Campus Readiness Checklist
The purpose of the Region 20 PBIS Project is to build district capacity in addressing problem behaviors using Positive Behavior Interventions & Support within a Response to Intervention framework. Prior to any school receiving training by the Region 20 PBIS Project, the campus is required to complete the following items with assistance from the Project. Completion of this checklist insures more positive outcomes for participating schools and districts.
Leadership Team
¨ A Campus Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) Team is formed and has broad representation (including general and special education, administration, etc.). List team members and identify roles:
¨ Campus PBIS Team (all members) commits to attend the school-wide training and participate in monthly meetings to discuss progress to date. Describe when you meet or plan to meet (days, location, time) throughout the school year:
¨ Campus PBIS Team has completed a needs assessment and action plan facilitated by the Region 20 PBIS Project. Provide copy of action plan and list date of completion:
¨ A campus representative has been identified as the PBIS Campus Coordinator (i.e., lead contact) for all PBIS initiatives on your campus. List campus representative and provide contact information (name, title, address, phone, cell, fax, e-mail):
¨ Campus has allocated/secured funding to support the Response to Intervention for Behavior (PBIS) process on their campus (e.g., School Improvement, Safe and Drug Free Schools, other school/community resources). Identify funding source(s) that will be utilized:
¨ Campus Administrators, Faculty and Staff have participated in an awareness presentation summarizing the Region 20 PBIS Project and the School-wide PBIS process. List date(s) of presentation, location(s) and name of presenter(s):
Political Support
¨ School-wide discipline (i.e., school climate, safety, behavior, etc.) is identified as one of the top campus goals. Attach a copy of Campus Improvement Plan or letter of support from Principal’s office.
¨ Principals will actively support the PBIS Process and make sure that all team members attend training and will provide the team the opportunity to present to faculty as well as get feedback from the faculty. Principals will be a part of the process, not lead the process.
¨ Principals and Team agree to get staff buy-in (80%) prior to implementing anything new.
¨ The campus has identified the team, coach and administrator (4-7 team members) for their school who will attend the following trainings:
o Administrator Training (Admin only)
o Coaches Training when necessary (Coaches only)
o Attend all 6 days of training with their team, or the team will not be allowed to participate
Coaching Capacity
¨ PBIS Coach (Facilitator) (typically a district level person) has been identified by the PBIS Campus Administrator to receive additional training and actively participate in the school-wide initiatives (may overlap with District PBIS Team) List PBIS Coach and roles for newly identified school:
¨ The campus understands that Response to Intervention for Behavior (PBIS) requires accurate data collection across all three RtI Tiers for effective data-based decision-making. As such, the district agrees to one of the following strategies to collect data for Tier 1 RtIB:
o Adapt the current district ODR form to meet the Region 20 PBIS Project requirements for data collection
o Allow each school to individually adapt the current district ODR form to meet the Region 20 PBIS Project requirements for data collection
¨ The campus understands that Response to Intervention for Behavior requires accurate data analysis across all three RtI Tiers for effective data-based decision-making. As such, the district agrees to one of the following strategies to analyze data for Tier 1 RtIB:
o Utilize campus MIS personnel to develop or adapt current database to meet Region 20 PBIS Project requirements for data analysis
o Allow schools to utilize SWIS III to meet Region 20 PBIS requirements for data analysis and data-based decision-making
o Support MIS personnel to explore SWIS compatibility with your current district database.
PBS District Readiness Checklist