Canora Minor Hockey Executive Minutes ~ Oct 5, 2015

Present: Kelly Beblow, Dean Wilgosh, Cindy Sznerch, Michelle Hembling, Jennifer Sleeva, Shuan Sleeva, Iona Hleboff, Dave Wasyliw, Kent Gress, Kelly Strelioff, Genevieve Shukin

1)  Meeting Called to Order @ 7:01 pm

2)  Adoption of Agenda – motion to accept per Kelly S & Dean seconded.

3)  Adoption of Minutes from Sept 20/15 as read by Kelly S. Genevieve made motion. Michelle seconded.

4)  Web Design Position –

  1. Jeannette Ebert recently resigned from position. Genevieve Shukin put name forth. Vote taken – all in favour.
  2. Discussion about putting pertinent local info on website (ie) Practice times, tournament dates, Executive Minutes from this year, Complaint Form, Respect in Sport Link (as per previously discussed, Respect in Sport Course voluntarily, but strongly encouraged that at least one parent from each family take).
  3. Genevieve will look into if there is a ?yearly fee for Website upkeep as not able to access some forms on site.
  4. Note: Genevieve had copy of Canora Minor Hockey 2010 Constitution (Kent also has copy, not available at meeting). Dean made motion to have Genevieve forward email copy of Constitution to all exec members for review – will likely need to have future meetings to make any amendments as necessary. All in favor.

5)  SHA Meeting Update – discussion of updates per Kelly B & Dean

  1. Kakawhistica Reserve addition to League
  2. Novice – 15 teams in league (similar format to last year). Ends Mar 20th
  3. Atom – 20 teams, re-tiered Jan 10th
  4. PeeWee – 20 teams, tiered Feb 7th
  5. 17-18 league concessions applied for – 12 got accepted. 2 Canora Concessions for Randi Foster & Mathew Dmitruik granted (to both play in Atom).
  6. Melville & Yorkton withdrew from League in Novice age group.
  7. Other items of discussion at SHA – Rates of Admission Different in every town, every town raises funds differently as well. Suggestion of $5 cap for Adults & $2 cap for students.

6)  PeeWee Team

  1. At present, 10 players + goalie.
  2. Possibility of 2 more players.
  3. Possibility of a ? few second year Atom players playing up. Atom & PeeWee Managers will have to be diligent about scheduling around each other’s games. Will discuss further at upcoming Coaches/Manager Meeting.

7)  Request for Release

  1. Sam Krotenko – PeeWee player from Pelly who played with Kamsack previously. Registered with Canora (release signed from Kamsack in April/15). Now has decided wants to play in Kamsack – b/c she is not our player to release, will reimburse funds & she can register in Kamsack. Kelly B made motion that Registration Fee will go back to Band that paid for her registration (Michelle will find out which specific Band it was). All in favour.

8)  Midget Team

  1. Not enough players – no Midget team for 2015-2016 Season.

9)  Coaches/Manager Meeting

  1. Scheduled for Oct 7/15 @ 7 pm (rink).
  2. Reminder about Reffing Clinic Oct 21st, 6-10 pm. Fees can be paid on-line. Jennifer has also put up advertising/packages at school.
  3. Need to look at Cost of setting up Tournaments and what out of town teams should be charged in order to be able to make profit (need at least 4 teams to break even). Discussion of setting minimum fee for Novice and up at $300-$350 for teams to cover cost of Officials/cost of Ice, etc. Need to know by Oct 18th.
  4. Coaches will relay to parents the rationale as to why no additional funding provided for away Tournaments this year. More discussion to follow at Coaches meeting.
  5. Still no IP parent Coach – someone from Exec will need to be present at first IP practice to encourage a parent to sign up. Side note: Michelle called around and not able to find any kind of waiver form for parents being on ice with IP skater. Perhaps CanSkate may have.
  6. Michelle will let Coaches & Managers know about meeting set for Wed.

10) Ice Schedule

  1. IP Mondays 5-6 pm
  2. IP Wed 4:30-5:30 pm
  3. Novice Red Mon 6-7 pm
  4. Joint Novice Practice Thurs 5-6 pm
  5. Novice Black 5-6 pm
  6. Atom Mon 7:15 pm – 8:45 pm
  7. Atom Thurs 6-7:30 pm
  8. PeeWee Tues 6-7 pm
  9. PeeWee Thurs 7:45 – 8:45 pm

·  Ice Available Fridays (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm) & Saturdays for games

·  Tournament Dates:

o  IP – Jan 9th

o  Novice – Jan 16th

o  Canora Minor Hockey Day – Jan 30th

o  Atom – Feb 6th

o  PeeWee – Feb 20th

o  Bantam Midget All Star Game – Jan 16th

11) Tournament Fees – As discussed under #9 (c & d).

12) New Business – While volunteering for Skating Club last year, Genevieve organized getting Busines Signs made up & hung around Rink for advertising. Skating Club made approx $2700 last year from advertising. Genevieve will approach the Town on behalf of Canora Minor Hockey about organizing for this year (as the Town would like another Club to benefit this year). All in favor.

12) Kelly B made motion to adjourn meeting @ 8:36 pm, seconded by Cindy.