Metropolitan Cathedral & Basilica of St Chad
St Chad’s Queensway, Birmingham,
B4 6EU
Tel:Cathedral House 0121 236 2251 or 0121 236 5535 Fax: 0121 230 6281
e-mail: Website:
Canon Gerry Breen (Administrator & Dean) Tel: 0121 230 6209
Fr. Gerry Lennon (Chaplain to the Children’s Hospital) & Fr. Christopher Marshall
Fr Jeremy Howard (Chaplain to the French Speaking Community). Contact at Cathedral House as above
Sister Thérèse O’Brien (Pastoral Assistant) 07985149141 & Sister Florence Njoku - 0121 679 5376
Andrew De Valliere (Site Manager) Tel: 0121 230 6205 e-mail:
Trish Brookes (Secretary) 0121 230 6211 e-mail:
Margaret Regan (Finance) 0121 230 6208 e-mail:
Karleen Lowes (School Visits Coordinator) 0121 230 6215 e-mail:
Catholic Student Societies:
Director of Music: Professor David Saint Assistant Director of Music: Nigel Morris
Tel 0121 230 6247 e-mail:
Junior Choir Outreach:
Mrs. Margaret Harrold (Parish Safeguarding Representative) Tel: 07798 837684
Lourdes Pilgrimage Office: 0121 236 4585
Sister Margaret Walsh (St. Chad’s Sanctuary Mon.-Fri. 10.30am-3.00pm) Tel: 0121 233 3127
Cathedral Bookshop (Society of St Paul) Lorenzo Torri (Manager) 0121 236 6336
St. Chad’s Catholic Primary School: Matthew Tehan (Head teacher) 0121 464 6554
The First Sunday of Lent
5th March 2015
“Day of Prayer for the Candidates for the Sacraments”
Divine Office: Psalter Week 1. Sunday Readings: Year A. Weekday: Year One
Entrance Antiphon: When he calls on me, I will answer him; I will deliver him and give him glory, I will grant him length of days.
Responsorial Psalm: Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Gospel Acclamation: Praise to you, O Christ, King of eternal glory! Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Praise to you, O Christ, King of eternal glory!
Communion Antiphon:One does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.
Newsletter available online –
Mass Times: 4thMarch – 12th March 2017
Sat 4 Saturday after Ash Wednesday
10.00am John Gallen
Vigil for First Sunday of Lent
Day of Prayer for Candidates of Christian Initiation
4.30pmJohn McSwiggan RIP
Sun 5 First Sunday of Lent
9.00am People of the Parish
11.00am John Hunt RIP
Followed by Meet & Greet
12.30pm Baptism of James McCartan
3.00pm The Rite of Election
Mon 6 Lent Feria
12.15pm Patrick & Stephen Donovan & Jimmy Moran
Tue 7 Lent Feria
12.15pm Theresa Fuller RIP
Wed 8Lent Feria
9.15amAnne Gaffney RIP
Thu 9Lent Feria
12.15pm Maureen & Eamon Larcey RIP
Fri 10Lent Feria
9.15am St Chad’s School Mass (Holy Souls)
12.15pm Thomas Scanlan RIP
Sat 11 Lent Feria
10.00am Simand Family Int.
Vigil for Second Sunday of Lent
4.30pmKenneth Peiris RIP
Sun 12 Second Sunday of Lent
“Dementia Prayer Week”
9.00am Brenda Kennedy RIP
11.00am People of the parish
12.30pmBaptisms of James & Isaac Horton
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) are available after the 12.15pm Mass during the week, Monday to Friday, and following the 4.30pm Vigil Mass on Saturday afternoon. Also, there is an opportunity for Confession after the 10.00am Mass on Saturday during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Please check newsletter for changes.
Cathedral Site Statistics: Feb 19 - 25
Hours we were open : 118.5
Liturgies & Meetings : 120
Number of Visitors : 3266
Cathedral Collections Last Week
Main Gift AidRestoration Fund
£449.87 £219.50 £153.43
Second Collection this week will be for Cathedral Maintenance.Next week there will be a second collection for CAFOD.
CAFOD Lent Fast Day – Friday 10th March 2017 Gift Aid Envelopes are available at the back of the Cathedral.
Instead of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, especially during Lent and Easter Time, the baptismal Symbol of the Roman Church, known as the Apostles’ Creed, may be used.
I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
At the words that follow, up to and including the Virgin Mary, all bow.
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.
‘Pause for Hope’ Sunday 19 March at 3pm here at St Chad’sled by Archbishop Bernard and the Anglican Bishop of Aston, Anne Hollinghurst. In addition to those living with cancer, or struggling with the loss of a loved one.This is aone-hour ecumenical service for all whose lives have been changed by cancer. Amongst our other guests we welcome: the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Deidre Kelly, Professor of Paediatric Hepatology, representing Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth along with the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Carl Rice. Many Health Care Professionals will be represented as well as our local Cancer Charities and Hospices. All are welcome!
PLEASE DO NOT leave any personal property unattended, even when going to receive Holy Communion. Also, please switch off your mobile phone unless you are on-call. Thank you.
Sri Lankan Chaplaincy – Stations of the Cross followed by Mass in Sinhalese celebrated by the Chaplain Rev. Fr. Daya Perera here at St. Chad’s Cathedral on Saturday 1st April 2017 at 6.00pm. All are welcome. For further information, please contact Andrew on 07787 905532
Cathedral Flowers:
We are now taking floral tribute requests for this year 2017. Please see the list at the back of the Cathedral. Thank you.
The Angelus Prayer Card: is available, with the Regina Cӕli on the reverse for use in Eastertide. The Angelus is recited when the bell tolls every 6 hours. This may be said in common before the 12.15pm Mass; or prayed quietly if there are conducted groups visiting the cathedral.
Gift Aidcan be taken out at any time of the year. Thank you to everyone registered as it is a valuable source of additional income to the Cathedral at no extra cost to the parishioners. Anyone currently registered who changes their address please would you ensure that you amend your address with us so we can continue to claim Gift Aid on your behalf. Please contact Margaret Regan at Cathedral House 0121 230 6208 or for details on Gift Aid and other finance matters.
Cathedral Car Park: Please note: for reasons of security, all access to the Cathedral Site and Car Park will be secured once the Cathedral is closed and Meetings have finished. Any un-authorised vehicles will be locked in until the car park opens again. Cars are parked at owner’s risk. The Cathedral accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or persons. Please visit our website for additional information.