CHV20 Exam Review2013

  1. Can you define civics?
  1. What are the main themes of civics?Provide examples of how you have achieved each of them throughout this course.
  1. What is the difference between a civic right and a civic responsibility? Support with examples.
  1. Can you define the different ideologies? Can you give an example of a country of each ideology? Can you place the different ideologies on the political spectrum?
  1. What are the different levels of government in Canada? What are their responsibilities?
  1. Political spectrum – where do the Canadian Parties fit in?
  1. What are the 3 different branches of government? What are their roles and responsibilities?
  1. For each of the following positions in Canada’s government, describe their role/ responsibilities and how they came to be in their position (ex: elected, appointed)
  1. Governor general
  2. MP
  3. Opposition
  4. Senate
  5. Head of government
  6. Head of state
  7. Mayor
  8. MPP
  1. What is the difference between a minority government and a majority government? Illustrate the difference using an example with the number of seats the government must hold?
  1. What is a vote of non-confidence? What happens when this occurs?
  1. What is a coalition government?
  1. Provide reasons why Canadians are voting less?
  1. When and why do we have elections?
  1. Who am I?
  2. Leader of the opposition
  3. Governor General
  4. Mayor of Ottawa
  5. Premier of Ontario
  6. Head of Government
  7. Head of State
  8. Head of the UN
  9. Distinguish between civil and criminal law.
  1. What are the different types of sentencing?
  1. What are the different types of alternate resolutions? When would you use each?
  1. When sentencing a criminal, what must the judge take into consideration?
  1. What document protects the rights of global citizens? When did it come into effect?
  1. What document protects Canadian citizen’s rights? When did this document come into effect?
  1. What is the purpose of a NGO?
  1. What are the different bodies of the UN? What are their roles/responsibilities? Where is the HQ of the UN? When was it created? The Security Council has 5 permanent members/countries, who are they?
  1. What is the difference between a right and a responsibility?
  1. What is the difference between a right and a freedom?
  1. What is a coalition government?
  1. What is the difference between the Crown and the Defense Council?
  1. List 5 fundamental rights we have here in Canada.
  1. List 3 things the municipal government is responsible for.
  1. List 3 things the provincial government is responsible for.
  1. List 3 things the federal government is responsible for.
  1. List the 3 branches of government and what they are responsible for.
  1. How long can the Prime Minister remain in term?
  1. List 4 duties of the Prime Minister.
  1. List 4 duties of the Governor General.
  1. When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms come into effect?
  1. What are the major sections of the CCRF? What do they protect?
  1. What is the name of the leader with the 2nd highest # of seats in the HOC called?
  1. Explain the difference between right wing, centered and left wing ideologies.
  1. What is the voting age in Canada?
  1. What qualifies you to be a juror in Canada? What sorts of things may disqualify you?
  1. What is a global citizen?
  1. Who is Ban Ki Moon?
  1. Where is the headquarters of the UN?
  1. Who is Pierre Polievre?
  1. What is the Declaration of Human Rights? When was it announced by the UN?
  1. How many countries make up the UN? Which 4 are not there?
  1. Why is studying Civics important?
  1. What is community? What is the importance of community?
  1. What is an NGO? What role do they play in global relationships?
  1. What are the different types of leadership?
  1. Why are some types of leadership better than others?
  1. List all the types of government found in the world.
  1. What does the term democracy mean to you?
  1. What are some the advantages and disadvantages of living in a democratic country?
  1. Should criminals who have served their sentence have the same rights as every other Canadian citizen upon release?
  1. What is the difference between a pre- charge and a post-charge diversion?
  1. What are the 8 MDGs?
  1. Which MDGs are attainable? Which would effect the most change?
  1. Can you name 3 issues facing Canadian citizens today?