
Canine Personality Profile

Dog’s Name: ______Breed: ______Purebred: Y / N Age: ______Gender: M / F

Veterinary Clinic: ______Name records are under: ______

Altered: Y/N Current on vaccines? Y / NLast seen at a clinic? ______

Reason forsurrender?______


What would need to happen for you to keep the dog in your household?______


How long have you owned the dog? ______

Where did you obtain the dog? (check/circle one) □ This facility □ Other shelter □ Breeder □ Found

□ Pet store □ Giveaway □ Friend □ Rescue group □ Other: ______

Facility/Organization/Name:______Tel #: ______

To your knowledge, how many homes has the dog had before living with you? ______

Does the dog have any current, previous or recurring medical problems? ______


Behavioral problems? ______


Have there been any recent lifestyle changes?(circle/check all that apply) □New house □ New roommate

□ New pet □ New baby □ Construction nearby □ Change in your work habits

Has the dog ever:(circle/check all that apply)

□ Bitten □ Snapped □ Growled □ Lip Lifted

Who/what was involved?(circle/check all that apply)

□ Food □ Rawhide □ Toys □ Strangers □ Children □ Adults □ Other animals □ Restraint

Explain circumstances: ______


How many hours a day is the dog left alone?(circle/check all that apply)

□ More than 10 hours □ 8-10 hours □ 5-8 hours □ 0-4 hours □ Never left alone

Where is the dog kept when you’re not home? (circle/check all that apply)

□ Always outside □ Sometimes outside □ Crate/kennel □ Loose in the house □ In garage

□ Confined to a room □ Kept chained outside □ Dog door to outside □ In basement

How much playtime/one on one interaction does the dog get per day? ______

Activity level of dog? (circle one) Low Moderate High

How does your dog usually behave toward the following? (Please check ALL that apply):

Column1 / Column2 / Never Encounter / Friendly / Afraid/Nervous / Growls / Bites
People your dog knows
Unfamiliar People
Other Animals
Male Dogs
Female Dogs

Are there any particular people or things that the dog appears to be afraid of?(circle/check all that apply)

□ Men □ Dogs □ Cars/truck □ Strangers

□ Loud noises □ Children □ Women □ Cats

□ Thunderstorms □ Vacuums/brooms □ People in uniform

□ Water □ Fireworks□ Other______

Based on your experience with this dog, do you recommend it live with children ages: (circle/check all that apply)

□ 0-6yrs □ 7-12yrs □ Over 13yrs

Basic obedience commands my dog knows: (circle/check all that apply)

□ Sit □Stay □ Come □Lay down □Heel Housetrained? Y/N Crate trained? Y / N

How often did you take your dog outside to go to the bathroom? ______

My dog is:(circle all that apply)

friendlyplayfulenergeticvocal used to brushing

calmnervousanxiouschewer digger

protective aggressiverides well in a car walks on leash

shyjumperused to nail trimming

What type of food is the dog currently eating? (brand, wet/dry?)


Anything else you would like a potential adopter to know about this dog?

