CHV20 Exam Review2013
- Can you define civics?
- What are the main themes of civics?Provide examples of how you have achieved each of them throughout this course.
- What is the difference between a civic right and a civic responsibility? Support with examples.
- Can you define the different ideologies? Can you give an example of a country of each ideology? Can you place the different ideologies on the political spectrum?
- What are the different levels of government in Canada? What are their responsibilities?
- Political spectrum – where do the Canadian Parties fit in?
- What are the 3 different branches of government? What are their roles and responsibilities?
- For each of the following positions in Canada’s government, describe their role/ responsibilities and how they came to be in their position (ex: elected, appointed)
- Governor general
- MP
- Opposition
- Senate
- Head of government
- Head of state
- Mayor
- What is the difference between a minority government and a majority government? Illustrate the difference using an example with the number of seats the government must hold?
- What is a vote of non-confidence? What happens when this occurs?
- What is a coalition government?
- Provide reasons why Canadians are voting less?
- When and why do we have elections?
- Who am I?
- Leader of the opposition
- Governor General
- Mayor of Ottawa
- Premier of Ontario
- Head of Government
- Head of State
- Head of the UN
- Distinguish between civil and criminal law.
- What are the different types of sentencing?
- What are the different types of alternate resolutions? When would you use each?
- When sentencing a criminal, what must the judge take into consideration?
- What document protects the rights of global citizens? When did it come into effect?
- What document protects Canadian citizen’s rights? When did this document come into effect?
- What is the purpose of a NGO?
- What are the different bodies of the UN? What are their roles/responsibilities? Where is the HQ of the UN? When was it created? The Security Council has 5 permanent members/countries, who are they?
- What is the difference between a right and a responsibility?
- What is the difference between a right and a freedom?
- What is a coalition government?
- What is the difference between the Crown and the Defense Council?
- List 5 fundamental rights we have here in Canada.
- List 3 things the municipal government is responsible for.
- List 3 things the provincial government is responsible for.
- List 3 things the federal government is responsible for.
- List the 3 branches of government and what they are responsible for.
- How long can the Prime Minister remain in term?
- List 4 duties of the Prime Minister.
- List 4 duties of the Governor General.
- When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms come into effect?
- What are the major sections of the CCRF? What do they protect?
- What is the name of the leader with the 2nd highest # of seats in the HOC called?
- Explain the difference between right wing, centered and left wing ideologies.
- What is the voting age in Canada?
- What qualifies you to be a juror in Canada? What sorts of things may disqualify you?
- What is a global citizen?
- Who is Ban Ki Moon?
- Where is the headquarters of the UN?
- Who is Pierre Polievre?
- What is the Declaration of Human Rights? When was it announced by the UN?
- How many countries make up the UN? Which 4 are not there?
- Why is studying Civics important?
- What is community? What is the importance of community?
- What is an NGO? What role do they play in global relationships?
- What are the different types of leadership?
- Why are some types of leadership better than others?
- List all the types of government found in the world.
- What does the term democracy mean to you?
- What are some the advantages and disadvantages of living in a democratic country?
- Should criminals who have served their sentence have the same rights as every other Canadian citizen upon release?
- What is the difference between a pre- charge and a post-charge diversion?
- What are the 8 MDGs?
- Which MDGs are attainable? Which would effect the most change?
- Can you name 3 issues facing Canadian citizens today?