The PE endorsement will not be available to Luther students who enter after Fall 2017.***

EndorsementName / PhysicalEducation
Department / PhysicalEducation
License area[ StateofIowa] / K–12PhysicalEducation
RequiredEducationMinor / PEEducationMinor
Updated / 8/15/17

Candidate are encouraged to double major in and prepare to teach “Health,” too.

PE Major coursework required:
PE100:Skill: Personal Fitness and Wellness / 1
PE110: Skills Classes;Danceandoneofthefollowingthreecourses:racquetsports;individual anddual sports;teamsports / 2
PE221:LifetimeSkillsandActivities / 2
PE190:First Aid / 1
PE342: Growth, Development, and MotorLearning / 2
PE345:Middle/SecondarySchool PEContent,Methods,Assessment I / 2
PE346:Middle/SecondarySchool PEContent,Methods,AssessmentII / 2
PE247:Foundation ofPhysicalEducation / 2
PE250:CoachingofSports / 2
PE251:Care andPreventionofAthleticInjuries / 2
PE456:AdministrationandCurriculumin PhysicalEducation / 2
PE260:AdaptivePhysical Education / 4
PE261:AppliedHumanAnatomy / 2
PE365:Kinesiology / 2
PE343:Elementary School PE Content, Methods,andAssessment I / 2
PE344:Elementary School PE Content,Methods,andAssessmentII / 2
PE366:PhysiologyofExercise / 4
PE490:SeniorProject / 1
PE Education Minor Coursework required:
Paideia450:MakingDecisions inU.S. Schools / 4
EDUC185orEDUC215:Clinical ExperienceIin theSchools / 4
EDUC220: Educational Psychology / 4
EDUC221:TheDiverseandExceptionalLearner / 4
EDUC 366: Advanced Methods Clinical Placement / 2
EDUC 377: Content Area Reading, Secondary/ K-12 Art and PE / 2
EDUC486:Teaching Practicum [StudentTeaching - 12 hours in FallorSpringSemesters, 2hours inJanuary term]** / 12

* Candidates planning to seek as Wisconsin or Illinois license are strongly encouraged to take EDUC 382, practicum.

**Students may need additional hours of Student teaching in the case of multiple endorsements (e.g. PE).

***Fall 2021 will be the last opportunity for student teaching in Physical Education.

OPTIONTWO:Thisisfor a student with a major ina different field,planningto teachPhysicalEducation,inthe State ofIowa,underthe secondteachingarea provision.Thisstudent mustcompletethe PE Education Minor. Option two is valid in Iowa only.

This endorsement will not be available to Luther students who enter after Fall 2017.

PE content coursework required:
PE190:First Aid / 1
PE342: Growth, Development, and MotorLearning / 2
PE456:AdministrationandCurriculumin PhysicalEducation / 2
PE260:AdaptivePhysical Education / 4
PE261:AppliedHumanAnatomy / 2
PE366:PhysiologyofExercise / 4
PE345:Middle/SecondarySchool PEContent,Methods, andAssessment I / 2
PE346:Middle/SecondarySchool PE Content, Methods, andAssessment / 2
PE229: Elementary PhysicalEducation,Health,andWellness:MethodsandMaterials / 2
PE Education minor coursework required:
Paideia450:MakingDecisions inU.S. Schools / 4
EDUC185orEDUC215:Clinical ExperienceIin theSchools / 4
EDUC220: Educational Psychology / 4
EDUC221:TheDiverseandExceptionalLearner / 4
EDUC 366: Advanced Methods Clinical Placement / 2
EDUC 378: Content Area Reading, Elementary/Middle School / 2
EDUC486:Teaching Practicum [StudentTeaching- 12 hours in FallorSpringSemesters, 2hours inJanuary term] / 12