10th Annual
Camp Lake Association
Picnic and Meeting
When? Saturday September 15, 2012
What time? Lunch about 12:30
followed by the annual meeting
Where? Mt Hermon Church Basement
1284 Keats Ave NW
The meal is “potluck”
Beverages will be provided
Annual dues are $35.00 and may be
paid at the meeting or mailed to:
Paul Segner, 1527 Keats Ave NW, Annandale MN 55302
(Checks payable to Camp Lake Association)
The annual meeting is the only gathering of our association each yearand we encourage you to attend as we all work together to improve the quality of Camp Lake. Please attend and bring your ideas…
This is Your Association and ….WE NEED YOU!!
Any questions ?
Call Holly Swanson at (651)295-3363
or Paul Johnson at (320) 963-5586
Minutes from the Camp Lake Association Meeting
September 17, 2011
at Mt Hermon Lutheran Church
Paul Johnson called the meeting to order.
Paul Johnson read the minutes of the 2010 meeting and they were approved.
Paul Segner reported we have $2230.28 in the checking account.
Our expenses for the year included: $120.00 to Swanson Bros for trapping beaver; $220.00 for testing lake; $100.00 membership in MN Waters; $25.00 membership in Wright County Coalition.
Paul J. will request that Eric Young add a copy of our Annual Meeting minutes to the website.
Wayne Iseri was in attendance for the first time so he was introduced to the other association members.
Old Business:
- The Swanson Brothers trapped 5 beaver – the biggest one weighed 70 pounds.
- Wright Soil & Water gave permission to raise the stand pipe at the berm overflow three inches. Everyone agreed that this project is not doing what was intended and there was discussion about reworking the standpipe so we can lower the water level down in late summer. We also would like to control the spring runoff at a level 3 inches higher than it is now. Duane Jeurisson was interested in working on this project.
- Wally Johnson reported that the request to use chemicals to kill the grasses along the outlet creek was denied by Wright Soil and Water. There was discussion of other options to control the grasses. One idea was to use a blow torch and burn the tall green grasses.
- Wright Soil & Water requires that we kill the trees, mainly willows, growing on the sides of the berm. Paul Johnson took care of that last week.
- Runoff from the fields on the west side of Kilbury Ave cannot be diverted because Glen Johnson’s property is a foot higher than the ditch.
- Paul Johnson contacted Ken Seeman about netting carp out of the lake. He said that it might be beneficial to do as we do not have direct inlet or outlet to another lake or river. The minimum cost would be $2500.00 so the project is not possible at this time.
New Business:
- Wally reported that the Star Lake application was completed and we fulfilled all the qualifications …. But he was told that our lake was too small and didn’t have enough population around the lake to achieve the points for Star Lake status.
- Camp Lake has joined the Wright County Coalition – Wally is our representative and Duane is his alternate. The annual dues are $25.00 and there has been one meeting so far. This is a new organization and Paul read their mission statement and objectives: “ It is the mission of Wright County Coalition of Lake Associations to work together with citizens and public agencies to protect and improve water quality through state and local resources. To better manage the water and land resources the WCCOLA will address issues and possible solutions from a water shed perspective.”
“Objectives include: To promote and advance the common goal of preservation and enhancement of Wright County lakes, rivers, wetlands, and ground water. To help Associations develop good local management practices for preserving and protecting the lakes of Wright County. To assist existing lake associations in organizational matters and assist in the formation of new lake associations. To assemble and express consensus viewpoints of lake associations to government officials and agencies, private organizations, and the general public. To apply for and receive grants to further the objectives of the WCCOLA.”
Wallly may ask this group what they think about Camp Lake being too small to qualify as a Star Lake.
- Paul & Jerry continue to do the lake testing. They reported the condition of the lake has not changed. There was some discussion about what could be done to improve the quality of the lake water. One suggestion would be to convince Oleans to plant a buffer zone along the inlet creek on the west side of the lake. Another suggestion was to ask the township to dig the ditch deeper near the Jennings/Keats/Kilbury intersection so water would drain into the swamp rather than the lake. Paul J will talk to the town board.
- The native grasses on Young/Silk property look very nice and should help hold back some surface water.
- Paul asked for volunteers who would be willing to attend meetings when needed. The room was silent.
- Paul mentioned that a lake survey will be done by the DNR in 2012.
- Shawn Smith questioned what type of filter system was on the north side of Granite Lake?
- Wayne reported that there were dead carp floating on the lake this summer. There was some report that it may be some sort of virus.
- Motion passed to hold the 2012 annual picnic/meeting at Mt Hermon Church on September 15th at 12:30 p.m. Anne Floy volunteered to bring the plates, cups, and plasticware.
- The following officers were elected: Paul Johnson is President, Jerry Larson is Vice President, Paul Segner is Treasurer, and Holly Swanson is Secretary.
Meeting was adjourned.
Dorine Johnson, Acting Secretary
Those attending the annual picnic: Duane & Lois Jeurissen, Marnee & Derrick Johnson, Paul & Dorine Johnson, Wally & Mary Ann Johnson, Delores & Jerry Larson, Paul & Cathy Segner, Chuck, Mary & Shawn Smith, Wayne Swanson, Mitch Johnson, Anne Floy, Wayne Iseri,