Candida Albicans (Yeast Infection) Recommendations

Candida is usually a good sign that we have taken internally something unnatural (pharmaceutical drugs and potions) that has upset the natural flora of our intestinal body or taken too much of something. The scriptures say to be temperate in all things…that means don’t eat too much of any good thing. Father even provided for us to avoid yeast or fermented products one week out of the year to rebalance our bodies…it’s called the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The word used for unleavened is actually sweetness as compared to something sour that has been fermented or leavened. It was not a big thing in Scripture times to eat a lot of sweet stuff. The sweetest thing they had back then was honey and usually they found it, they didn’t deliberately cultivate honey bees. Proverbs 25:16 says, “Have you found honey? Eat only as much as you need, Lest you be satiated with it and vomit.” We believe we have satiated our bodies with sugar foods, unnatural food additives and chemicals and now we are reaping the results of it…Yeast infections! Whenever we stray from what Father has given us to eat and to heal ourselves, we will run into trouble.

Some of the signs of a yeast syndrome are recurrent skin fungus infections, such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, “jock itch,” or nail problems. Also, craving for sweets, breads, or alcohol, chronic fatigue, indigestion, or food reactions, sensitivity to molds, dampness, and smells, mental symptoms of depression, mood swings, or confusion, recurrent vaginal yeast infections in women or prostate problems in men and premenstrual symptoms. These symptoms may be due to frequent or long-term use of antibiotics, such as tetracycline for acne, broad-spectrum antibiotics for recurrent infections in the ears, bladder, vagina, or throat, and/or birth control pill use in women.

Personally, we do not promote eliminating fruits and vegetables from the diet as we believe it is unhealthy and unbiblical to do so. While it is true that yeast can feed off of these foods, we find that treating with the herbs or oils eliminates the ‘need’ to cut out any of Yah’s healthy food.Additionally, many people are so intimidated by the diet restrictions, that they feel living with the yeast is better than the treatment.We have found that those with a mostly raw whole food diet, ones that may even include occasional dairy and meat, can see huge success implementing the herbs and oils, but the following are some general diet guidelines that will improve your outcomes:

  1. Drink Coconut water and Cold pressed Coconut Oil. It contains caprylic acid, a powerful antifungal agent that directly kills the Candida yeast. At minimum, drink the water from one or more coconut daily and/or take 3 tbsp. of oil per day.
  1. Take two fresh cloves of garlic/day which is high in a biologically active compound called allicin. This is a strong anti-fungal.
  1. Reduce and/or eliminate refined sugars, refined flours, and refined grains (i.e. white flours, sugars and rice) is the most important step.
  1. Avoid chemical household products and cleaners as much as possible. Do not use corticosteroids or oral contraceptives as these can upset the balance of Candida albicans.
  1. Do eat 70% or more raw vegetables, some whole grains, nuts, seeds and occasional eggs and fish. Oils should be obtained from avocados, some butter, and cold-pressed oils such as olive, flaxseed, sesame, coconut, red palm and sunflower. Legumes are often limited because they add to intestinal gas. Drink plenty of vegetable juices.
  1. You should definitely be getting at least 4000 IU’s of Vitamin D, although most experts agree that 10,000 IU per day is what we should be shooting for. To get this amount of Vitamin D, you should be getting 15-40 minutes of sun per day to get enough vitamin D.Recommended time in the sun to produce about 10, 000 IU of vitamin D:

Light skin = 15-20 minutes daily
Medium Skin = 25-30 minutes daily
Dark Skin = 40-45 minutes daily

Don’t use sunscreens. Even weak sunscreens (SPF=8) block your body’s ability to generate vitamin D by 95%. This is how sunscreen products actually cause disease — by creating a critical vitamin deficiency in the body.

Ideally exposure should be to prime midday sun (10:00 AM to 2:00 PM) when the UVB rays are strongest; UVB are the kind of sun rays that produce vitamin D on the skin.

Don’t shower after sun exposure. Natural skin oil is critical to the absorption process since vitamin D is only formed on skin that has enough natural oil formed on its surface and if it stays on the skin long enough after exposure to the sun.

