CALS Board Meeting

25 May 2002


Canadian Association of Leisure Studies

Association canadienne d’études en loisir

Board Meeting

25 May 2002

1:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta

Present: L. Caldwell, T. Delamere, K. Fox, P. Hutchison, E. Jackson, S. Markham-Starr, J. Singleton, B. Smale

The meeting was convened at 1:45 p.m.

1. CALS/ORCOL partnership

The first item of remaining business for the new Board is the CALS/ORCOL relationship. ORCOL’s new Board will be meeting and will address this issue. B. Smale will be the liaison between CALS and ORCOL.


The Board will monitor how CALS money is being spent. The “booklet” will be obtained and distributed.

P. Hutchison moved and T. Delamere seconded that K. Fox make informal contact with P. Clements as a liaison to increase communication. Motion passed.

3. Relationships and Communications

S. Markham-Starr will follow up with World Leisure and B. Smale will follow-up LINS. S. Markham-Starr will create a new CALS listserv.

4. Bylaws

S. Markham-Starr will send the new Board members the by-laws and she will follow-up on the language included in the


S. Markham-Starr will send the briefing notes from P. Clements to the Board and will send the HSSFC brochure web site to the CALS listserv.

6. Budget for 2002-2005, from Wednesday a.m.

There was a discussion of sending a representative to HSSFC annual conference. The membership fee, vis-à-vis number of CALS members, was discussed. Student members help raise the numbers, and could potentially decrease HSSFC fees.

Advancing money to the organizers of the next CCLR was discussed.

The estimated budget was accepted as presented.

B. Smale suggested the Board consider a slight increase on the CALS membership fee. The cost of the next CCLR was also discussed. These will be considered at the next meeting.

E. Jackson suggested a two-tiered membership: subscribers vs. non-subscribers to the journal. By CCLR11, we should have a membership package in place.

7. New initiatives

J. Singleton suggested having a student representative on the Board, essentially to grow new members and new leadership. The student position could be nominated from the floor.

S. Markham-Starr raised the Anglophone nature of the congress as a concern. With no money, it is difficult to have translations. J. Singleton suggested a French speaking listserv. B. Smale noted that it is difficult to get Francophones to join the Board…whose “fault” is this? This issue should be continually discussed and addressed.

E. Jackson volunteered to continue managing the web page. He and T. Delamere discussed coordinating efforts for CCLR11.

P. Hutchison asked about doing an evaluation of the conference – not session evaluations, but an overall conference evaluation – perhaps a few questions to give guidance to the next conference.

B. Smale suggested that the evaluation comes from S. Markham-Starr rather than E. Jackson. Frame it as giving feedback for the next conference.

The French translation for the call for papers is basically done, thanks to J. Singleton. This can be used for CCLR11.

J. Singleton suggested that perhaps University of Moncton might be a possibility for the next CCLR11.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Minutes taken by L. Caldwell.