Campus Sustainability Committee
Meeting Minutes
ISSUED BY: Shannon Clounts
ATTENDEEES: Shannon Clounts, Jill Rosen, Gary Parsons, Nori Carter, Tobin Hindle, John Hardman, Daniel Tasman, Jackie Aliotta, Eric Kolifrath, Lyn Forster, Debbie Garland, Jim Johnson, Helen Kennedy
LOCATION: CO 118 Campus Operations Bldg
DATE/TIME: June 18, 2010
1. Welcome – Jackie Aliotta, Housing Intern.
2. Green Wave Program – Jill Rosen outlined the program and detailed some of the progress thus far. Approximately 70 – 80 areas of the campus will be represented. Introduction meeting is scheduled for July 30, 2010. One key representative (Team Leader) will be needed for each area. Sub-leaders will be selected. An action plan meeting with the members will follow today’s sustainability meeting. The College of Education will likely be the pilot program.
3. Wyland Green Fair – The City of Boca - Shannon detailed this event, it will be held at Mizner Park on 11/6 – 11/7. Volunteers will be needed for this event. Great opportunity for MGSA to become involved with this event. The Wyland Green Fair is in partnership with the Green Partners (City of Boca, Lynn University, FAU and PBSC).
4. The Green Business Leaders Conference will be held on the FAU campus on Friday, November 5, 2010 and will include a ribbon-cutting for the COEng. The theme for the conference will be “Opportunity of Green and Green Jobs”. The student union will be the venue for the conference.
5. Campus Sustainability Day – To be held on Thursday, November 4th. Shannon stated that the committee considers CSD as the start of the Green Business Leaders Conference and the Wyland Green Fair. FAU could extend an invitation for the Mobile Learning Unit and tie in with CSD. Some suggestions for the CSD event might be a university wide challenge or record setting competition. It was suggested that a sub-committee be formed for the planning of CSD. Members are needed.
6. Housing – Jackie detailed “Recyclemania” the program is free and encourages recycling competitions. A sustainability guide book has been created for the RA’s use.
7. Weppner Center for Volunteering – Nori detailed the progress for the community garden. The proposal was sent to SGA, SGA had questions. The documents are currently being evaluated. The location of the community garden is behind the campus operations building by the T-Bldg.
8. Green Action Plan – Send all remarks to John Hardman.
9. Assisting in the clean-up from the Gulf oil spill – Gary Parsons inquired as to whether we could assist in this effort. Information will be provided as it becomes available.
Next meeting Friday, July 16th @ 1:30PM-CO#118