  1. Taking a greens supplement or making green smoothies is especially helpful when you are balancing yeast. Mold, Fungi and yeast attach on to the greens molecules and helps to sweep them out efficiently. Radishes are known for their ability to keep yeast at bay plus tone down flatulence.
  1. Natural remedies that help to kill yeast include: caprylic acid, fresh garlic and garlic extract, and the herb paud’arco, or taheebo. Garlic capsules can be taken-2 several times daily and Pau d’arco can be made into a tea, which is drunk several times daily. If you find this tea doesn’t help try clove tea instead. Thyme oil has also been recommended to kill yeast. You could also try a cycle of “Parashield” from Gaia Herbs to rid your body of parasites (yeast being one of them). To make Pau d’arco tea, boil one quart of distilled water with 2 tablespoons tea for 5 minutes. Store it in the fridge with the tealeaves in. Strain as much as you need. Drink 3-6 cups daily.

You can also try a combination of the following herbsinequal parts- chaparral, pau d’arco, olive leaf, and myrrheither encapsulated or tinctured.If you are in stage 1, you could try the following regimen with these 4 herbs for persons 7 years and older: 3 pills (or 3 dropperfuls – dropperful equals 25 drops), 3 times per day for 14 days – which would equal 120 pills or 4 oz of tincture.

  1. Once this 14 days is complete, take 3 pills (or 3 dropperfuls) once a day for one month for every year you’ve had a problem, otherwise the yeast is likely to overgrow again quickly. For many people, this would include exposure to yeast overgrowth in the womb. For instance, if you are 30 years old, and you feel you’ve had yeast overgrowth symptoms all your life, you would take 3 pills a day for 30 months. Add on one more month if you think your mother had yeast overgrowth when she was pregnant with you.
  2. Be sure to take a probiotic, greens and prebiotics with this regimen.
  3. For infants and between 4-12 months, doing 1 dropperful per day with a probiotic is sufficient
  4. For children 1-3 years, 2 dropperfuls with a probiotic per day
  5. For children 4-6 years, 2-3 dropperfuls with a probiotic

If using essential oils: 5 drops Lemon Essential Oil, 5 drops Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Essential Oil, 3 drops Oregano Essential Oil, in a capsule -take 1 per day with a meal.

Rotate using the essential oils with probiotics. For example, stay on the yeast killing blend for 10 days. Then rebuild with a Probiotic for 5 days, taking a good probiotic 3x day. Repeat cycle until yeast is controlled.This cycle can last a few months.

  1. Otherwise, saturate the internal body with good bacteria. Probiotics contain our good bacteria, that coats our internal organs and keeps yeast in check, preventing it from invading our systems through our organ walls.A really good pro-biotic product is called “Good Belly” (It’s a little like kefir. I use it to make a fermented yogurt product out of blended coconut meat and water-costs less plus you get your caprylic acid as well. You can find the recipe for this in Debi’s Yahsom, Rawsom Un-Cookbook in our Living Foods Store)
  1. Eat foods that will increase the multiplication of probiotics. These foods are called prebiotics and are:
  1. Chicory Root
  2. Jerusalem Artichoke
  3. Dandelion Greens
  4. Garlic
  5. Leek
  6. Onion
  7. Cooked Onion
  8. Asparagus
  9. Wheat bran
  10. Whole Grains, including oatmeal
  11. Banana
  12. Flax and chia seeds
  13. Almonds. Well known for their prebiotic properties that improve your digestive health by increasing levels of beneficial gut bacteria, in addition to being an excellent source of alkaline protein. Soaking them in water in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours will remove their phytic acid (an enzyme inhibitor that protects the nuts while growing), making the nutrients more bio available.
  1. To prevent re-infection, use a new toothbrush every 3 days (or soak it overnight in hydrogen peroxide). This is a good preventive measure against both fungus and bacterial infections of the mouth.
  1. Breathe and exercise. If I am craving sweets or cheese or anything that will make me more acidic, I stop and take some deep breaths and the craving goes away. Breathe deep down into your belly as often as you can think about it. Any form of exercise will encourage deeper breathing.An acidic pH environment provides a fertile bed for fungal overgrowth. As such, an acidic pH is one of the factors that encourages Candida overgrowth to start and keeps the fungus healthy. Just deep breathing by itself can bring your pH into balance.

Warning: Before treating with any herbs or essential oils, please consult your Naturopathic or Medical doctor to avoid negative side effects. We are not doctors and only provide this information for your education.