Here is a short description of responsibilities for each Committee Chair. Each position should receive a folder from the previous chair with a detailed explanation of how and when the job should be done, a timeline, contacts, etc. Extra help is always available from the Executive Committee and volunteer names for each committee will be provided near the beginning of the school year.
Campbell Soup Labels/Box Tops
Coordinates classroom volunteers in collecting and organizing labels, which are then redeemed for profit for the school. Includes promoting the program, and tallying and sending in labels.
Chef’s Night Out
Arrange monthly restaurant nights to benefit PTA.
Coordinate and lead a Fundraiser. Oversee various fundraisers (which will each have their own chairperson)
Coordinator will work with the PTA Treasurer to audit the records. Done in July/August.
Hospitality/ Special Events Coordinator
Responsible for calling the volunteer bakers to provide baked goods when needed for special events.
Junior Achievement (Grades K, 1, 3, 5, 6)
Recruits and coordinates classroom parent JA volunteers. Contact person for JA representative. The majority of this job is done at the beginning of the school year and everything can be done at home – mostly phone work.
Coordinator is responsible for informing PTA members of all legislative issues that have to do with PTA, children and schools.
Manage Schwans- coordinate with the rep and mange customer inquiries.
Be available at Back to School Nights to sell PTA memberships, manage the list throughout the year and report membership to the Executive Board.
Sends out flyers and nomination forms to inform and recruit executive committee. Organizes and tracks nomination form returns. Reads executive board slate at general meeting in March.
Spirit Wear
Meets with vendors to determine sport wear to be offered to Benjamin and Evergreen students. Responsible for order processing, and distribution of clothing. Coordinator attends Back to School Night and special events to display clothing samples and distribution of clothing.
School Directory
Attends Back to School Night and takes orders for mobile app subscriptions. Works with the schools and App company to update data, with the printer to coordinate printing of hard copies and attends special events to sell directories.
School Directory- Advertising
Works with Advertisers to gather copy and payment and have the ads loaded to the directory app.
School Supplies
Coordinates with the vendor to set pricing and submit orders. Majority of work is done in Feb/Mar with distribution of supplies in May.
Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Plans and organizes volunteers for the annual luncheon held in May.
Tax Preparer
Prepares annual tax filing.
Book Fair
Coordinates the book fairs held three times a year. Sets up books and supplies, sends flyers home, staffs volunteers to work at the book fair, works the days of the fair, takes down books. Calls the supplier if there are any backorders and distributes books to students when they arrive. May likely attend a workshop at the book vendor’s office/warehouse.
Grade Level Coordinators
One needed for each grade level 5-8. Coordinates volunteers for baking, dances and special events for that grade level. Grade 5 Coordinator also coordinates Art Awareness.
8th Grade Graduation
Coordinates all aspects of graduation including volunteers, vendors, venue, decorations, food and drink and tickets.
Ice Cream Treat Day
Coordinates monthly Ice Cream Treat days including orders with students and vendor and volunteer management on the day of the event.
Sports Awards Night
Coordinates food and drink, along with any special requests for Fall and Spring Sports Awards Nights.
Takes pictures of student artwork and loads it to the website, coordination of points for use by the Art Teacher
Art Teacher Helper
Assist the art teacher at various times during the year with putting up and taking down bulletin boards, mounting or hanging student artwork, or with other classroom preparations.
Works with teachers to find, book and manage assembly presentations
Book Fair
Coordinates the book fairs held three times a year. Sets up books and supplies, sends flyers home, staffs volunteers to work at the book fair, works the days of the fair, takes down books. Calls the supplier if there are any backorders and distributes books to students when they arrive.
Field Days
Manage event with PE Teacher, including games and volunteers
Grade Level Coordinators
Head Coordinator- manage all Grade Level Coordinators, sending reminders throughout the year and ensuring responsibilities are completed. Attend Back to School Nights to gather volunteers and answer questions.
Grade Level Coordinators (one needed for each grade level K-4)Acts as liaison between Head Coordinator and Head Room Parents.
Holiday Bazaar
Holiday Bazaar Subcommittees
Exhibitors- work to secure vendors and manage contracts and payments.
Food – Responsible for the bake sale and the concession stand.
Wrapping – Responsible for obtaining and organizing volunteers to help wrap gifts the day of the Bazaar.
Shopping- Coordinate all shopping volunteers and manage the shopping sessions on the day of the event
Hot Lunch
Coordinates monthly Hot Lunch days including orders with students and vendor and volunteer management on the day of the event.
Ice Cream Treat Day
Coordinates monthly Ice Cream Treat days including orders with students and vendor and volunteer management on the day of the event.