students that are unable to attend regular classes due to illness, injury or extenuating circumstance. The teacher usually makes one two –hour visit to the student each week and provides ongoing assignments and direction to help the student maintain the skills necessary for returning to the classroom and to provide school-home contact during the time the student is out. Students must qualify for this service as per CSD Policy IHBF—HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTIONand be referred into the program through Union Administration and Counseling departments.
Faculty Handbook
General Information
Guidelines and Information
Each teacher will be asked to participate in a couple of night activities during the year. It is important to put these dates on your calendar and be present to carry out your assigned duties.
Each teacher is asked to have specified tutorial times to assist students. Generally, the ending time is the end of the contract day (3:20 p.m.). Should you need to assist students beyond 3:20 p.m., you may do so with parent permission. In any case, 4:00 p.m. should be a “maximum” ending time.