- Respiratory- Chair and Deputy Chair
- Ethics- Chair and Deputy Chair
- Cardiovascular dynamics- Deputy Chair
- Cardiac ICU and Mechanical Circulatory Support- Deputy Chair
- Infection, systemic inflammation and sepsis- Chair and Deputy Chair
- Neuro critical care- Chair and Deputy Chair
- Metabolism, endocrinology and nutrition- - Chair and Deputy Chair
- Pharmacology- Chair
- Resuscitation- Chair and Deputy Chair
- Quality improvement, patient safety and long term outcomes- Chair and Deputy Chair
Please kindly fill in the form in BLOCK capital letters.
First name(s) Indicate first name(s) Last name(s): Indicate last name(s)
Address: Indicate work or private address
E-mail: Indicate email address
Work phone: Indicate work phone number
Mobile phone: Indicate mobile phone number
Section Chair
- Member of Scientific Affairs Division
- Represent section at Scientific Affairs Division
- Facilitate task force (communication and work flow)
- Provide content for web page on ESPNIC society website
- Provide content for monthly newsletter
- Provide progress reports for each EC meetings
- Provide yearly plan, performance indicators and budget (if applicable) for revision to EC
- Submit work plan and budget for following year to EC for approval prior to congress
- Approval of the work plan performance indicators and budget (if applicable) during face to face meeting during congresses as per below timeline:
Submit proposals to ESPNIC Executive Committee in July for following year
Review by ESPNIC Executive Committee within 4 weeks
- Support ESPNIC office in organisation of face to face section meetings during congresses (provide agenda and required format of the meeting)
Term of office: 3 years, renewable once
Section Deputy Chair
- Member of Scientific Affairs Division
- Member of the Professional Development Affairs Division
- Support Chairman in all duties (as mentioned above):
- Represent section Scientific Affairs Division
- Facilitate task force (communication and work flow)
- Provide content for web page on ESPNIC society website
- Provide content for monthly newsletter
- Provide progress reports for each EC meetings
- Provide yearly plan , performance indicators and budget (if applicable) for revision to EC
- Support ESPNIC office in organisation of face to face section meetings during congresses (provide agenda and required format of the meeting)
- Represent Chairman when (s)he is unavailable
Term of office: 3 years, renewable once
Meetings format
1 face to face meeting during congresses (scheduled in the general meetings schedule)
Conference calls (can be organised with the ESPNIC Office support via Swisscom or Skype)
Please select the position you are applying for (tick the box):
Respiratory- Chair
Respiratory- Deputy Chair
Ethics- Chair
Ethics- Deputy Chair
Cardiovascular dynamics- Deputy Chair
Cardiac ICU and Mechanical Circulatory Support- Deputy Chair
Infection, systemic inflammation and sepsis- Chair
Infection, systemic inflammation and sepsis- Deputy Chair
Neuro critical care- Chair
Neuro critical care- Deputy Chair
Metabolism, endocrinology and nutrition- Chair
Metabolism, endocrinology and nutrition- Deputy Chair
Pharmacology- Chair
Resuscitation- Chair
Resuscitation- Deputy Chair
Quality improvement, patient safety and long term outcomes- Chair
Quality improvement, patient safety and long term outcomes- Deputy Chair
Personal statement (250 words max.)
I herewith confirm that I am not currently being investigated by my regulatory body for fitness to practice incident.
Date: ………………………
Submit your application, CV, personal statement, and photo byemailto the ESPNIC Administrative Office y1 September 2017.
Elections will take place 15 September 2017- 15 October 2017. Winners will be announced at the end of October 2017.
Please note that your application should be sent with the following information:
- This completed candidate form
- A passport style photo in jpg format with the dimensions 200 x 200 pixels
- Your CV
Your candidature will be considered onlyupon receipt of all documents.
Please note only members in “good standing” (paid members) will be considered for candidature. Should you have not yet renewed your membership we kindly urge to do so!