Issued: 6 March, 2013

Canton community garden gives tour as part of Climate Week activities

A community garden in Cardiffreceiving funding from a major environmental initiativehas been encouraging local volunteers to grow their own vegetables and inspiring others to take part in sustainable development projects.

Canton CommunityGarden, which is based at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, provides volunteers with opportunities to grow their own produce and therefore reduce food miles while inspiring visitors and passers-by to start planting for wildlife and the table.

The group has received over £12,000 in funding in the past from Environment Wales, a partnership initiative administered by Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA). The grant has enabled the group to buy tools, equipment, shrubs and trees and to hold training sessions, awareness-raising activities and to work with local school and community groups.

Environment Wales is a partnership of organisations in the third sector, funded by the Welsh Government. The initiative aims to contribute to sustainable development by supporting and encouraging voluntary action to protect and improve the environment of Wales.

As part of WCVA’s activities during Climate Week (4 – 10 March), Chief Executive, Graham Benfield, OBE, visited the garden. He was given the opportunity to chat with volunteers Michael Goode and Roger Phillipsand tour the facility.

Since its creation in 2010, Canton Community Garden has gone from strength to strength, laying the garden’s foundations, including areas for growing vegetables and areas suitable for wildlife habitation.

Awareness sessions have been held to educate people on the importance of locally grown and sourced produce, and the garden has held harvest festivals and Christmas fairs. Over 150 volunteers have now contributed their time to the garden since it opened.

Following the visit, Graham Benfieldsaid: ‘I would like to thank Canton Community Garden for a most enlightening and enjoyable afternoon. The dedication of their volunteers is astounding, and their work really does make an incredible difference to the wellbeing of their community, as well as being a key contribution in the fight against climate change.’

More information on WCVA’s work to combat climate change is available at .

For more information please contact Lynne Reynolds on 029 2043 1718 or David Cook on 029 2043 1710. WCVA website


  • WCVA supports and represents the third sector in Wales, with more than 3,000 members including a wide range of organisations working on issues such as housing, economic regeneration, childcare, community development, transport, the environment and health.
  • Environment Wales is a partnership of organisations in the third sector, funded by the Welsh Government. Its aim is to contribute to sustainable development by supporting and encouraging voluntary action to protect and improve the environment. The partnership is made up of TCV, Cylch, Cynnal Cymru- Sustain Wales, Eco Centre Wales, Groundwork Cymru, Keep Wales Tidy, National Trust, WCVA and Wildlife Trusts Wales.

Data Protection Act 1998 Contact details (name, address, organisation, tel, fax, emails) of press contacts are held and processed by WCVA on computer. The information is used by WCVA for the promotion of the voluntary sector in Wales. Contact details are disclosed to third parties for the purposes of assisting this promotion.

Swyddfa Gofrestredig – Prif Swyddfa Ty Baltig, Sgwâr Mount Stuart ffôn 0800 2888 329  ffacs 029 2043 1701 minicom 029 2043 1702 (defnyddiwch y cyhoeddwr) ebost Swyddfeydd hefyd yn y Rhyl ac Aberystwyth
Cadeirydd Win Griffiths Is-Gadeiryddion Margaret Jervis MBE ac Eurwen Edwards OBE BEM Prif WeithredyddGraham Benfield OBE MA MSc(Econ) Trysorydd Anrh Chad Patel Ysgrifennydd Tracey Lewis
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Registered Office – Head OfficeBaltic House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff, CF10 5FHtel 0800 2888 329  fax 029 2043 1701minicom 029 2043 1702 (use announcer)email fices also at Rhyl and Aberystwyth
Chair Win Griffiths Vice-Chairs Margaret Jervis MBE and Eurwen Edwards OBE BEMChief Executive Graham Benfield OBE MA MSc(Econ) Hon Treasurer Chad Patel Secretary Tracey Lewis
Elusen Gofrestredig 218093  Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 425299  Wedi ei gofrestru yng Nghymru Rhif Cofrestru TAW 736 645 09
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